Thé Et Café.

Thé Et Café (Tea and Coffee). I haven’t noted it before, but all of these can be clicked for full size. J.J. Grandville, Les fleurs animées.

Café looks absolutely blissed out. Now I want coffee.


  1. says

    And I don’t know why exactly, but it delights me no end that Café is holding her coffee bowl with three fingers, almost as if it’s hovering for her.

  2. lumipuna says

    1. My brain initially totally missed the meaning of the post title (The ET Cafe? A cafe for 80s movie aliens?).

    2. I hastily guessed the plants might be Lonicera (right) and Forsythia (left).

    I might need more caffeine.

  3. says

    I finally paid homage to Café. Oh holy, I must do that more often.

    Lumipuna, I did a similar thing when I first saw it. Did I ever feel stupid when it dawned it was tea and coffee.

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