
  1. says

    Inachis io, the peacock butterfly. One of the most beautiful butterflies in Europe. A rare sight where I live although it is not an endangered species.
    Then we have probably a specimen of the family Satyridae, maybe Maiola jurtina the meadow brown butterfly.

    But I will be damned if I know what that white aster-like plant is.

  2. mordred says

    @Charly: Yeah the Tagpfauenauge (Day-Peacock-Eye) is truly beautiful. I got a big print of one of my photos of one hanging in the hallway.

    Whatever that aster like plant is, it’s growing like weed all over my garden ;-)

  3. says

    Thanks for the info, it was bugging me. It is a relatively recent import from America, it is not in my books, so it is no wonder I was unable to identify it.

  4. mordred says

    Thanks for identifying the pretty flower for me! And another food source too! After I recently realized the stuff invading my herb patch is actually Goutweed (Aegopodium podagraria) and rather tasty I wonder why I bother to plant anything at all ;-)

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