
  1. kestrel says

    I think he’s actually saying, “Feed me! Feed me! Feed me!” all the while standing in food. :-D At least that’s what I see them doing here, pretty funny.

  2. jimb says

    Great pic!

    I’m seeing annoyance and/or anger.

    Or that may just be me projecting my mood on an otherwise great photo. Harumph.

  3. chigau (違う) says


    I think he’s actually saying, “Feed me! Feed me! Feed me!” all the while standing in food.

    So, more like a teenager standing at the open fridge:
    Mooommmmm! There’s nothing to eat!

  4. jimb says


    So, more like a teenager standing at the open fridge:
    “Mooommmmm! There’s nothing to eat!”

    LOL! Yes, I like that better.

    (Son is 17, so not an unfamiliar utterance in our household.)

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