I give a shit, but I’m also done. We also bombed Syria today. What else is there to day? What else is there to do? What else is there to even protest?
I really hate feeling so hopelessly cynical, and I know people will rightfully be mad at me for it, but… I’m completely done. I have zero hope at this point. I don’t know how this can at all be salvaged in any way.
Nathan, yeah, see the post under this one, all Syria. I’m finding myself in the position of being too overwhelmed. No one much seems to give a shit about the whole Syria business, the Dictator’s approval ratings will go up, the stock on the missiles has gone up, so everyone is going to be all fuckin’ happy.
Right now, I just want to bail this pos country. Unfortunately, can’t do that right now. We are oh so fucked. I don’t know what to do either.
I’m not so sure about that. The damage which has already been wrought has catapulted us back decades upon decades, it’s likely that voter suppression will be the rule of the land, and it’s likely Roe might be struck down. Trump’s about to replace the openly gay Army secretary with the most anti-LGBT asshole in Tennessee, trans and LGBT rights have already been repealed and trampled. And there’s so much more.
If we ever get out from under this regime, the damage done will be one fuck of toll, and it will be a massive fight to redo all the shit that’s being undone now. By the time that happens, well…
If we ever get out from under this regime, the damage done will be one fuck of toll, and it will be a massive fight to redo all the shit that’s being undone now. By the time that happens, well…
Yes, it will, no doubt about that. But it doesn’t mean that progress cannot be made again.
People, I understand you. But remember, as a nation you’ve been there, you’ve done that. You can do it again.
I was young, healthy, and full of energy. That kept me going on marches and picket lines when I was a kid. As I got a little older I nabbed a job that gave me freedom to pursue goals outside of work, and, surprisingly, some politically connected people to influence and get help from.
I’m no longer in a position to start all over again. I’m now old(ish), not healthy, and tired. I no longer have powerful people to hob-nob with. My fight is over. What’s truly heartbreaking is seeing a lifetime of activity and progress getting wiped out in a matter of weeks. Even if I had the energy, I’m not sure I could face up to that and start all over again.
Whats still more heart-wrenching is seeing the bigoted conservative infection spread so fast and thoroughly in the school kids now. They used to be the reason I could sit back and not worry about being able to continue the fight myself. The demographics were supposed to be on our side, and the new generations could take up the baton and do even greater things, make even more progress than I ever dreamed of.
And now I keep reading about the school kids trashing and attacking immigrants and minorities, and parroting the MAGA shit over and over. That’s really what killed it for me. The next generation seems to be embracing everything I’ve fought against my entire life.
Whats still more heart-wrenching is seeing the bigoted conservative infection spread so fast and thoroughly in the school kids now.
Yes, there are horribly bigoted kids now, but there always have been. They threw acid in the faces of the Little Rock Nine. And how many of those who were progressive then would have balked at marriage equality.
I know it’s bad now and I’m constantly shaking my head because I never thought we’d go back there. But I refuse to be fatalistic about it. I can’t.
As soon as the Democrats take power, the first order of business needs to be removing Gorsuch from the court.
I can haz “regime change” plz?
I’m almost to the point where I’m OK with parts of the US looking like Aleppo or Mosul. As long as it’s the Hamptons, Mar a Lago, and Chappaqua.
We’re beyond fucked here. And I think people are so worn down, they just don’t give a shit.
I give a shit, but I’m also done. We also bombed Syria today. What else is there to day? What else is there to do? What else is there to even protest?
I really hate feeling so hopelessly cynical, and I know people will rightfully be mad at me for it, but… I’m completely done. I have zero hope at this point. I don’t know how this can at all be salvaged in any way.
Fucking fuck.
Nathan, yeah, see the post under this one, all Syria. I’m finding myself in the position of being too overwhelmed. No one much seems to give a shit about the whole Syria business, the Dictator’s approval ratings will go up, the stock on the missiles has gone up, so everyone is going to be all fuckin’ happy.
Right now, I just want to bail this pos country. Unfortunately, can’t do that right now. We are oh so fucked. I don’t know what to do either.
I don’t know what to do either.
I guess we can’t hope Mexico will do “regime change” for us?
Marcus, I wish. They have great healthcare.
People, I understand you. But remember, as a nation you’ve been there, you’ve done that. You can do it again.
I’m not so sure about that. The damage which has already been wrought has catapulted us back decades upon decades, it’s likely that voter suppression will be the rule of the land, and it’s likely Roe might be struck down. Trump’s about to replace the openly gay Army secretary with the most anti-LGBT asshole in Tennessee, trans and LGBT rights have already been repealed and trampled. And there’s so much more.
If we ever get out from under this regime, the damage done will be one fuck of toll, and it will be a massive fight to redo all the shit that’s being undone now. By the time that happens, well…
Here’s a bit more on the damage Gorsuch can do.
Another informative read: http://www.alternet.org/election-2016/senate-republican-power-play-supreme-court-pushes-political-world-extremist-hands
Yes, it will, no doubt about that. But it doesn’t mean that progress cannot be made again.
I was young, healthy, and full of energy. That kept me going on marches and picket lines when I was a kid. As I got a little older I nabbed a job that gave me freedom to pursue goals outside of work, and, surprisingly, some politically connected people to influence and get help from.
I’m no longer in a position to start all over again. I’m now old(ish), not healthy, and tired. I no longer have powerful people to hob-nob with. My fight is over. What’s truly heartbreaking is seeing a lifetime of activity and progress getting wiped out in a matter of weeks. Even if I had the energy, I’m not sure I could face up to that and start all over again.
Whats still more heart-wrenching is seeing the bigoted conservative infection spread so fast and thoroughly in the school kids now. They used to be the reason I could sit back and not worry about being able to continue the fight myself. The demographics were supposed to be on our side, and the new generations could take up the baton and do even greater things, make even more progress than I ever dreamed of.
And now I keep reading about the school kids trashing and attacking immigrants and minorities, and parroting the MAGA shit over and over. That’s really what killed it for me. The next generation seems to be embracing everything I’ve fought against my entire life.
I tried. I failed. I’m done. Good luck.
Yes, there are horribly bigoted kids now, but there always have been. They threw acid in the faces of the Little Rock Nine. And how many of those who were progressive then would have balked at marriage equality.
I know it’s bad now and I’m constantly shaking my head because I never thought we’d go back there. But I refuse to be fatalistic about it. I can’t.