
  1. says

    Ice Swimmer:

    Ooh, the moats and the reflections, there’s a lot of photographic potential.

    Oh, yeah. I could be there for days, no, probably weeks, taking photos. On the occasions Rick would join me for a walk, he’d always end up having to walk back, because I’m standing way back there, staring at a pile of bricks, or a fence, or something.

    An amazing and beautiful place. I’d love to visit.

  2. says

    On the occasions Rick would join me for a walk, he’d always end up having to walk back, because I’m standing way back there, staring at a pile of bricks, or a fence, or something.

    He could carry and deliver spare clothing because you’d also be lying flat on your stomach, leaning into walls and pshing halfway through gaps to get the nice angles…

  3. rq says

    Come visit! I’ll probably be out there sometime this summer, so I’ll bring pictures back for sure. Sooooo much to stare at.

  4. blf says

    Latvia’s an interesting place, and rq keeps me up to speed on all the interestin’ bits.

    Potatoes, potatoes, potatoes, potatoes, jokes about Estonia, potatoes, jokes about Estonian potatoes, and potatoes. Also potatoes and — look, over there, potatoes!

    A lot like Ankh-Morpork and cabbages…

  5. says


    He could carry and deliver spare clothing because you’d also be lying flat on your stomach, leaning into walls and pshing halfway through gaps to get the nice angles…

    Yep, yep, yep.

  6. rq says

    Hey, no fair -- we have jokes about potatoes, too, not just Estonians! And dill in everything (not my cup of tea, but yeh, pretty much everything).

    Husband treats photographic walks with me much like he treats visits to the bookstore: he’d much rather I did it alone! ;)

  7. blf says

    Wasn’t is Sto Helit that had the cabbages thing?

    The Cabbage Research Institute is in Big Cabbage, which is somewhere on the Sto Plains.

    Ankh-Morpork is, as I recall, largely surrounded by cabbage fields.

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