While perusing Right Wing Watch yesterday, I came upon a story, told by one Lance Wallnau, about a magic cake. This cake was so gosh darn magic, it completely changed someone’s sexual orientation.
While streaming a video over Periscope last weekend, right-wing pastor Lance Wallnau received a message from a viewer saying that she needed prayers that would help deliver her son from homosexuality. That message prompted Wallnau to recall an incident he heard about recently in which a gay bar owner was supposedly delivered from his life of sin after eating a cake which had been prepared and prayed over by Christians.
As Wallnau told it, there were some hookers who used to hang out at a bar who were saved by a fellow patron who had found Christianity. Together, Wallnau said, these individuals “baked a cake for the owner of the bar, who was gay and very adamantly anti-Christian” and prayed over it that he would leave homosexuality.
They didn’t pray for him to lose his adamantly anti-Christian views? Oh, what am saying, of course praying away the gay was much more important. Anyway, on with the magical cake!
“It was an anointed cake,” Wallnau said, “and they made the cake and gave it as a gift. And when he ate the cake … the power of God hit him.”
The “presence of God” fell upon the bar owner, Wallnau recounted, and he then got baptized, at which point “the spirit that was working him got broken off,” thus freeing him from his life of homosexuality.
Aw, I’m disappointed. No recipe? How are you supposed to concoct the special anointing oil? I grew up Catholic, that shit’s serious, you have to have the magic recipe! So, ware Christians bearing cake. Now I’m wondering, is there a special cake us atheist types can make and offer? Perhaps a really good magical cake recipe for republicans?
Via RWW.
That sounds extremely vague. It sounds like he ate the cake and just dropped on the spot and was somehow baptized (with no priest or proper baptismal water at hand), which sounds a lot more like a medical condition of some kind. Anyway, I’d like more information and details on this conversion mechanism, besides ‘the power of God hit him’ -- because that sounds awfully violent and unnecessary.
Also: I’d be wary of any cake that is ‘anointed’.
If they gave you the recipe, they would probably charge you $250 for it.
Yeah, it sounds like they filled the cake with an emetic.
So, Christian bakers have the ability to convert gay people with something as simple as a cake, yet are demanding the right to not sell those cakes to gay people. So they want gay people to remain gay, right?
Certainly looks that way.
What is a “warechristian”? A rabid vampire with a hammer by day that turns into a rabid vampire also with the nails at night?
“Warechristian cake” sounds like bait for uninfected people.
Blf, what a Werechristian might be, I don’t know. I wouldn’t want to meet one.
But in fundie asshole land, the mom and the baker are in completely different situations. The son is in the tribe and must be saved while cake buyers are strangers who have no value.