“I just want to let them know that I can’t wait for the liberal genocide to begin,” an Oath Keeper shouted at a small group of protesters.
“That’s the way to make America great again,” he later told Cohen. “Liberals are destroying the country.”
Right. And still, liberal apologists are aghast at people like myself, who are not interested in crying tears over Trumpholes. You can read all the details here. There’s also video at the link. I’m going to wander off for the evening, and pretend this isn’t happening.
Somehow I suspect that if people were talking about lighting republicans on fire with gasoline*, they’d be shocked! Or perhaps they’d be wringing their hands about poor Milo having his free speech impeded.
Whatever. I’m willing to go first. I’m sick of this bullshit -- give me a call and let me know when you’re on your way so I can roll out the “welcome fascists” mat.
(*I would be, too: use diesel)
You and me both.
The second ammendment is not for them it’s for us. Sandy Hook and every unnecessary death caused by firearms and untrained and irresponsible morons break my heart. But I know human nature and I know about Bosnia and Rwanda. I’m a vet I’m armed and liberal and I follow the doctrine of mutual assured destruction.
Well, on the plus side, if a liberal genocide does happen, I’m sure there’ll be a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to say: “We solemnly acknowledge that genocide happened, so in the interests of healing, everyone responsible for it is forgiven.” /s
EVERY FUCKING INDIVIDUAL who voted for The Orange Pendejo Pussy-Grabber needs to own that statement because that is what they have enabled.
But remember, it’S the “intolerant left” who’s the problem. Pussy hats and protest signs. And yes, actually using free speech to tell idiots to go away.