NC: HB2 To Be Repealed.

Roy Cooper (Wake Forest University/Flickr).

Roy Cooper (Wake Forest University/Flickr).

Following a surprise move by the Charlotte City Council, Gov.-elect Roy Cooper said Monday that Legislative leaders have promised him to call a special session Tuesday to repeal House Bill 2.

“Senate Leader Phil Berger and House Speaker Tim Moore assured me that as a result of Charlotte’s vote, a special session will be called for Tuesday to repeal HB 2 in full,” Cooper said in a statement. “I hope they will keep their word to me and with the help of Democrats in the legislature, HB2 will be repealed in full.

“Full repeal will help to bring jobs, sports and entertainment events back and will provide the opportunity for strong LGBT protections in our state.”

Cooper’s announcement followed the Charlotte City Council’s 10-0 vote Monday morning to rescind the LGBT ordinance that prompted House Bill 2.

One piece of great news, on a day which is going to be an all around bad one for those of us who aren’t into fascism.

The Charlotte Observer has the full story.

From Think Progress: Charlotte surprisingly repeals LGBT nondiscrimination ordinance in advance of hyped HB2 repeal.

In a 10–0 vote, the Charlotte City Council abruptly repealed the city’s LGBT nondiscrimination ordinance Monday morning in what appears to be a deal with the North Carolina legislature to repeal HB2. This is a compromise they’ve rejected twice before, and it’s unclear what motivates their sudden faith that state lawmakers will actually put an end to the discriminatory law.

Indeed, there’s every reason to believe that both Charlotte and Governor-elect Roy Cooper (D) have been duped.


  1. Kengi says

    But we had to give up LGBT protections in Charlotte to get this? The Dems could have made this deal months ago, but it was a bad idea then, and it’s still a bad idea now. I’m not so sure how good this news is.

  2. Siobhan says


    But we had to give up LGBT protections in Charlotte to get this? The Dems could have made this deal months ago, but it was a bad idea then, and it’s still a bad idea now. I’m not so sure how good this news is.

    It’s a bit like celebrating that you no longer have to deal with an infection because the injured limb was amputated instead.

  3. samihawkins says

    So they completely scrapped the LGBT ordinance based on a pinkie promise from the GOP that they would repeal HB2 and if the ordinance does get redone it’ll inevitably be without any public accomodations, probably going with that one ‘compromise’ so popular among the LGBt community where they explicitly write a section into the law clarifying that yes it’s totally legal in certain situations to discriminate against trans people solely because they look different from the majority*.

    Oh ya, such great news. -_-

    *I refer to the bills that ‘compromise’ by explicitly banning pre/non-ops from lockerrooms/showers of their gender. This is discriminating against someone because they look different from the majority and I refuse to play along with the bullshit rhetoric which tries to pretend this case is somehow unique from all those other times we’ve discriminated against a group because they look different from the majority.

  4. Onamission5 says

    From where I’m sitting, this is less a victory than it is a return to status quo after hostage negotiations.

    No word on whether Charlotte will also have to give up its living wage protections as well as its LGBT rights protections, nor if the other more than a dozen municipalities statewide which also have implemented various LGBT rights ordinances will have to give up theirs, too.

    “This sudden reversal, with little notice after the gubernatorial election has ended, sadly proves this entire issue, originated by the political left, was all about politics at the expense of Charlotte and the entire state of North Carolina,” McCrory said

    FUUUUUUUUUUUCK YYYYOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUU, governor evict. Let me fix that for you.
    This sudden reversal after the quasi-coup committed by the GOP, sadly proves this entire issue, originated by your very office, was all about teaching Charlotte that you might not be their mayor any more but you still get to tell them what to do, and if they don’t do what they are told then you will take the entire state of North Carolina hostage.

    GOP Chairman Robin Hayes agreed. He said the Charlotte ordinance was “never more than a nakedly partisan political weapon aimed at sabotaging Gov. McCrory’s re-election bid, while inflicting economic suffering on the people of North Carolina.”

    Like I said. Fucking backwardsland. “If you hadn’t tried to protect your citizens we wouldn’t have had to hurt you.” Fuuuuck yoooooooou, NC GOP.

  5. blf says

    As I suspect many people were afraid of, the habitual lying thugs were lying and have not repealed HB2, Negotiations to repeal North Carolina ‘bathroom bill’ fall apart. Apparently, a repeal bill was introduced, but amended so prevent any form of local anti-discrimination. The dummies had a backbone and refused to go along with that, and the thugs, having wanted they wanted — HB2 still in-effect and Charlotte’s law already repealed — refused to compromise:

    In a statement Wednesday morning, lieutenant governor Dan Forest urged opponents of repeal to continue to stand strong.

    I support HB2 and do not favor its repeal,” Forest said. “No economic, political or ideological pressure can convince me that what is wrong is right. It will always be wrong for men to have access to women’s showers and bathrooms.

    With certainty, if HB2 is repealed, we will fight this battle all over again with another city or county. The names will change, but the national groups who are pushing this agenda will not stop until their social engineering is accomplished.

  6. samihawkins says

    So it’s the same dance we’ve seen for the past 8 years.

    1. GOP totally promises they’ll compromise on A if the Democrats surrender on B.

    2. The Democrats surrender on B, but the GOP refuses to budge in the slightest on A. In fact they go on to demand that the Democrats also give up C, D, and E as well.

    3. Democrats finally grow a spine and refuse due to this being a blatant betrayal of the deal they’d made. GOP goes on all those networks that are supposedly so ‘biased’ against them where they’re given a completely uncritical and unquestioned platform to declare that it’s the Democrats fault for refusing to compromise.

    4. The next issue comes up and some spineless twit on the left starts going on about how some of the Republicans are those mythical moderates and instead of standing firm against them we should try compromising with them.

    5. Repeat, and repeat, and repeat.

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