As I’ve said before, I’m not a Star Wars fan. I am married to one, who doesn’t expect me to watch the seemingly endless parade of movies, thankfully. I did read with interest that a woman was the lead in the recent flicks, and not in a love interest, uppity princess in a bikini role. Progress! Well, you’d think anyway. The white supremacist bros are all upsetty. Looking at the image above, I count 7 men and one woman. Okay, that’s not an overwhelming amount of women, so why are they whining now? It’s not just that there’s a woman protagonist, but all those dudes, they aren’t whitey-white! Let the whining commence.
White supremacists are continuing their call for a boycott of upcoming Star Wars film Rogue One, accusing the film’s producers of promoting multiculturalism and an “anti-white” agenda, reports.
“(((Star Wars))) Is Anti-White Social Engineering,” reads a Reddit post by GenFrancoPepe on the subreddit r/altright, including a gif showing the cast from the movie; according to the image, predominantly white characters fight with the oppressive Empire while an array of multicultural characters support the rebel fighters.
“So basically star wars was SJW propaganda from the beginning?” Another user, stanicpriest13 asked the forum. “Good now I don’t feel as bad about not watching the new films. The new films are going to flop big league anyway. You can push the female heroes as much as you like, but even most women don’t find it interesting.”
So basically star wars was SJW propaganda from the beginning? :falls over laughing: Oh, the stupid. Star Wars was a bog standard story, and I don’t think you could call it SJW propaganda in any way. Yes, it was a very stunning film in terms of special effects, and it was fun, and there were some very good bits in it, but it’s hardly what you could call social justice centered, even if it was based on the age old “band of rebels vs evil empire”, as that is a fair summation of 90% percent of every story ever told. As for female heroes, I quite like them. Big fan of the current Thor, frinst. A female hero in Star Wars is one thing which might actually make me watch one of the movies.
“This film should be boycotted. Episode 7 was bad enough featuring that retarded storm trooper Negro and another empowered White female in the lead roles,” InfoStormer wrote, later adding “It looks as if the Jew run company of Disney is going to pump out as many of these awful multicultural Star Wars films as possible.”
This bit ^ from the idiots at InfoStormer. I see they haven’t budged from that old, broken trope that all people of colour are less intelligent. I’ll bet they are seething that they can’t tack that onto the “empowered white female”.
In November, two Rogue One writers took up the cause of multiculturalism, digging at the alt-right calls for a boycott. “Please note that the Empire is a white supremacist (human) organization,” screenwriter Chris Weitz wrote in a tweet. Writer Gary Whitta retweeted his coworker’s statement, adding, “Opposed by a multi-cultural group led by brave women.”
I’d applaud this, loudly, if the writers hadn’t deleted their tweets. Hopefully, there are lots more people of colour and women than there are nazis running around, so have some courage, writers. Are white supremacist wannabe nazis staying at home sulking such a problem? After deleting their tweets, they went with this one:
Star Wars against hate. Spread it.
— Chris Weitz (@chrisweitz) November 11, 2016
Here’s the propaganda! Wait, I mean trailer.
Via Raw Story.
Well, the Space Nazis are the bad guys, so… yes?
I’m seriously wondering if these guys root for the Nazis in every WWII movie.
I suspect we know the answer to that one. I don’t ever want to be in the same theatre as these clowns.
At a guess, depends on the movie (and the language). If there are lots of explosions and shouting and swearing and shooting (and these days, sex) by “Rambo”-like white males speaking “American”, who go on to win, I presume they root for the figures on the screen doing what it is they want to do. Not those furrin losers. Any scenes involving extermination camps or similar are presumably met with shouts of
and furious incoherent posts. The classic goosestepping and other symbols are met with cheers and furious incoherent posts(apparently not enough nazism).Otherwise, I do rather wonder myself who, if anyone, they root for. And I am perhaps especially curious in the case of what might be called “ambiguous” WW ][ movies like Das Boot (provided it is subtitled or dubbed in English), or movies not really involving the USAians (e.g., Russian efforts, French résistance, British efforts, and many others…).
Yeah. The Force Awakens was such an historic bomb I’m surprised they made another SJW Star Wars film with a female lead.
Oh, wait… Didn’t it make about a couple billion bucks? If Rogue One flops as spectacularly, I’d be surprised if they let another white man be the lead character ever again.
Yes, pretty sure there are way more Star Wars fans than there are sulking nazis, sitting home alone with their popcorn.
Did they miss Lando in the original trilogy?
Which is actually the problem I have with most female led cultural products: they have a female lead and forget about the rest. No second tier female characters, which reinforces the “strong female character” trope: a woman who isn’t like all the other women and therefore basically safe for the patriarchy. A notable exception was the Mockingbird trilogy. While there’s still problematic stuff in there I didn’t like, that was well done.
Right, a female lead is not enough. Add some female supporting characters and have about half of the extras (villagers, town people, business establishment owners, or whatever is appropriate to the story in question) be female.
What, and reflect real life? No, that would never sell. Nope.
I admit that my friend and I used to support the Empire as kids. Partly, though not entirely, tongue-in-cheek. Mainly because we liked TIE Fighters and black cloaks, and had been seduced by the allure of cartoon villainy. I recall that we were bored of knowing in advance that the good guys would always win in film. We would play the baddies at school that no one else wanted to be, and cackle maniacally as we fought in the name of unspeakable evil and unspecified darkness. But we never did (in pretend) anything actually evil except oppose the faction of kids who were, by prior determination, the good guys. I remember being obsessed with devising some kind of third faction that could oppose both good and evil without becoming either, but at that age I did not succeed.
I, for one, am adamantly opposed to White Social Engineering.
And what’s with the parantheses?
rq @ 11
Yeah, George Lucas apparently isn’t Jewish, neither is the director of Rogue One, however one of the scriptwriters in the film is (the other is Irish).
And yeah, if somebody doesn’t know, the Nazis use triple parentheses to denote Jews in the net.
It started out as a means of indicating “suspected Jew” in the white-supremacist and anti-Semitic parts of Twitter, and sort of metastasised from there…
Oooh, I’d forgotten about that.
Is this the Single-Team-Member rule? (Don’t matter how many you are, if one is, all of you are…?)
I think it’s the “anything I don’t like is everything I don’t like” rule. Actual Jewishness is irrelevant to these people -- anybody or anything they don’t like is Jewish, or crypto-Jewish, or Jew-influenced. (See also “cultural marxism”.)
They probably thought New Coke was Jewish.
No, it’s Disney. The white supremacists are convinced that Disney is a puppet controlled by the evil Jewish people, hence this from the OP: