Just what in the fuck is being taught at UND? How to be the very best racist you can be?
The University of North Dakota is investigating another racially-charged photo that was posted to social media. This time, the photo contains four white people wearing black facial masks with the caption “Black Lives Matter”.
A facebook user posted the picture on her page, tagging UND saying “the problem is growing worse here at UND.”
UND spokesperson tells Valley News Live that police and administration were notified Wednesday about the picture and they are investigating. The spokesperson tells us the students in the picture attend UND.
This picture comes just 24 hours after another one. The first picture was posted on snapchat. It showed three white students smiling and holding up a peace sign with the caption of “locked the black b*tch out.”
UND President Mark Kennedy sent out statement on Thursday saying he is appalled that within 48 hours two photos have been taken and that the university has much work to do.
Nice you think so, Mr. Kennedy. I’d say you haven’t been paying much attention to what’s happening right under your nose. I’m really not sure why you’re all of a sudden appalled, as you do live Ndakota, and surely you must be aware of the rampant racism problem here, first and foremost against us Prairie ni**ers (Indians), then anyone else who isn’t a lovely shade of pasty white.
The following statement is from UND President Mark Kennedy:
I am appalled that within 48 hours two photos with racially-charged messages have been posted on social media and associated with the UND campus community. It is abundantly clear that we have much work to do at the University of North Dakota in educating our students, and the entire University community on issues related to diversity, inclusion, and respect for others.
The UND Police Department and the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities are going through their processes in investigating these two incidences. We are moving as fast as we can. I understand that we all would like a swift resolution. However, our society, our legal system, and campus conduct processes are predicated on due process. We must maintain the integrity of our policies and procedures by following due process.
I have been disappointed to learn that we have people in our university community who don’t know that the kind of behavior and messaging demonstrated in these two photos is not ok, and that, in fact, it is inexcusable.
Our mission is educational in nature. Our student conduct process is educational in nature. This is our opportunity to provide an education to all members of our campus community, especially those who may not understand the gravity of their actions. Based upon my conversations with students and others, I can assure you that the messages of the two photos are painful to many individuals.
I have heard from many within our campus community, as well as alums and individuals not directly connected to the University, who are encouraging us to use this situation as an opportunity to address what some see as long standing issues within our community and across the country.
We must demand better of ourselves and our university community. I am directing my team to explore best practices for diversity education amongst premier institutions and will work collaboratively with the AVP for Diversity and Inclusion and University Senate to bring it to reality at UND.
As I have said before, we value diversity and inclusion and take seriously respect for others as well as the exchange of different thoughts and ideas. To achieve the vision of One UND, we must take steps to demonstrate these values across our university community.
You really want to do something, Mr. Kennedy? First, dump the UND cops. There isn’t a cop shop anywhere in Ndakota that isn’t a hotbed of bigots. Next, lose the mealy-mouthed, “well, we must investigate for a really long time” bullshit, because what that says is that you’re going to use that line until this conveniently blows over, assuming more open bigotry doesn’t pop up on student social media. For once, stand up, tell the truth, and fucking do something, because you have a bigger problem than you think – not only are you rife with white students who are asshole bigots, they appear to be quite fucking stupid, too. At the very least, you may wish to seriously up the standards for white students, just to insure minimal intelligence.
They all violated the University’s Code of Conduct.
Expel them all.
Damn it. With so many young people acting like this, plus all those supporting Trump, is there any reason left to have hope for the future?
Expel them and assign them mandatory racial sensitivity courses. Or something. Though I doubt anything would help.
I’m ashamed of the colour of my skin right now.
I’m so damned embarrassed, I don’t want to leave my house. FFS. What do you want to bet that blackface is these idiots idea of solidarity?
When people publish their assholery, gathering evidence shouldn’t be excessively difficult, Mr Kennedy.
Ice Swimmer:
I’m actually not going to take that bet because of an indefinable quality to the facial expressions in the photo.
I think they just think they’re being edgy and avant garde. *tplrplrplrplr*
Oh, I’m sure. Whatever it is they think they’re doing, I know that when questioned, they’ll claim it was “hey, we were trying to show our support!”
Yeah, but I bet they can’t say it with straight faces.
How much investigation does it take to say, “Yep that’s a photo of Bob Brown, Sarah Smith…”?
Yeahbut all black people look the same, ya know?
It doesn’t. It’s just the same old stonewalling, hoping this will all blow over, and everyone can just “forget” about these little “mistakes”.
Oh, and UND already confirmed these were all students, so I’m sure they know who they are.
I guess the University has to go through some steps to cover their own legal asses.
But yeah, what the fuck were they thinking?
Don’t tell me, I don’t want to know.