Take a wild guess who Republicans in Louisiana blame more than President Bush for the government response after Katrina in 2005. Hint, it rhymes with Osama: [Read more…]
Take a wild guess who Republicans in Louisiana blame more than President Bush for the government response after Katrina in 2005. Hint, it rhymes with Osama: [Read more…]
It’s more than fascinating, it’s a serious, routine concern for a lot of Americans. The majority of tornadoes occur in North America and most of those hit in a region called tornado alley. As I write this, perched in the lower outskirts of that region, the sky overhead is a puke green, the clouds tumultuous, and the the air hangs heavy with moisture as thick as a rain forest. This is twister weather. Follow me below the fold to learn more about a typical tornado. [Read more…]
Senator James Inhofe (R-corrupt) of Oklahoma distinguishes between disaster aid for Hurricane Sandy and his own state devastated by tornadoes: [Read more…]
Oklahoma ranks third in the nation on disaster relief. That puts an unwelcome spotlight on two of the slimiest purportedly God fear’n denizens in DC. US Senators Tom Coburn and Jim Inhofe have more than anti-science lunacy and extreme right-wing fundamentalism in common. Both these clowns are deficit hawks who have repeatedly voted against disaster relief and tried to kill funding for FEMA: [Read more…]
Arrgh! Ignore this folks, sloppy work on my part, Peter King did diss the GOP in the video above, but it was Steven King who lampooned Katrina relief, it’s my fault and apologies to both Kings. [Read more…]
The previous Christmas-time tornado record was 12. We beat that by quite a bit this year: [Read more…]
Listen to the knuckle draggers cheer and jeer the concept of climate change, to Mitt’s pious sneering look of utter contempt. Enjoy your just rewards, assholes.
Did Sandy happen because of global climate change? Answer: It’s quite possible according to one of the world’s leading climate science experts, Dr. Michael Mann from Penn Sate University and author of The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars: Dispatches From The Front Lines: [Read more…]
Short at the beginning of the month? Bood donations to the Red Cross are your proxy for cash, they turn it into money to help victims of disasters like Sandy. And one FTB regular reminds us that blood means way more for some people:
About a decade ago my young daughter came down with a rare condition that could be treated with a blood product that required 6000 pints of blood… She recovered. If you’ve ever given blood, thank you. You may well have contributed to my daughter’s recovery. Before that event, I was lackadasical about donating blood regularly. I haven’t missed an opportunity since then. I’m O+. I do “double reds” every 112 days. I need to live another 910 years before I will have replaced those 6000 donations.