Be skeptical of claims of G-men coordinating goon squads to clear Occupy camps

The Angry Black Lady makes a good point about claims of FBI and DHS collusion on evicting the Occupy encampments:

As far as I can tell, the source for this claim is an article in, which quotes an anonymous Department of Justice official who claims that the multi-city raid of Occupy camps “was coordinated with help from Homeland Security, the FBI and other federal police agencies.”

I used to work for these guys. [Read more…]

An insider trading story

To understand how pissed off it makes me that Congress can legally trade on inside information and others can’t, I relate this little tale, and it’s true. Mid 90s, pre-Lewinsky, fall of the Soviet Union, peace and prosperity, ahh the innocence lost. The stock market has just started rocking and rolling on what would turn into a parabolic shot into the stratosphere. The firm I worked for has taken a local Texas restaurant chain public, it was a hot IPO, the stock of what we’ll call D&R went up about 20 or 30 % off the open. A year or so later I get a call from a trading client. “Hey, I just heard from one of the head guys, D&R will be bought out by Apple-pie restaurants.”

Now, as a stock jock, I got supposed insider info from excited clients all the time. Almost all of it was bunk, stuff their dumbass friend or some idiot on CNBC told them. I still chuckle thinking of the time a lady who worked at Dell called me and whispered furtively that she knew Dell’s earnings were going to be way better than expected; she was right, except Dell had released those earnings two days before she called!  [Read more…]

GOP debate clownary: Bachmann-Perry overdrive

Clownary may not be the best word, I’m open to suggestions for the phenomenon where a candidate makes utterly false statements dripping with self-confidence for the error and oozing contempt for the facts. But whatever the term, last night’s GOP debate was disappointing. There were plenty of losing statements, few zingers, and the biggest loser of all had to be CBS news, which could not manage a live stream feed and cut off every decent answer with a timer buzzing or need to go to a 5 minute commercial break. CBS even managed to accidentally send Michelle Bachmann’s campaign an internal email about how they would ‘limit her” in the debate. Epic Fail. [Read more…]

Perry pronounced DoA after senior moment at GOP debate

After weeks of Perrytales by Tricky Rick, the fat lady may have sung. Even if there is a little life left, the one time front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination suffered a senior moment so excruciating, and so critical for his rabid base, that his own party may decide to put him out of his misery. It was captured in video so there’s no getting around it (Below). Perry’s hitting the airwaves this morning to try to salvage his political life, but insiders say it’s over: [Read more…]