
  1. fastlane says

    If/when the video of the last minute or so of the landing (according to rumors) gets uploaded, you better link to it! =)

  2. says

    I was thinking that a great budget-booster would have been good quality video of the descent. C’mon NASA – get with the prime-time bread and circuses already!!

    (I have some 1080p video shot from one of the space shuttle launches, of the booster separation and the Earth receeding. That stuff is marketing gold.

  3. StevoR says

    D’oh. That’s :

    Watched this unfolds on NASA-TV at the time. Superb to see.


    Also, natch, we had to wait a little longer for this MRO photo of the Curiosity‘s descent and the later video from the craft itself to come through. Jaw-dropping stuff.

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