A video has surfaced of resurgent Taliban chieftains executing a women for the horrific crime of … adultery. She was tortured and shot for allegedly cheating on her husband, summarily killed while dozens of male onlookers cheered:
MSNBC— The woman’s death, which was recorded, shows the woman, named Najiba, crouched, her back to a man identified as her husband. He is handed an AK-47 assault rifle, which he uses to shoot her from behind. By the third shot, she collapses, but he continues to fire 10 more times as about 150 men on a nearby hillside cheer.
“They are brutal people and like savage animals, they killed another human being,” Basir Salangi, the provincial governor of Parwan Province, told Reuters. The village in Parwan where the execution took place is about an hour north of Kabul, the Afghan capital. “It is clear that they are outlaws and must be delivered into the hands of the law,” he said.
While most of us will recoil in horror, it’s worth noting that at one time, in much of the “civilized world,” this was the norm. If anything it was far worse, people were burned alive on a regular basis, their legs and arms torn off while still conscious, entrails ripped out and burned before their eyes, quickly, before shock could set in and ease their last moments. Others were tortured with exquisite precision for as long as they could survive.
That’s what a fucking death panel looks like. Not this whiny ass teaparty Sarah Palin bullshit.
They’ll be doing the same thing in a hundred years from now.
Jews and Christians will point at this in horror while pretending that this isn’t exactly what their bible orders them to do as well.