I need science content

Belly up the blog, comrade unbelievers, I need science content to consider for the Saturday Science round up on Daily Kos tomorrow. I’ll consider anything linked in comments, especially stuff that’s well researched and written with a political angle.


  1. kewball says

    George Kenney’s ‘Electric Politics’ podcast this week:

    Dr. Bärbel Hönisch and her co-authors of the paper “The Geological Record of Ocean Acidification,” Science (2 March, 2012), show that the rate of change of ocean acidification is greater today, by at least an order of magnitude, than it has ever been during any period over the past 300,000,000 years. Rate of change, not absolute pH level, being what matters.

  2. Friendly says

    Deacon Duncan cites (from Slashdot) the news that cases of pertussis are increasing because parents aren’t vaccinating:


    And Science Daily prints this article about modeling the spread of anti-vaccine scares:


    Science Daily also reports research showing that global warming might not kill off the coral reefs but will tend to favor rounded species (over table and branch types) that don’t provide as many hiding places for fish:


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