Really, let’s just recognize the performance artists making up what was formerly known as the Republican Party are getting their just rewards. It’s been going this way for a long time and, like an abusive spouse with a love of the bottle hitting middle age, it’s been getting noticeably worse over the last few years. Conservative propaganda, funded by corporations and rich whackos, empowered with everything mass media and Madison Avenue can deliver, have hit the trifecta. Over the last few years all the hard work paid off, the fantasy role-playing world lovingly crafted by the likes of Limbaugh and Beck finally became so convincing that there’s now a significant voting bloc so utterly divorced from the real world that they finally crossed the border of cultural isolation. They can be absolutely relied on to reject reason, evidence, documented history, and any other rock-solid brick making up the modern age, and instead vote in diametric conflict with their economic and political interests.
This is a movement built on the worst ethnocentricities in our nature, some so foul they have been relegated to the sub-basement of our psyche for generation on generation. But the conservatives succeeded in calling that reptilian fear and loathing, once lurking only in the dark swamp, to rise into the light and claim a seat at the table of decency. And the guy they’re sending to that table as an avatar of all they stand for is none other than Newton Leroy Gingrich, also known as the human hand grenade.
Who better to lead them into inevitable oblivian than the guy who started and lead the first wave of the final offensive? Gingrich is exactly what they deserve.
I certainly don’t wonder what drives Gingrich. Being saddled with the name Newt has definitely twisted his mind.
Turned into a Newt? He got better!
Getting better didn’t make the peasant any smarter.
Same with Newt.
Who better to lead them into inevitable oblivian than the guy who started and lead the first wave of the final offensive? Gingrich is exactly what they deserve.
Actually, the first wave was lead by Reagan the Scumbag. Everything that is wrong with the Republicans now can be traced back directly to that piece of shit.
I always thought Reagan was a puppet figure during his Presidential years if not for far longer. During the Presidential years he could barely make a coherent comment when reading cue cards or off the teleprompter and his handlers worked very hard to minimize the risk that he might actually say something on his own. Sure Reagan was a contemptible human being and his administration was a horror show we have yet to recover from but the puppet masters must take the bulk of the blame
Do you believe plagiarism is a compliment? I’m tempted to copy and paste this into an email to a couple of acquaintances. You say it so much better than I do!
PS I might tell them later that it wasn’t original and give you credit.