Personhood proponents vow to fight on

Five "people" according to proponents of personhood

Personhood was defeated in Mississippi, soundly, by double digits. It was a good night all around for progressives and common sense. But if you think these protoplasm worshipping creeps are giving up on controlling women’s bodies, you don’t know how they roll. Mississippi was just warm up for a state by state and federal push to force 12 year-old rape victims to bear the thug’s child and turn millions of women, doctors, pharmacists, and parents into criminals. This is their full-time fucking job:

(AP) — Keith Mason is co-founder of Personhood USA, which pushed the Mississippi measure. The Colorado-based group is trying to put initiatives on 2012 ballots in Florida, Montana, Ohio, Oregon, Nevada and California. Voters in Colorado rejected similar proposals in 2008 and 2010.


  1. says

    We really need to attack this antiquated idea from the early days of biology that conception is more than a specialized case of predation by an already living, human ovum.

  2. raven says

    Xpost from Pharyngula.

    FWIW, I doubt this measure 26 would have lasted too long in court for a lot of reasons.

    1. It overrules a lot of federal law, including a Supreme court case.

    2. If you can arbitrarily define a blob of cells as a person by a majority vote, you can arbitrarily define a group of humans as nonpersons by a majority vote.

    I know the fundie xians would love that. Goodbye atheists, Moslems, scientists, gays, and Fake xians. They do this with gays and marriage right now wherever they can.

  3. says

    It looks to me like the sperm cell is completely broken down, like it is being digested. (Not sure if it is the ovum doing this, or if the sperm cell is undergoing some kind of programmed cell death.) I haven’t been able to find of anything besides the genetic material that is preserved in the ovum. Everything else seems to be already there before fertilization, or is manufactured by the ovum’s pre-existing cellular machinery.

  4. Silent Service says

    I say bring it on. The more these fecking morons push this obviously delusional crap the more progressive and thoughtful people will be encouraged to vote in self defense. We simply have to keep shining the light on these troglodites to make sure the world knows what their evil plans are.

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