This thing of ours

I want to thank all of you who helped make October the best month ever for Zingularity and a huge success for FreeThoughtBlogs. Zingularity recorded just shy of 80,000 page views, a 50% increase over last month. FreeThoughtBlogs came in just under 5 million hits. I can’t think of any other site in the last two years that has had that kind of blockbuster start followed by almost exponentiual growth. It suggests to me we are building a solid brand and, best of all, that there’s a real appetite for healthy skepticism and legit science.


  1. Crudely Wrott says

    We are Legion.

    And growing.

    Thank you, FTB, and thank you, Steven, for providing a forum for we contrarians. It’s long past time that there exists an outlet for what we have to say.

    I hope at least some of those 5 million hits were people who came looking for something to find fault with and left with an adjusted attitude.

    We do make a difference. We do have influence. We do care deeply.

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