
  1. Yoritomo says

    The first I did was, of course, check the source of that graphic. I am not aware that the Pew Research Center has been accused of any kind of bias, which makes that graphic all the more serious. There’s more positive coverage of Bachmann than of Romney, Huntsman or Obama? She is either stupid or crazy, and I don’t know which of those interpretations should be considered “positive”.

  2. says

    This has been true for the longest time. The mainstream media and that includes FOX “News”, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN all either are blatantly favoring the wingnuts, or they minimize their wingnuttery in a shameful and dishonest attempt at false equivalence.

    Case in point: Obama’s treatment for Rev. Wright.

    Contrast that with Newt’s or Cain’s call for jihad against Muslims, Perry’s pastor going wingnut on public TEEVEE and Perry not repudiating his wingnuttery.

    And the mainstream media?


  3. unbound says

    Let’s be honest. There is no such thing as a liberal leaning mainstream media in the US at this time.

    Faux News – Pure conservative propaganda.

    MSNBC – Mildly conservative with a few liberal hosts in an attempt to get ratings.

    ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, Washington Post, NY Times – Mild to Moderate conservative with the occasional liberal outburst to appear balanced.

    PBS – In the process of being gutted, but largely neutral.

    Liberal Media? Mother Jones, The Nation for print. The Daily Show, Colbert Report for TV. None of which can be counted as mainstream.

    As far as perception, a big problem is that Huffington Post, with all of its issues, is probably the most familiar to conservative Americans. If that is the extent of their exposure to liberal media, we won’t be convincing them anytime soon…

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