Obama’s taking on the Lord’s Army

Obama has gone done it now. Taking on the Lord-eh, and it looks like we’re involved in war number four. Actually it’s only about 100 US Special Forces. But remember, some conservatives have howled not just about war number three against Qadaffi, but have also raised hell about the two wars in Afghanistan and Iraq that they started. What makes this one a unique opportunity for dominionist creeps is the bad guy is one Joseph Kony, leader of the Lord’s Resistance Army.

Kony is a self-professed pseudo-Christian prophet whose pastimes include praising Jesus, drafting kids into the army, sexual mutilation, and creating a Ugandan theocracy based on the Ten Commandments. And even though the House and Senate signed off on this deal there is ample opportunity for bug-fuck crazy US fundamentalists who share the same religious agenda to spin, misinform, and get their Obama Derangement Syndrome freak-out on.


  1. Pierce R. Butler says

    I don’t think Mr. (General?) Kony professes to pseudo-christianism at all.

    He more likely attributes that to all the other Christians, just as they do to him, and to each other. That’s been a defining trait of the Christian category since they published their first books – even more so than their unhealthy interest in children’s bodies.

  2. sumdum says

    Some of the things the lord’s army does is horrible. Forcing teens to rape and murder their own family or clan members to incriminate them and force them to join them for example. Just awful stuff.

  3. Crommunist says

    I’m looking forward to someone reading only the headline, and then coming out swinging against Obama’s “anti-Christian war”. I would really like to see the C Street folks start defending Kony without understanding what he’s about.

  4. ManOutOfTime says

    Between the wars and the stealth ninja assassinations, I have to say: if Obama were a white Republican, muffuckahs would be lobbying to get his face on Mount Rushmore.

  5. p.phillips says

    Well, sadly, the LRA has already attracted one supporter…Rush Limbaugh! Per transcripts that can be found on the Bloated One’s own website, on Friday Rush attacked the Obama admin as attacking Christians.

    El Rushbo’s fact-free rant has already been making the rounds at Mother Jones, Alternet and many other places. Here’s a short story on it at Rational Skepticism: http://www.rationalskepticism.org/news-politics/rush-limbaugh-endorses-lord-s-resistance-army-t26258.html

  6. lordshipmayhem says

    It’s just a bunch of military advisors. Nothing could go wrong, right? I mean, look at that little incident involving military advisors back in the early 1960’s in, where was that place? Oh, yes, Vietnam.

    On second thought…


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