42% Americans believe god created humans 10,000 years ago.

42% of Americans believe creationist view of human origins. They believe god created humans in their present form 10,000 years ago. Such a shocking and depressing news!

The poor countries are the most religious countries. Most people living in the poor countries say, religion is an important part in their daily lives. Some of the poor countries are not religious though, because their governments restricted religious expression for decades. They grew up as non-religious.

The United States is one of the rich countries that is an exception.

About two-thirds of Americans — 65% — say religion is important in their daily lives. Among high-income countries, only Italians, Greeks, Singaporeans, and residents of the oil-rich Persian Gulf states are more likely to say religion is important.

Most high-income countries are further down the religiosity spectrum. In 10 countries, no more than 34% of residents say religion is an important part of their daily lives. Six of those are developed countries in Europe and Asia with per-capita incomes greater than $25,000.

We can see that religiosity is strongly related to poverty. Not long ago, Bangladesh was created as a secular country, now people of Bangladesh are more religious than people of Saudi Arabia.

But still it is hard for me to find correlation between poverty and religiosity. I think, religion is most able to thrive in seriously dysfunctional societies. Most poor countries are having dysfunctional societies. Religion is popular in dysfunctional societies where people are anxious about their daily lives, so they’re looking for god’s help to end their misery.
Highly religious countries are not highly successful socially.

A researcher said, ‘it’s not fear of death that drives poor people to be religious, and it’s not a god gene or a god module in the brain or some sort of connection with the gods, it’s basically a psychological coping mechanism.’ Probably he is right.

The USA is a highly technological science-based country, but almost half of its citizens deny basic science. Unlike poor countries, it does not have dysfunctional societies, but its citizens are religious. Maybe not only societal dysfunction, but some other reasons make people believe in creationism, not in evolution. The gap between the rich and the poor in the USA is bigger than that of Europe. There is a 3rd world inside the wealthy USA. That poor 3rd world is dangerously religious. The people living in that 3rd world don’t have proper education and good standard of living. Most likely that is the reason for huge number of Americans to become religious, in order to improve their condition with the help of god.

People should have the right to say ‘Islam is heathen, Islam is satanic, Islam is a doctrine spawned in hell.’

Irish Pastor James McConnell said bad about Islam. He said, ‘Islam is heathen, Islam is satanic, Islam is a doctrine spawned in hell,’ and then he had to apologize. Shouldn’t he have the right to say bad about Islam? He has the right to say bad about millions of things, then why not about Islam? He is ignorant if he thinks Christianity is any good. But he has the right to be ignorant. Doesn’t he? You and I can loudly say, ‘Jesus was a liar and a charlatan. Virgin Mary was not a virgin. Christianity is a bullshit religion, there are bullshit in the Bible about gay people, about women, about slavery, about dinner, about shellfish, about farming, about menstruation, about virginity, about masturbation.’ Do we have to apologize for saying derogatory things about Christianity?

For the sake of humanity, do not let Islam to be exempted from critical scrutiny and do not please prevent people from expressing their opinions on Islam.

Religious OCD

I am sure my grandfather suffered from scrupulosity, a form of obsessive compulsive disorder involving religious and moral obsession. When I was a child, I saw he woke up late at night every night and prayed for hours while cried frantically. He asked for forgiveness from god for his sins, and begged god for not throwing him into hell. My grandfather was a very kind and nice person, he never committed any crime, but somehow he got an idea that he would be sent to hell if he didn’t pray excessively and cry frantically. I noticed everybody at home respected my grandfather for his late night prayers, no one dared to put a complaint even though the loud and noisy prayers disturbed their sleep.

Later I found a few of my uncles and aunts including my mother did the same as my grandfather for many years. They definitely suffered from scrupulosity. There are many people outside my family I know that suffer from scrupulosity. Scrupulosity is not recognized as obsessive compulsive disorder by most people. People suffering from scrupulosity don’t go to doctors for therapy. They roam freely and influence people.
I started disliking my mother when she started crying during her late night prayers. I was never really a believer. I lost my love for my mother because of her melodramatic behavior to reach god who I already believed that didn’t exist. I was very fond of my father who was an atheist. He never prayed. He discouraged his children to pray. He was a medical doctor and believed in rationalism, and modernism. My father’s bad side was he had a patriarchal mindset. Eventhough he encouraged his daughters to study science and become independent, his behavior with his wife was awful. I thank myself for getting rid of patriarchal stuff that I was indoctrinated with during my childhood. I fought against patriarchy and misogyny alone while living in a deeply misogynistic society. I freed myself from religion when I was a child and from male domination when I left my father’s house and later my husband’s house.

Some of my relatives still suffer from religious OCD. They are having academic degrees, but they strongly believe that they would go to hell if they do not pray a lot or beg Allah for forgiveness or make a trip to Mecca to perform hajj. They cry everyday thinking of hell. I feel sorry for those relatives. I am happy for being liberated. Wish all people in the world were liberated from religion and patriarchy.

‘Allah says I should sell. He commands me to sell. I will sell women. I sell women’.

“I abducted your girls. I will sell them in the market, by Allah,” a man claiming to be Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau said.
“There is a market for selling humans. Allah says I should sell. He commands me to sell. I will sell women. I sell women, ” he continued.

There is no reason to not believe what this man is saying. Once upon a time when a man said, ‘Allah asked me to fuck my wife’s slave, so I fucked. Or Allah asked me to fuck my son’s wife, so I fucked. Or Allah asked me to fuck the captive women, so I fucked’, everybody believed in him. People still believe in that fucker.

So what is the problem to believe now that the Nigerian man is telling the truth that Allah asks him to sell women? He should get billions of followers. Allah talks to him, he must be a prophet. Who the fuck says there will be no more prophet? Abubakar Shekau must have direct contact with Allah, or who will give him a bunch of anti-women advices but Him?

Long live Abubakar Shekau (peace be upon him)!

Science and religion

I have never seen any place in the world but India where science and religion are taken cared of at the same time as if they are siblings. Unfortunately I haven’t met any doctor in the Indian subcontinent who doesn’t believe in god. I have no idea how doctors who are fine scientists find it so easy to believe in mythological gods or superstitions.
Today I talked with a few doctors working in a reputed hospitals in Delhi about my mild health problem. Everybody advised me to have faith in god. Then the medical clinic I visited this evening was having a god at their gate. It is almost impossible here to keep science and religion separated.


The only good use of gods



I took two pictures this morning while walking in the streets of Delhi.

We all know that Indians have more mobile phones than toilets. We also know that India needs more toilets than temples. We should also know that most public toilets in India stink, and women wait until they get a toilet even though public toilets are stinky, but men do not wait for anything, they urinate in public. Volunteers tried to stop them from peeing in the streets. They shamed men with their zippers down by drumming and blowing whistles, but it did not work. Men continued peeing and spiting everywhere. They love to pee on the wall. There were campaigns against peeing on the wall, there were posters like ‘Please don’t pee here, thank you’, ‘Please don’t urinate here’, ‘You have to pay fine if you pee here’ etc. But nothing worked. Men continued peeing on the wall. But when god’s pictures were put, men stop peeing on the wall. God is the only thing that can prevent men from urinating in public. I do not know any better use of gods.

My lies are different from your lies. So your lies are banned.

Arab countries banned the movie Noah because ‘it contradicts the teachings of Islam’. Muhammad plagiarized the Bible but he could not plagiarize it properly, so we find some differences between the Biblical Noah and the Quranic Noah.

Noah is described in the Bible as a righteous man who lived among a wicked people. God decided to kill all the wicked through a vast flood, while saving the righteous; hence He commanded Noah to build an Ark, using God’s own instructions. (Gen. 6:9-16; Hud 11:39) Noah did so and he, his family, seven pairs of birds and ″clean″ animals, and two of each other animal species (a female and a male) board the Ark (Gen. 6:19; Hud 11:42). Water gushes up from the ground and rains fall from the sky, flooding the earth and killing all the wicked. (Gen. 7:11-12; Al-Qamar 54:11–13). All aboard the Ark are safe until the waters retreat (Gen. 8:14 ; Hud 11:44). There is disagreement among Christians and Muslims concerning whether the flood was local or global.[citation needed]

There are several differences between the Biblical and Quranic versions of Noah’s story:

The Qur’an focuses on a dialogue between Noah and the wicked (Hud 11:32–37), in which Noah unsuccessfully attempts to remonstrate with his countrymen, who reject his message. Genesis mentions no such dialogue.
In the Qur’an, Noah’s wife and one of his sons reject him (Hud 11:43) and die in the flood, while some people outside his family are faithful and join him (Hud 11:42). In Genesis, Noah’s wife together with his three sons and their wives all board the Ark, but no others.
In the Qur’an, the Ark rests on the hills of Mount Judi (Hud 11:44); in the Bible, it rests on the mountains of Ararat (Gen. 8:4) The Al-Djoudi (Judi) is a mount in the Biblical range Ararat. The Qur’an cites a particular mount in the Ararat Range, whereas the Bible mentions the Ararat Range. Judi is still present in the Ararat range in Turkey. Thus there is no conflict between the Bible and the Qur’an on this topic.

Noah story is the most cruel, stupid and hilarious story written in the so called holy books. Like all the other holy lies Noah story is also a lie. Arab countries banned the movie Noah because it is based on the Biblical lies, not based on the Quranic lies. They are probably thinking that the Quranic lies are better than the Biblical lies. But lies are lies, man!

I hate lies, but the liars have the right to tell lies and I have the right not to hear their lies. Even though Noah story is a lie, I am against the banning of Noah. I prefer to watch DarkMatter2525’s Noah movie to Darren Aronofsky’s Noah movie. Why don’t you watch and enjoy my favourite Noah? Here it is:

And Non Stamp Collector’s Noah’s Ark is just awesome. Don’t miss it.

Noah’s Ark 1
Noah’s Ark 2

Mosques decide

Mosques decide.

The BBC has controversially dropped a debate on homosexuality from a live panel discussion show because of objections from Birmingham Central Mosque in which the programme was being filmed.
As first reported by Breitbart London, the BBC Three live debate and discussion show aimed at young people, Free Speech, had intended to ask the question, “When will it be accepted to be Muslim and gay?” However, after showing a clip featuring Asifa Lahore, the UK’s first Muslim drag queen discussing his multiple identities of Muslim, gay and British, the show’s host, Rick Edwards, announced that the debate would not take place as planned. He told the audience:
“We were going to debate that question today, but after speaking to the Mosque, they have expressed deep concerns with having that discussion here.”
The producers of the show, Mentorn Media – the makers of Question Time – say the debate will happen on its next show on 25 March.
Stephen Evans, campaigns manager at the National Secular Society said: “After agreeing to allow a programme called Free Speech to be filmed at the Mosque, it is absurd and counterproductive to then censor the topic being discussed.
“It is unfortunate that the BBC allowed itself to be censored on this occasion by reactionary imams, but this was a place of worship, and perhaps the BBC would do well to choose religiously neutral venues to hold such debates in future”.

BBC cancels a debate because mosque people won’t like it. I have seen worse. My drama series were banned by government,because mosque people won’t like those series. And not a single Bengali media ever mentioned that the drama series that I wrote for TV, were banned, because mosque people won’t like it. Not a single Bengali media publishes any single review of any of my books because mosque people won’t like it. Publishers don’t want to publish my books because mosque people won’t like it.

The difference between UK and India is UK has the National Secular Society which protests against Media’s cowardly acts. India has no such society as the National Secular Society that can protest against media’s cowardly acts. For example, there is no such organization that can protest against the cancelation of my drama series, or the constant banning and censorship of my best selling books. The truth is, media doesn’t ban my books or drama series, media bans ME, the person. I would have felt contented if there were a National Secular Society in India for shouting out loud whenever anyone’s free speech is violated.