All religions are nonsense. All religions are fairy tales, to fool people.
All religions were born out of ignorance. But it is only Islam which is still shamelessly showing its barbaric behaviour all over the world. Blind believers of Islam have no intention to stop persecuting people, humiliating humanity, stoning women, banning conscience, burning books in the name of protecting their God and prophet.
I hope you know that Saudi humanist Raif Badawi is facing 10 years imprisonment and 1000 lashes for calling an end of religious domination over public life. The reality is, if you want to stop Islamic oppression to save humanity, authorities will accuse you of insulting Islam and punish you. It is not limited to Saudi Arabia. Way too many countries in the world believe in the same insanity.
We hear disturbing news everyday. Women are stoned to death for being in love, writers or artists or human rights activists are lashed, slaughtered, imprisoned, hanged for criticizing Islam.
Today, it is the only ideology in the world which is exempt from critical scrutiny. People stay away from criticizing Islam not because they love Islam, but because they are scared of its terrorist-murderer-slaughterer protectors.
I wonder why Muslims are not ashamed of Islam. How many centuries do they need to know that Islam is not a religion of peace, it is just an anti human rights, anti free speech, anti democracy religion which was created by an Arab camel driver for his own interest.
Let’s protest against the violation of human rights. Come on, it is 21st century, we should not allow ignorance to rule the world.