Her crime?
She decided to divorce her abusive husband and marry someone else whom she loves.
The man is not mentally ill. He just hates women. He grew up hating women. Hating women is considered ‘masculine’, loving women ‘feminine’. Men do not want to be feminine. They fear love will ultimately make them soft and submissive. So, they prefer to dominate women. Men are the masters. Men are the decision makers. To save family honor if it is necessary to behead their mother, sister, wife, daughter and other female family members, they believe, they should do it without hesitation.
I don’t like humans anymore.
I think mental illness definitely plays a role in the action of hate.
It is illness of the society and not individual..
This. Note that the other villagers barely seem to be reacting at all. They must have known what happened, but they just go about their business as he walks past. The murder, horrible as it is, is not where the evil lies; it’s simply the natural result of a society that treats women so hatefully.
its the illness of both
Something is wrong. Very, very wrong.
Even better: You cannot be filming outside the police station, but it’s OK to take a casual stroll down the road with a sword and your sister’s head.
There is always more wrongness available.
He beheaded his sister? I think primitive cavemen could justifiably be characterized as “mentally ill” in the year 2013.
Did her father hate her, too? Where the hell was he while his son was butchering his daughter?
Did you read this? I wrote that as the first note for my new blog. 🙂 http://www.mrigankabhattacharyya.blogspot.in/2012/12/the-truly-educated-never-graduate.html
love this guy he is freaking awesome
You guys want to see that beast’s face? Here you go, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6BBO8UrRlw
I am sure while he beheaded, said “alahu akbar”. Muslims do that when they slit throats of their daughers, sisters, wives or cows. The same lyric you will find when they make hOlY shout in their mosque.
So where is the ‘honour’ in this killing? Being five years her senior he must have grown up with her. Worms have a more advanced conception of honour than this cold-hearted murderer.
By the way, in Dutch these actions are called ‘eerwraak’, roughly translated as ‘honour revenge’. Why don’t we call it ‘religious amok’ or something that is a more accurate description of this utter disgrace.
how about “murder most foul”?
Of course he was carrying his sword in one hand and his sister’s head in the other – have you ever tried carrying your sword and a severed head with the same hand at the same time?
For the imaginary love of an imaginary god.
That was deeply disturbing.
Is there an alternative phrase to ‘honour killing’ that is used in social justice, feminist or other circles?
‘Misogynistic sororicide/filicide/parricide’ perhaps? Can anyone advise?
My sorrow for the woman who died from this brutality.
…resume lurk
Another fucked up man. I wonder what happened to the guy who slept with his sister. Why wasn’ t his head cut off.
The brother was probably too frightened of his sister’ s lover, so he decided to pick on his sister
That does it, I really hate all this Bull Shit that goes around. Can someone just NUKE Paksitand, Saudi Arabia, and Iran. Then we wil not hear about these sad stories anymore.
well said. Or else we could gas all the scum who are attached to their beloved ‘culture’ and ‘religion’.
‘Honor killing’ is proof that ‘HONOR’ as a socio-cultural/familial construct KILLS!