Islam’s most terrible law: It prevents Muslims from adopting children

Facts say:

In our world-
12 million children die before reaching their fifth year.

100 million homeless children living in the streets around the world.

250,000 children die every week from diseases and malnutrition.

2 million children are objects of sexual abuse – child pornography and demand for child prostitutes has increased globally.

20 million children are refugees or internally displaced in their homeland.

10 million children are child slaves.

More than 30 per cent of children in developing countries – about 600 million – live on less than US $1 a day.

Every 3.6 seconds one person dies of starvation. Usually it is a child under the age of 5.

There are 2.1 billion Muslims in the world. But the sad news is, not a single Muslim is allowed to adopt a poor homeless child because ‘the religion of peace’ forbids abortion. If adoption were legal, so many millions of orphans could get home, food, cloths, care and education. Why is Islam so cruel to helpless orphans? There is a bizarre story behind it. Muhammad the prophet got sexually aroused after seeing his son’s wife. Either he asked his son to divorce his wife so that he could marry her or his son understood the situation and told his father that he would divorce his wife, and then his father would have no problem to marry her. His son was ultimately forced to divorce his wife. Muhammad married his son Zayd’s wife. People started criticizing Muhammad. He was in deep doo doo. He then dragged God down from the sky to save his ass. God came too quickly to his rescue.

God said:

“…Nor has He made your adopted sons your (biological) sons. Such is (only) your (manner of) speech by your mouths. But Allah tells (you) the Truth, and He shows the (right) Way. Call them by (the names of) their fathers; that is juster in the sight of Allah. But if you know not their father’s (names, call them) your brothers in faith, or your trustees. But there is no blame on you if you make a mistake therein. (What counts is) the intention of your hearts. And Allah is Oft-Returning, Most Merciful.”(Qur’an 33:4-5)

“And [remember, O Muhammad], when you said to the one on whom Allah bestowed favor and you bestowed favor, “Keep your wife and fear Allah ,” while you concealed within yourself that which Allah is to disclose. And you feared the people, while Allah has more right that you fear Him. So when Zayd had no longer any need for her, We married her to you in order that there not be upon the believers any discomfort concerning the wives of their adopted sons when they no longer have need of them. And ever is the command of Allah accomplished.”(Qur’an 33: 37).

“Muhammad is not the father of [any] one of your men, but [he is] the Messenger of Allah and last of the prophets. And ever is Allah , of all things, Knowing.”(Qur’an 33: 40)

“You, [O Muhammad], may put aside whom you will of them or take to yourself whom you will. And any that you desire of those [wives] from whom you had [temporarily] separated – there is no blame upon you [in returning her]. That is more suitable that they should be content and not grieve and that they should be satisfied with what you have given them – all of them. And Allah knows what is in your hearts. And ever is Allah Knowing and Forbearing.” (Qur’an 33:51)

When God was trying to help Muhammad, Aisha, the most intelligent wife of Muhammad said her famous words, ‘O prophet, I feel that your Lord hastens in fulfilling your wishes and desires.’ (Sahih Bukhari 6:60:311, Sahih Bukhari 6:60:312, Sahih Bukhari 7:62:48, Sahih Muslim 8:3454, Sahih Muslim 8:3453, Sahih Muslim 8:3454 & Sahih Muslim 9:3499)

An Indonesian artist drew the story of Muhammad’s scandalous marriage. The illustrated story is based on the history of Islam written by early Islamic scholars.

Whenever Muhammad had problems, God solved them right away. Muhammad’s son was adopted and thus not his real son, so the marriage between Muhammad and his daughter-in-law was therefore justified. Further, a new law was created to justify Muhammad’s marriage more strongly: ‘Muslims are not allowed to adopt.’

Muhammad was a clever man. He did everything to fulfill his desires. I do not blame a lone Muhammad much for what he did 1400 years ago, I blame billions of modern Muslims for not trying to move their butts in order to get rid of the terrible anti-adoption law. Childless couples would be happy to adopt children. Kind and generous Muslims would be able to make their lives meaningful by providing a family-friendly environment for children to grow up in. All children have the right to survive, the right to be safe, the right to have caring parents, the right to receive love and care and the right to grow up in a protective environment.

Fostering is allowed in Islam. But foster care and adoption are not the same. Foster care is fine. But two questions we should always ask: Why shouldn’t people have the right to adopt children? Why shouldn’t orphan children have the right to have adoptive parents?


    • stop your cruelty to orphans says

      If you truly care about orphans, study an ideology properly before assuming you know everything.
      Islam’s care of orphans is far greater than yours, and in your ignorant arrogance against Islam’s universal and timeless laws, you are in fact promoting the abuse of orphans.

      Islam insists we take care of them, but just that we maintain their TRUE LEGAL IDENTITY rather than USURPING it because through legally changing their names, many people TAKE ADVANTAGE of orphans and assume that the legal inheritance left over to the orphan by its TRUE PARENTS is THEIR OWN, and many people in fact adopt rich orphans ONLY FOR THAT REASON. when they actually have no right to that wealth. As for those who are poor and take care of orphans and cannot afford it, Allah allows them only to TAKE WHAT IS NECESSARY from that inheritance, because after all they have to feed the child and not keep it starving.

      Islam also protects biological bloodlines because if you dissolve the original identity of the orphan they will never know that end up doing INCEST by marrying their own true siblings, just because YOU STOLE THEIR IDENTITY.


      • BeFair says

        Cmon – if Allah truly wanted to prevent incest, why would he make all of you guys descendants of Adam and Eve? how could their children have more children unless they committed incest – grow up !!

        • Fffg says

          1. The prophet Muhammad did not have a son.
          2. ALL people were created from Adam and Eve. Of all religions.

          Don’t believe all you read. All religions were sent by God and were inherently good. There are small differences that were sent as messages through different prophets.

          If you want to know the truth then try reading the Qur’an.

          I challenge you. If you dare.

          • pd says

            Where did Muhammad originate from. I can’t find him in any bible. Is he another self made prophet 500 hundred years after Jesus death.And is that why in Ezekiel 38,39 G-D destroys the Muslims for trying to destroy Israel before the Tribulation, along with Russia, Iran and a couple of other Islamic Nations.And why hasn’t G-D given us any true prophets to day.He doesn’t believe in those that can foretell the future along with psychics.He is the all mighty of our future for he sees all.Believe in no other G-D’s before me.Be in Christ. have a nice day.

          • epic fail says

            non muslims took the challenge and feel more sick than ever of islam
            so you failed
            stop talking

          • Mo says

            So..Adam and Eve just popped out of nowhere fully grown! The real story of how we evolved from the Primordial swamp….from bacteria to humans in stages over billions of years….no incest…no running off with son’s wife.

        • Tiny Paw says

          So you use the misfortune of people who have lost their parents as a way of bigging up Islam like the fucking, retarded and self-centred Muslim c*nt that you are.

          I lost my Mum as a child (it hurt) but I learned to deal with it. People like you – nasty, vindictive people, who score points for their religion based on the misery of parentless children are fucking sick in the head!!

          You are 1 sick mother fuc*ker…. you’re truly warped and an embarrassment to both your religion and yourself!

      • petra says

        I agree with you.Muslims are encouraged to take care of orphans, without changing their identity or cutting of their roots.

      • Mac says

        That’s what u tell yourself to justify this story in your head.

        But do tell me, what is wrong with adopting? Abuse is wrong. Adopting orphans is not. Your prophet should ban abuse not adopting poor orphans.

        • Lu says

          What’s wrong with adoption is that your basically giving a person an identity that isn’t theirs. The author of this article misinterpreted both the laws of islam and the story of Zayd. One of the five most important fundamentals of Islam is to give charity. Each Muslim must give about 2.5 % of his yearly earnings to the poor (which includes orphans) yet the author of this article claims “Why is Islam so cruel to helpless orphans?” There are many other ways besides adoption to help orphans. Islam encouraged people to foster orphans. The latter groups of children should know their biological lineage; otherwise, they may marry their own sisters or brothers without knowing who’s who. Therefore, instead of adoption, Islam recommended fostering.

        • Kawthar says

          The story mentioned above is completely false. The Prophet Muhammad’s only sons died when they were very young and never got the chance to marry. Some historical traditions have mentioned that the prophet himself adopted children/slaves of the time and raised them as family. Islam puts a high emphasis on helping orphans and poor children and adoptions is actually highly recommended in Islam. The basic laws regarding adoption in islam are mentioned in this link:

          The talent of some people to fabricate such stories and pass them off as truth sometimes amazes me and then I remember our governments all do the exact same thing.

          • says

            Your prophet Muhammad was a son of Ishmel. He was cast out of Abrahams tent with the Egyptan mother Hagar. I’m sorry. I’m not a Jew. What Abraham did was shitty and really fucked up.I am sorry for all you people that hate us and don’t even know us. We really are not your enemy. I have no control over our fucked up government though.

        • neran says

          our prophet banned abuse before banning adoption, as being said above, Muslims have no problems with adoption as long as the child’s name and identity doesn’t get changed! you don’t want the child end up getting married from his own female sibling… imagine getting married from your own sister or niece just because when you were adopted your identity was changed and no one told you who your biological parents are! also every child have the right to meet his relatives and siblings when he/she grow up just to mention human rights…doing otherwise is so horrible, cuz you don’t that to happen to ur child if you died early or to yourself if you were an orphan!

          • arshi says

            u people are not know muhammed peace be upon him.he always stand for marrying devorcee.he had married to widow.always help ful even he had taken adopted son and many people please don’t assume well reading half story read Quran may be satan had done u to say bad words against Muhammed u r my brothers and sisters in the name of allah because we are from Adam peace be upon him. muhamed peace be upon him. love his teaching love your childrens. his teachings for all human beings muslim are morehonest and capable to solve their problem and social they r successful they are not taken interest nor they are doing bussiness on interest just imagine whole world are doing bussiness on interest only this religious are pure if you’re company feels recession they are started job cut but Allah the Great given muslim world both knowledge and wealth like oil in desert why because there is no God only we muslim belive in jesus moses and abraham .love humanity islam is true religion love u all.

        • Tiny Paw says

          Adoption is abuse.

          I’m an adoptee btw and to cut a child off from their roots (by way of stealing their identity) is simply wrong and immoral. Pretending to be the mother of an adopted child (just because their real Mum isn’t there) is the mental abuse of a minor, and it doesn’t feel very nice when it happens to you…

          Deluded people, magical thinkers, fantasists (all religious people) would make great adopted children because as long as you deny the truth and accept fantasy as reality (it’s mind-boggling for the adopted child) you will be fine….

          If, however, you ever want to grow up and embrace your truth (your real Mum & dad) people will be hurt, and it’s the adoptee who will be blamed for that hurt.

          Adoption is fine if you’re happy living in a fantasy bubble with a fake name and a fake Mum & Dad…. Truth hurts and adoption is the opposite of the truth. Fantasies work for children (and mentally immature adults) but they don’t work for people who want to embrace reality and learn to grow…

          There is no growth in lies, safety & delusion but there is a lot of comfort and the weak minded people amongst us will always choose comfort over reality because the truth hurts them too much. (it’s a bit like religion in that way) and when you’ve only ever known fantasy? embracing reality is a tough step, and it hurts, at first…

          Some people can’t handle the truth and adoptive parents are some of those people. I, on the other hand, wanted to find my Mum, and my truth and I have never looked back since making that decision.

          Adoption is a word most people use or say, but please remember that adopted children lost their Mums and that the adoption makes their loss invisible to everyone. Did you lose your Mum as a child? and, if so? were you brainwashed to call another woman (an infertile woman) Mum in order to act as her band-aid?

          Would you like to have grieved your Mum if you had lost her as a child? or would you have appreciated another infertile woman stepping in her place and pretending to be her?

          Adoption = Immoral behaviour from all of the halo-wearing adults involved (it’s a con that emotionally entraps children) and I’m glad to be out!!

          • Ninki says

            I’m sorry about what you had to go through , and I understand how you might feel that way .. but some people just because they give birth to a child doesn’t make them maternal , carving and selfles .. some women should never have children because they are horrible parents and they destroy kids lives , and on the other hand adoptive parent might put their hart and soul in raising a child who is not her biological child , she might be 1000 times a better parent .

      • Nancy says

        Well if Islam wants to prevent incest, then why do they marry their cousins over and over and over? I’ll tell you why, because Mohammad said it was good! THe highest rate of genetic problems in the world is in the islamic countries due to inbreeding.

        • Faiz says

          Islam prohibits marrying cousins over and over for generation and says you have to marry from different family and increase the family by making new family relation instead of marrying cousins, then cousins for generation.

        • Grace says


          Marrying your cousin is not incest. It has been a historically accepted practice all throughout the Western world. Queen Victoria, the mother of modern European monarchies, was married to her first cousin, as were Darwin and Einstein. Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip are second cousins. So please do your research before making inane accusations.

          • Muhammad Tayyab says

            No this is not true the diseases spread because of gay relations. These relations are far more common in Europe than in Muslim countries. For example AIDS. Justify your paragraph

          • Nancy says

            No it has not and when found out how it cause many problem in EUROPE they discontinued it ISLAM how ever continues with this practice…gross

      • Humanitarian muslim says

        Well said. These people do this; they reseach, then find out the truth and then incriminate islam by misquoting and acting as if they do not understand

      • epic fail says

        this coming from inbred muslims who marry their own cousins and having a hadith that says whoever has pleasure first determines the looks of the child!!!! you guys are so laughable
        didn’t even know female egg has dna
        why would you.. you marry your own family.and make up sick pleasure hadiths instead of understand dna
        and even cut clitoris so she wont have pleasure…disgusting demons
        I can see why you wouldn’t want your own female family members to have pleasure with you though… just a duty to breed more of you.
        a very sick pointless existence

      • STOP says

        This is tragic to see people be so rude and cruel to religions or topics. Get your facts right and understand what you wrote because it is wrong. The cartoon was unescorted and disrespectful. Why don’t you read the Quran r any book don’t criticize a topic I’m a religion unless you yourself have opened ur book and read it clearly because the are a lot of things people follow that are wrong. This is not necessary. Go fill your brain with true information.

        • ExMuslim says

          I have read the Quran and the Hadiths. Taslima is right – Islam is disgusting and vile! Mohammad had sex slaves, was a pedophile, a sex addict and a war mongering narcissist. And this dude is supposed to be the most moral man that ever lived – that’s gotta be the biggest joke of the millennium!

    • stop your cruelty to orphans says



      • gabi says

        Have you been in the orphanage of The Holy family in Bethlehem? There are dozens of babies and kids who were abandoned by poor single women who could not keep them. Some of these women leave their babies because are too poor to support them, but many leave them because they are too young, single and were abused by their own male family members. These mothers risk their life when pregnant because conservative Muslims DONNOT accept a single mother having a kid, their can actually been killed!!!!!! But… Ho!!! I would like to see or hear good saying that’s ok. On the other hand, if that’s not tragic enough, these angels cannot be adopted not only by Muslim people, but by ANYBODY!!!!! ( go and ask by you self if you do not believe me). Thus, passing the penitence/punishment from the mothers to these poor babies, who are prevented from having a family. They live and grow up in a ORPHANAGE and have no IDENTITY but to be a Muslim. They are given names, but no last name to protect the mother’s identity and LIFE. I do not understand how good can be to protect their “blood linage”, “their Identities” and “their history” can be more important that those kids having to grow up without the love and care a family can provide them. I’m sure if you were one of these kids you would think very different. I’m sure these angels need affection, love, compassion and care MOUCH MORE than their WHOLE PAST. I think if there is a good up there, he/she/it ( whatever you want to call it) could care less about what the stupid religions’ law say (whatever religion). I think he cares for his sons and daughters to have the best life they can get and enjoy it while it last, not to suffer alone in a confinement. I think he want us to care more about his creation ( the humanity and the whole planet) more than respecting laws than leave babies alone and craving love and care. He di not made these ridiculous laws… they were made by us, the same people who do not know how to love and respect everybody in the same way, us who accept these separations and punishments, us who we are so selfish and egocentric that we think OUR religion is right and the rest are wrong, so then we can treat them as “un-chosen”
        These angels will pay with their life while you defend your ideas and your religion. I would like to see what good think about that.

        • Don Isleno says

          Very well said… These people only care about being religious, and looking pure.. The reality is, children are suffering, and their lineage is irrelevant if they have no identity. They need love not rules shrouded i lies.

          • rana qasim ali barkat says


          • Dua says

            That writer got it all wrong! We Muslims ARE allowed to adopt! The only rule is that we can’t change their last names.

            If someone is going to write about something like this, they have to get their facts straight first!

        • Mariam Muslim says

          Many muslims provide for orphans and take them to live in their homes just as adoption or the idea you are seeking to protect states .. they care for them like their own sons and daughters but not giving them their last name and teaching them that they have their own identity .. that for this family you are a part of it but still you have your own bloodline ..
          Muhammed pbuh was sad to announce his adopted son not to be anymore .. but god stated that rule to protect orphans and muhammed pbuh accepted the will of god ..
          Do your research right .. muslims are obiligated to care fpr society as whole and orphans and homeless people specially .. all the countries of the world show homelesness ..not muslim countries though! And you could read the statistics yourself . Humans are humans .. when you find orphans being mistreated in europe or in middleleast its the same .. they are both wrong .. not following the allah’s orders is a mistake of the people themselves not the releigion which states we should give care for orphans . And i am telling you YOU ARE WRONG .. i have a friend who takes care of an orphan living in her house treating her better than her own daughter .. for god’s sake muhammed pbuh himself said :” AN ORPHAN’S CAREGIVER IS As CLOSE TO ME in HEAVEN AS two close FINGERS IN ONES HAND” encouraging muslims to provide for orphans and thst this only would grant you heaven ..

          • Voimsv says

            You do know the “sad” Muhammad then went on to marry his adopted sons wife zaynab, conveniently right after he had desires after seeing her naked this verse was landed down about adopted children being not your own, these kids don’t have an identity and need it more then sticking to their bloodlines and not being able to move on from the past. Look up other privileges regarding screwing (sexual intercourse) allowed to Muhammad alone and not to any other believer. Seems like a sham.

        • Lu says

          Adoption is forbidden yet fostering isn’t. The latter groups of children should know their biological lineage; otherwise, they may marry their own sisters or brothers without knowing who’s who. Therefore, instead of adoption, Islam recommended fostering.The Prophet (pbuh) is also reported to have said: “I, and the one who looks after an orphan, will be like this in Paradise,” showing his middle and index fingers and separating them. (Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 7, Hadith No. 224)

          Thus the act of sponsoring an orphan is highly recommended in Islam and Allah will surely reward you for that.

        • Love of Islam 95 says

          Asslam Walikum to everyone reading and commenting In this article first of all I would like to say Islam is not a cruel religion it’s a religion of peace.
          secondly whoever wrote this article please get your facts stright before hurting the feelings of Muslims especially orphans ,Islam allows to adopt a child the only thing is the child needs to use his or her original last name that is because the child should know who his or her real parents are
          an adopted child is a non blood related to the family so the child needs to wear head covering in front of father’s brothers and uncles and the adopted male child needs to lower his gaze in front of ladies of the family that’s the Only thing islam isn’t cruel to make orphans suffer and if you don’t know the name of the father’s of these adopted kids call theme Abdullah meaning servant of Allah
          I know this because I’m also an adopted child
          last but not the least please apologize to the orphans dont hurt them in this way ever again

          • Voimsv says

            Imagine you are the adopted girl and you have to wear a head covering everywhere near the male father and brothers and the biological daughter does not and seems to you she is allowed more privileges, PLUS you won’t get any inheritance yet the biological one will. Tell me how you will feel equally loved and cared for. (You can reverse the role for the male child)

        • says

          Your accusation of Islam not allowing single mothers is completely idiotic as the nabi Muhammad’s {may peace be upon him) own mother was single as her husband Abdullah ibn Abdul Muttalib passed away shortly before the birth of the nabi Muhammad’s(may peace be upon him) birth.

          It amazes me how some people who claim to hate Islam would take time out of their day to create such fiction sites and to waste their time by posting utter rubbish…please acquire knowledge before does no good to anyone to hear what is inside an empty vessel

      • Tiny Paw says

        I know of a Muslim boy (now man) who was adopted by Muslim parents but the adoption failed because his Muslim parents abused him…. Mo – Ham – Mad, who married a 9-year-old child (have you people ever seen a 9-year child?) liked having sex with children. He protected the identities of adoptees but slept with children??? So their names were safe but not their virginity? oh, ok, that’s all right then…

        • Shahida says

          Yes we do every day in western country on street park in uk 11 12 years old having babys no one do anything that’s thy Rights young girls get rape everywhere why no one do anything about this you let child having relationship with child but against getting marriage in age off 20 or 18 people get drink drives and kills so many life no one doing anything about this people rap girls while they drunk we don’t let one sweet fall on dirty floor but let our precious daughters with out covering them as sexual objects please think about these first no one stand against that

    • A Muslim says


      Why do you mislead about Islam, and why did you target a particular religion? Islam is the great religion and this religion for all humanity in the world. All other religion was included a message for the people who lived in those era, it cannot be practical and it will not give justice in this life. Do not interpret if you do not know about topic and do not blindly follow. Try to understand Islam better and try to read Qura’n atleast once before you die


      Of Course Adoption is ALLOWED in Islam
      In the Holy Quran Allah Says: {Worship Allâh and join none with Him (in worship). and do good to parents, kinsfolk, orphans, Al-Masâkin (the poor), the neighbour who is near of kin, the neighbour who is a stranger, the companion by your side, the wayfarer (you meet), and those (slaves) whom your right hands possess. Verily, Allâh does not like such as are proud and boastful;}[4: 36].
      This shows how caring we should be towards orphans.
      The Prophet said: “I and the person who looks after an orphan and provides for him, will be in Paradise like this, “putting his index and middle fingers together”.
      Among the best and loveliest house of Muslims near Allah is a house in which an orphan lives and the householders deal with him kindly and respectfully.
      The Prophet said: “The best house of Muslims is the house where an orphan lives in kindness and respect. The worst house of Muslims is the house where an orphan lives and he is ill-treated”.

      And If by adoption you mean the adopting parent may claim the child as his *natural born child*, such practice is forbidden in Islam. Allah Says: {Allâh has not put for any man two hearts inside his body. Neither has He made your wives whom you declare to be like your mothers’ backs, your real mothers. [Az­Zihâr is the saying of a husband to his wife, “You are to me like the back of my mother” i.e. You are unlawful for me to approach.], nor has He made your adopted sons your real sons. That is but your saying with your mouths. But Allâh says the truth, and He guides to the (Right) Way. }[33: 4].

      Allah establishes in this Ayah that adopting a child does not make him child of the one who adopts him and that this practice does not have any weight in Sharia.

      In the following Ayah, Allah commands the Muslims to trace back every child to his original father. Allah Says (interpretation of meaning): {Call them (adopted sons) by (the names of) their fathers, that is more just with Allâh. But if you know not their father’s (names, call them) your brothers in faith and Mawâlîkum (your freed slaves). And there is no sin on you if you make a mistake therein, except in regard to what your hearts deliberately intend. And Allâh is Ever Oft­Forgiving, Most Merciful.}[33: 5].

      I really hope its clear to you. Adoption is highly encouraged in Islam.

      Rest Allah knows the best ~!

    • mohammed hassan says

      you mentioned about hes son. do you know this son of hes was hes adopted son? Islam says dont give your identity to that child because every child should be known by hes father. Islam gives more rights. the problem is you dont want to understand you jewish taslima nasrin fuckers son of an ugly bitch…..

      • epic fail says

        son of your own married cousins LOL
        go back to the desert until you learn to behave like a good being
        we NEVER want to learn you exist
        many of you die without us knowing and we were SO HAPPY and joyful and its NONE of your business!!!! don’t be a stalker of non muslims
        get a life of your own for once

    • says

      I believe the lack of adoption is a a strength of Islam. In traditional Judaism, there also was no adoption. We had a system called the “apotropos” system in which court appointed guardians would take care of the child and manage their money but not take it for themselves or stop the child’s inheritance or end their identity as children of their natural parents. To me this is real benevolence. Childless people who adopt children so they can claim to have children of their own have selfishness mixed into their intent. Would they raise these orphans if they couldn’t claim them as their own? Suppressing children’s genetic identity causes a syndrome called the “adoption syndrome.” At its worst adoptee’s genetic nature bursts to the surface and they sometimes murder. 10%-50% of American serial killers are adopted while only 1%-3% of American’s are adopted.

      In another Surah of the Koran the angel Gabriel tells Mohammed “There is only one G-d, man has only one heart, and a child has only one father.” This is a sincere teaching. Children form the G-d image from their early contact with their parents. Give a child more than one parent and you will get a child with a confused G-d image.

    • Naazneen Shaik says

      Please don’t believe this writer. Has written from a point if ignorance. Do you own authentic research before believing lies. And Islam does not promote neglecting children. You can take in as many children as you like and foster them. But the kids must always know their lineage. Such wisdom in this- imagine if they meet biological siblings later in life and unknowingly engage in a relationship !!!!!
      Just one of the many reasons but speak to an Islamic scholar who will make you understand the amazing wisdom of laws laid down eons ago but relevant to this day and age more than ever!!!! Take responsibility for what you believe……..

      • epic fail says

        yea you take them in and once they have a beard you have them suck on the breasts of your wife
        its hadith
        and adult suckling fatwa recently discussed
        must be inbred deformities in your brains

    • Rimal says

      This is false information. ..The holy qouran mentiones Orphans more than 23 times and encourages Muslims to become a guardian. Folks inform yourslfs before you believe random people.
      I grew up as an orphan myself and my guardian was a Muslim!!!

    • Faheem Munir says

      This article wouldnt be so strange if it wasn’t from a descendant of the former slave master who made all his slaves take his last name.

    • Tanweer says

      Adoption in Islam

      From the “Dear Maulana Questions” section of Shama newsletter (Vancouver, B.C., Canada) 1990
      Dear Maulana: Are we allowed to adopt children? If yes, then does an adopted girl have to wear hijâb when she becomes nine in front of her `father’ and `brother’? Similarly, in case of an adopted boy, would the `mother’ and `sister’ have to observe hijâb in his presence? Anonymous.

      Dear Anonymous: When looking at the issue of adoption from Islamic point of view, we must separate two things: first, the concept of helping orphan and poor children; second, the implications of such a help.

      As far as the concept of helping the poor and the orphan is concerned, Islam not only agrees to it but even highly recommends it. In all types of charities, the orphan and the poor are mentioned as the prime eligible recipients for such help. In case of the rights of the orphan children, Allâh is very severe; for example, He says,

      “Those who `swallow’ the property of the orphans unjustly, are actually devouring fire into their bellies and they shall enter the burning fire.” (4:10)

      Islam fully supports the concept of helping the orphan and poor, and taking them under your wings. If there is no one to take care of the orphan and poor children, then this responsibility falls upon the Islamic government. I won’t be wrong in saying that as far as the concept of adoption is concerned, there is no difference between Islam and the West.

      However, when we come to the implications and legal consequences of adoption, we find some differences between Islam and the present system in the West.

      In the Western system, adoption does not only mean that a child is given into the care of another person or persons; it also means that the adopted child will carry the family name of the adoptive parent. For example, if a child named John Stuart Mill is adopted by Mr. William Bourassa, he will become John W. Bourassa. If this adoption took place in infancy, then most probably the child will never come to know his real genealogy or his real family name.

      It is this part of the adoption procedure that Islam does not accept. In pre-Islamic Arabia, the adoption system was similar to what we now see in the West: the child even takes the family name of the adoptive father. When Islam came, it categorically rejected this procedure.

      An example from the life of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.):

      When the Prophet married Khadijah, she gave him a slave known as Zayd bin Hâritha (Zayd, son of Hâritha). The Prophet took such a good care of Zayd that their relationship changed from that of a master and a slave into one of father and son. Zayd was one of the first persons to accept Islam. When his father and uncles came to know about his whereabouts, they came to Mecca and told Prophet Muhammad that Zayd had been captured by some thieves and sold into slavery. The Prophet set him free. But Zayd refused to leave Muhammad and go home with his father. Hâritha, the father of Zayd, became very angry and openly declared that from now on “Zayd is not my son.” The Prophet immediately responded by adopting Zayd. Zayd came to be known as Zayd bin Muhammad (Zayd, son of Muhammad).

      This continued till after the Prophet migrated to Medina. Zayd had grown up and was now a married man. However, his marriage did not work out. Allâh revealed some verses related to Zayd’s divorce in which He also talks about the issue of `re-naming’ the adopted children. He says,

      “Nor has He (Allâh) made your adopted sons your sons. Such is (only) your (manner of) speech by your mouths. But God tells the truth, and He shows the way. Call them by (the names of) their fathers, that is better in the sight of God”. (33:5)

      After the revelation of this verse, Zayd was again called Zayd bin Hâritha and not Zayd bin Muhammad. However, this change in name did not affect the relationship of the Prophet and Zayd. They were still like father and son.

      As the Qur’ân says, calling adopted children by the names of their adoptive fathers is contrary to “the truth,” and therefore, they must be called by the name of their real fathers.

      Implications of this Verse

      What this means is that adoption does not change the relationship of a person: adoption does not end the blood relationship between the child and his real parents and siblings, nor does it create a real relationship between him and his adoptive parents and their children.

      The practical implications of this view, on the one hand, is that all the rules which apply between blood relatives are still valid: for example, the child will still be mahram; that is an adopted child cannot marry his real siblings; he or she is also eligible for inheritance from the real parents; and there is no need for hijâb between the child and his or her real family. (With the adoption system in the West, it is quite possible that a person would end up marrying his or her siblings!)

      On the other hand, the rules that apply between non-related persons are still valid. For example, adoption would not create the mahramiyyat between the child and the new family—an adopted girl will have to observe hijâb in presence of her adoptive father and brothers; similarly, the mother and sisters will have to observe hijâb in presence of the adopted son; the adopted child can even marry the child of the adoptive parents. In Islam, the right of inheritance is based on uterine relationship:

      “Those related by blood are more entitled to (inherit from) each other in the Book of Allah.” (8:75)

      However, the adoptive parents can always use their discretion to write up to one-third of their estate for their adopted child.

      Adoption & Foster Relationship

      There is only one case of adoption where a sort of semi-familial relationship and mahramiyyat is created between the adopted child and the adoptive family: when the adopted child is below two years of age and is also breast-fed directly by the adoptive mother for at least a day and a night.

      This creates a foster (rizâ`i) relationship, and the child is mahram to the new family—there is no need for hijâb, nor can the child marry the real children of the adoptive parents. However, in case of inheritance, even a rizâ`i child has not right in the estate of the adoptive parents. But as mentioned above, the adoptive parents can write up to one-third of their estate for their adopted child.

      To Summarize

      1) Adoption is allowed in Islam.

      2) However, changing the family name of the adopted child is not allowed.

      3) If the child was two years old or less and was also breast fed directly by the adoptive mother for at least a day and a night (or fifteeen times consequently), then the child will become mahram to the new family—hijâb won’t be necessary.

      4) If the child was not breast fed as mentioned above, then he or she will remain non-mahram to the new family.

      5) Adoption in rizâ`i or non-rizâ`i form does not give the adopted child a right to inherit the estate of the adoptive parents; nor does it deprives him or her from inheriting the estate of the real parents. (However, the adoptive parents have the option of writing up to one-third of their estate for their adopted child.)

      * * *
      It is necessary to emphasize that hijâb should not be considered a barrier in the way of adopting an orphan or a poor child. Muslim ladies are expected to wear decent clothes at all times; so, at the most, they will have to put on the scarf.

      To those used to the Western way of life, this might sound unusual but one should know that this happens even without the adoption—in case of extended family dwellings where, for example, two married brothers live with their families under the same roof: the wives and bâligha1 daughters will have to observe hijâb by wearing decent clothes with a scarf on their heads.

      October 29, 1990 / Rabi II 10, 1411

      1. That have reached the age of Bulugh, the maturity, that for females Islam fixed it at 9 lunar- Hijri years, 8 year and 7 months of the Western calendar (DILP).

      • epic fail says

        this would be idol worship and a waste of time to read your comment. its too long and God wants us joyful and free from reading

    • says

      I this the is a jark headed and also a bastard (a person born of parents not married to each other). Other wise their is no sensible human are talk with wrong information to other Religion. Please keep study and then talk.
      Don’t split the sheet information mother fucker.

      • says

        Mahbub there is no reason to swear due to some peoples idiocity, remember to “.. Not let a bad situation bring out the worst in you”… Do u think the nabi Muhammad (SAW) would appreciate such foul words?

      • epic fail says

        but marriage doesn’t stop muslims from being inbred demons.. they marry little kids everyday and hold them down and rape them..(its on youtube) and then you say its not rape because you “married” that’s even worse… you make religion your license to be an evil rapist pedophile demons
        a bastard has a chance.. can repent be a GREAT person
        but a muslim who marries and abuses his wife will always be worse than a bastard..he will be a full demon,
        he CHOOSES evil as religion
        I think you might be nephilim.. nephil means abortion
        its a spiritual abortion you are..for daring to breed physically while still being demons

    • Ghazi says

      When looking at the issue of adoption from Islamic point of view, we must separate two things: first, the concept of helping orphan and poor children; second, the implications of such a help.

      As far as the concept of helping the poor and the orphan is concerned, Islam not only agrees to it but even highly recommends it. In all types of charities, the orphan and the poor are mentioned as the prime eligible recipients for such help. In case of the rights of the orphan children, Allâh is very severe; for example, He says,

      “Those who `swallow’ the property of the orphans unjustly, are actually devouring fire into their bellies and they shall enter the burning fire.” (4:10)

      Islam fully supports the concept of helping the orphan and poor, and taking them under your wings. If there is no one to take care of the orphan and poor children, then this responsibility falls upon the Islamic government. I won’t be wrong in saying that as far as the concept of adoption is concerned, there is no difference between Islam and the West.

      However, when we come to the implications and legal consequences of adoption, we find some differences between Islam and the present system in the West.

      In the Western system, adoption does not only mean that a child is given into the care of another person or persons; it also means that the adopted child will carry the family name of the adoptive parent. For example, if a child named John Stuart Mill is adopted by Mr. William Bourassa, he will become John W. Bourassa. If this adoption took place in infancy, then most probably the child will never come to know his real genealogy or his real family name.

      It is this part of the adoption procedure that Islam does not accept. In pre-Islamic Arabia, the adoption system was similar to what we now see in the West: the child even takes the family name of the adoptive father. When Islam came, it categorically rejected this procedure.

      An example from the life of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.):

      When the Prophet married Khadijah, she gave him a slave known as Zayd bin Hâritha (Zayd, son of Hâritha). The Prophet took such a good care of Zayd that their relationship changed from that of a master and a slave into one of father and son. Zayd was one of the first persons to accept Islam. When his father and uncles came to know about his whereabouts, they came to Mecca and told Prophet Muhammad that Zayd had been captured by some thieves and sold into slavery. The Prophet set him free. But Zayd refused to leave Muhammad and go home with his father. Hâritha, the father of Zayd, became very angry and openly declared that from now on “Zayd is not my son.” The Prophet immediately responded by adopting Zayd. Zayd came to be known as Zayd bin Muhammad (Zayd, son of Muhammad).

      This continued till after the Prophet migrated to Medina. Zayd had grown up and was now a married man. However, his marriage did not work out. Allâh revealed some verses related to Zayd’s divorce in which He also talks about the issue of `re-naming’ the adopted children. He says,

      “Nor has He (Allâh) made your adopted sons your sons. Such is (only) your (manner of) speech by your mouths. But God tells the truth, and He shows the way. Call them by (the names of) their fathers, that is better in the sight of God”. (33:5)

      After the revelation of this verse, Zayd was again called Zayd bin Hâritha and not Zayd bin Muhammad. However, this change in name did not affect the relationship of the Prophet and Zayd. They were still like father and son.

      As the Qur’ân says, calling adopted children by the names of their adoptive fathers is contrary to “the truth,” and therefore, they must be called by the name of their real fathers.

      Implications of this Verse

      What this means is that adoption does not change the relationship of a person: adoption does not end the blood relationship between the child and his real parents and siblings, nor does it create a real relationship between him and his adoptive parents and their children.

      The practical implications of this view, on the one hand, is that all the rules which apply between blood relatives are still valid: for example, the child will still be mahram; that is an adopted child cannot marry his real siblings; he or she is also eligible for inheritance from the real parents; and there is no need for hijâb between the child and his or her real family. (With the adoption system in the West, it is quite possible that a person would end up marrying his or her siblings!)

      On the other hand, the rules that apply between non-related persons are still valid. For example, adoption would not create the mahramiyyat between the child and the new family—an adopted girl will have to observe hijâb in presence of her adoptive father and brothers; similarly, the mother and sisters will have to observe hijâb in presence of the adopted son; the adopted child can even marry the child of the adoptive parents. In Islam, the right of inheritance is based on uterine relationship:

      “Those related by blood are more entitled to (inherit from) each other in the Book of Allah.” (8:75)

      However, the adoptive parents can always use their discretion to write up to one-third of their estate for their adopted child.

      Adoption & Foster Relationship

      There is only one case of adoption where a sort of semi-familial relationship and mahramiyyat is created between the adopted child and the adoptive family: when the adopted child is below two years of age and is also breast-fed directly by the adoptive mother for at least a day and a night.

      This creates a foster (rizâ`i) relationship, and the child is mahram to the new family—there is no need for hijâb, nor can the child marry the real children of the adoptive parents. However, in case of inheritance, even a rizâ`i child has not right in the estate of the adoptive parents. But as mentioned above, the adoptive parents can write up to one-third of their estate for their adopted child.

      To Summarize

      1) Adoption is allowed in Islam.

      2) However, changing the family name of the adopted child is not allowed.

      3) If the child was two years old or less and was also breast fed directly by the adoptive mother for at least a day and a night (or fifteeen times consequently), then the child will become mahram to the new family—hijâb won’t be necessary.

      4) If the child was not breast fed as mentioned above, then he or she will remain non-mahram to the new family.

      5) Adoption in rizâ`i or non-rizâ`i form does not give the adopted child a right to inherit the estate of the adoptive parents; nor does it deprives him or her from inheriting the estate of the real parents. (However, the adoptive parents have the option of writing up to one-third of their estate for their adopted child.)

      * * *
      It is necessary to emphasize that hijâb should not be considered a barrier in the way of adopting an orphan or a poor child. Muslim ladies are expected to wear decent clothes at all times; so, at the most, they will have to put on the scarf.

      To those used to the Western way of life, this might sound unusual but one should know that this happens even without the adoption—in case of extended family dwellings where, for example, two married brothers live with their families under the same roof: the wives and bâligha1 daughters will have to observe hijâb by wearing decent clothes with a scarf on their heads.

    • Umm says

      Because it’s NOT true! People speak upon what they don’t know based on their desires! This is clearly an ignorant blog that misconstrued the religion of Islam and has taken parts of speech and has interpreted in the way the wanted to. Our religion doesn’t work like that ! It’s NOT based on your interpretation of the truth. And for the comments bashing Islam, no Institution can teach you about a religion that they themselves despise as no teacher can teach a child that they themselves despise… to you be your religion and to us be ours. It’s ok for those to think that Noah was a drunk and that Lot slept with his daughters( May Allah remove them from the acts the people accuse them of) or that Adam’s children married each other but, you attack Islam on all sides with your ignorance!

    • Stk says

      The Quran is full of verses urging Muslims to be kind to orphans and to Fred them and treat them well. Islam allows kafala which means you can bring a child to your home and raise him or her and treat them like your children what Islam says is they never be one your biological children as Islam recognizes kafala which is guardianship not adoption as is understood in the western world. In islam you keep the child’s last name and let him know he is not a biological child of the parents. Nevertheless you can give them a portion of your property and wealth and love hem dearly
      We just got a baby from Morocco he has been awarded under our guardianship and will be raised and loved by us.

    • shadowknight1998 says

      Please. This is not true. Let me explain. Ok, so yes, the prophet did marry his ADOPTED sins wife but under how and why, you have gotten that wrong.
      On his way to his sons house, he saw his sons wife under her veil by accident and commented on her beauty which she heard. They talked, all of them and his son told Muhammed that he will happily divorce her if Muhammed wanted him to but Muhammed told his son NOT TO and ENCOURAGED him to stay with his wife. Muhammed left and his son and his wife spoke and they divorced. And so no one came to fault. Muhammad marries his adopted sons wife.

    • Tariq says

      This is not true, the prophet got adopted too after his parents past away while he was still a breast feeded baby, & his son’s never grow up as they also died while still babies and yes he did adopted a son but never married his adopted son’s wife. In short Islam does allow Muslims to adopt children

      • epic fail says

        all muslims say that when theyre lying
        they say “its made up”
        its not working for you anymore
        you lost a long time ago
        its only mercy of non muslims that you are here now and you just are trying to do damage control
        but we see you
        and still have mercy
        we don’t know what else to do with you
        youre here
        so we just observe and feel distant
        what else can we do?
        youre strange to us

    • Khuzaima says

      All of Muhammad’s kids died at young age and did not live above the age of 5 you stupid ass fucking piece of shit.

      • epic fail says

        does that mean he wasn’t blessed?
        he has no bloodline?
        or will he call his bloodline through his daughters?
        seems fitting.
        he needed to learn that lesson

    • Amani says

      You are either completely naive or completely stupid. Taslima nasrin obviously has serious issues regarding islam therefore is using this site as a source to interpret her/his own perspectives of islam. True muslims do not need confirmation of their beliefs from anywhere especially the internet. The people who fall for this type of crap are as i say, either completely naive or just completely stupid. As for the author of this, may your god have mercy on you. Or if you have a desire for the hellfire, may your torment be well deserved.

    • Jay says

      Islam highly encourages adoption and or sponsoring orphans/ children. It is deemed as one of the highly ranked deeds a human can do!

      Taslima Nasrin, consult actual scholars and scripture rather than ‘Dr. Google’

    • Z Shariff says

      The guy who wrote this garbage is a clown. Ain’t got a monkeys…

      Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was an orphan himself….. Is it really even necessary for me to go on?
      Have you seen him who denies the religion? He is the one who harshly rebuffs the orphan and does not urge the feeding of the poor. So woe to those who do prayer, and are forgetful of their prayer, those who show off and deny help to others. (Surat al-Ma’un: 1-7)

      They will ask you about the property of orphans. Say, “Managing it in their best interests is best”. If you mix your property with theirs, they are your brothers… (Surat al-Baqara: 220)

      Give orphans their property, and do not substitute bad things for good. Do not assimilate their property into your own. Doing that is a serious crime.

    • Tazz says

      Dear everyone, i invite you to come and study reality , instead of believing a story made up of comics.

      Hazrat Zaid was from a very poor background and Hazrat Zainub from a rich background,they had their differences and did not get along… Thus the divorce took place
      With it Allah explained all the rules of divorcing.

      Soon after this marriage took place , to eliminate the concept of that society where you couldnt marry your adopted sons wife.

      Along came rules of adoption, that when you adopt a child his name should not be changed to yours but should remain his original fathers.

      We also know that Zaid parents had come for him sometime when he was growing up, the Prophet SAW gave him freedom to go ( as adoption in islam gives you tons of rights as an orphan)

      But Zaid chose Prophet Muhommad SAW over his own family due to his affection and kindness towards him.

      Also when the marriage took place , Prophet Muhommad SAW felt extremely worried and shy because of what people will say…. So then Allah comforted him.

      It was not his own choice.
      Already people were after his life for introducing a new religion ….

      The comics are really disturbing.
      Iam really troubled.
      May Allah guide us all.

  1. smrnda says

    I think it should be worth noting that many conservative Christians in the United States, while not openly being opposed to adoption, seem to at least be against it on the grounds that children can be affected by ‘generational curses’ where some immorality in the family results in some sort of curse being placed on the descendents. Given their conservative beliefs, many of these Christians view children who are up for adoption as tainted since, if they came from ‘good, moral Christian families’ they wouldn’t have been placed up for adoption. Parents following the methods of the Pearls (Christian writers about parenting) killed their adoptive daughter through sadistic ‘discipline.’

    All said, I took a course on Islam in college, and I came away thinking, how does anybody believe this shit? It was the same reaction I had to the Mormon religion – an obvious scam from the start, particularly focused on granting the alleged ‘prophet’ sexual access to whatever women he wanted.

    • ttch says

      Viz. the conservative Christians who believe in “generational curses”, they can’t have been reading their Bibles very closely, for the prophet Ezekiel records God’s word (Ezekiel Chapter 18, KJV):

      1 The word of the Lord came unto me again, saying,

      2 What mean ye, that ye use this proverb concerning the land of Israel, saying, The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children’s teeth are set on edge?

      3 As I live, saith the Lord God, ye shall not have occasion any more to use this proverb in Israel.

      20 The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.

      This is by no means taken out of context. Read your favorite translation. According to God, there are no more generational curses.

      Of course this negates the whole concept of “original sin” so it’s not surprising Christians don’t quote it much.

      • Interrobang says

        There’s quite a strong belief out there that adoption is equivalent to “settling” or that adoptees must be damaged goods, traumatised, et cetera. I remember reading about a Catholic priest who had made some very anti-adoption comments relatively recently, which is right up there amongst their many hypocrisies, since the Catholic Church has historically been the epicentre of the baby-trafficking epidemic.

        There’s a lot of hate out there against adoption and adoptees. Being one, I notice these things. (If I see one more graphic online where the punchline is some variation on “The reason we hate you is because you’re adopted,” I’m going to scream.)

        I also think a significant amount of the adoption-hatred on the part of right-wing Christians is that they believe you’re supposed to have the family God gives you, not what you can arrange through human laws. Jewish adoptees may not marry Kohanim, but other than that, they probably do the best job of the conservatively religious in being humane toward adoption.

      • Clementine says

        The Book of Ezekial is in the Old Testament and is not binding on Christians because it is viewed as the sacred text of another rekigion (Judaism). Christianity’s view of its relationship to Judaism and the old testament is clear. The early Christians decided that while Judaism was the true revelation of God and the foundation of Christianity, Christianity represented a new era of God’s dealings with the world so the extensive body of Jewish law was no longer binding. Similarly, the general Christian attitude toward the Old Testament may be summarized as follows:
        Religious principles and ideas (such as the notion of a sovereign God who is active in human history) are appropriated; religious practices (such as dietary laws and sacrificial routines) are not. {1}
        Thus the Old Testament is useful and edifying in that it tells of the true God’s actions in Israel, but it does not carry the same level of authority or relevance as the New Testament.

      • epic fail says

        im surprised muslims think about Christians at all
        its weird
        it reminds me of blacks thinking about white people all the time
        its the same thing
        its like stalking
        im very sure Christians are not a muslims business.
        theyre not “part of the family” and to discuss a people with a different God and covenant is jealousy and stalker like.
        its never good
        whats a safe way to tell them to just go away ?

    • safa says

      Wow. Now I know why conservative anti-choice groups tend to downplay adoption as an option for a woman dealing with an unwanted pregnancy. In their view, a woman keeping and trying to raise an wanted child when she neither has the financial nor emotional support to do so is the only option. I have a friend who adopted four children from Russia. She had to go back and forth to Russia many times and had to wait several months before she could go and pick up her children. I asked her why she didn’t adopt a child in the US. She said that there aren’t many children available under the age of two and there are long waiting lists in the US.

      As to the story about Muhammad, did anybody ever consider what the daughter-in-law wanted? Maybe she didn’t want some tired looking old man. Maybe she wanted her young handsome husband. Or maybe she was pinning over a past female lover. But it doesn’t matter because women are not considered human beings capable of free and intelligent thought in a patriarchal society.

      This story is no different than that of the ugly crimes of Jerry Sandusky of Penn State who coerced young boys to have sex with him in locker room showers and in his own home. Sociopaths like Muhammed and Sandusky can always justify their desires and the pain and humiliation they cause.

      • KJN says

        It is well recorded that neither Zaynb or Zayd were happy in their marriage. Zaynb had initial reservations at accepting Zayd’s marriage proposal as she had a much higher social status than Zayd (who was an ex-slave). Their short marriage (of less than a year) did not work out and although they tried to reconcile they agreed to conclude upon divorce. The cartoon above is erroneous fantasy at best. Zaynb was also a widely respected tanner/leather worker and continued to work at her trade after her marriage to the Prophet Muhammad and the security that came with her third marriage (she was married once before Zayd).

        A skilled three-time divorcee Arab woman. So tell me does that make the article the author has written above a distorted oppression of the truth?

        Re: Adoption in Islam it has all been said here. Adoption is encouraged multiple (23) times in the Quran whilst keeping the identity of the child known as to avoid any loss of inheritance due to them and the other personal problems that could result as the aforementioned comments stated.

        • epic fail says

          sounds like giving farm animals a higher iq and attempting to guide them into human behavior and its not much happier as animals
          hopping skipping and jumping for joy! (like goats)
          in the monkey body it doesnt do well at all
          it gets all confused and needs lots of rules and still fails
          no proper guidance
          no mother who loves them

    • gora729 says

      every religion needs update to remain acceptable to modern ppl. reformer is needed.if educated ppl don’t come forward, change will not occur. they should come from the same religion, not from other religions.this is applicable for every religion. one day there will be no religion on this world, i dream.

      • epic fail says

        people might have to actually love each other in live time rather than go pray and have a scapegoat
        that’s why they prefer religion
        theyre hiding from life itself . knowing it rejected them

  2. Happiestsadist says

    At one point in my life, I worked for a branch of my government that partly handled, among other things, transnational adoption. One day, a woman came in with a case that broke my heart. She’d been living in an Islamic country with her husband, (keeping details vague on purpose), she told me. She showed me a picture of a little boy, maybe four years old. He was holding his pet cat, a scarred-up orange kitty who’d clearly been on the streets, and the two looked so happy. She and her husband had taken in the boy, who was settled with them, and called them Mother and Father now. His cat had had three thousand dollars worth of surgeries to make sure they’d be together a while. But (iirc) the husband’s contract to work there was up, and they were returning to Canada. She had just found out that because there’s no recognized adoption where they were, the papers she had from when they took him in were meaningless, and now they were in an international limbo where they were likely to be split up. It was hard not to cry at my desk after she left.

    • says

      This is misleading. You are allowed to provide foster care and be a guardian for orphans and abandoned children. There’s much to criticize in how Islam treats adoption, but you give the impression here that muslims are forced to leave children to starve on the street and this is not true.

  3. amethyststarling says

    Do they not fear what would happen to their children if they died while the children were still young? Or does it not matter to them?

  4. Art says

    Thhheeeerrre’s trooouble in River City…

    Another silver tongued charlatan taking advantage of simple-minded and credulous people by claiming to have a singular connection to an imaginary supernatural being. And yes, it is a great way to satisfy your every carnal desire, gain great power, and wealth.

    It also leaves millions of people deluded, confused and at war with neighbors who are not confused, or confused in different ways. But, as with most sociopaths, Mohammed was not likely to have been overly concerned with the discord he caused or how it would get millions killed over time.

  5. ihkhan says

    You are bitch,, who has no intellect and no knowledge of islam, try to understand what islam is and then comment on it…

    • F says

      Is that all you’ve got? Why don’t you try making a substantive argument about any point with which you disagree.

      I think you are wrong on all three counts. Present some evidence for them. (Good luck with the first two, which are not even real things.)

    • Crudely Wrott says

      ihkhan, your tone and your words indicate that you have little or no understanding of what it means to be a human. No intellect or knowledge of compassion. No understanding of the sweet goodness that people are capable of when they live unencumbered by ancient superstition and mythology.

      I am not exclusively pointing out the failings of Islam. It is no different from any other randomly selected religion. All faiths diminish human worth and potential. That you cannot see this is evidence of your angst and confusion. For that you can thank your imaginary god.

      You should be ashamed of yourself. I certainly am ashamed of you.

    • says

      Ihkhan, why be so angry? If your faith is true, then everything happens by the will of a higher power, even Ms Nasreen’s writing. Those who disrespect your religion will be punished on the Day of Reckoning. There is no need to defend your faith by abusing people.

      Here are some teachings from your own faith:

      And when they hear Al-Laghw (dirty, false, evil vain talk), they withdraw from it and say: “To us our deeds, and to you your deeds. Peace be to you. We seek not the ignorant.”

      – Surat al Qasas 28:55

      And not equal are the good deed and the bad. Repel [evil] by that [deed] which is better; and thereupon the one whom between you and him is enmity [will become] as though he was a devoted friend.

      – Surat Fussillat 41:34

      Narrated ‘Abdullah bin ‘Amr: “The Prophet never used bad language neither a ‘Fahish nor a Mutafahish. He used to say ‘The best amongst you are those who have the best manners and character.’

      Narrated ‘Abdullah bin ‘Amr: “The Prophet said, “Whoever has the following four (characteristics) will be a pure hypocrite… Whenever he quarrels, he behaves in a very imprudent, evil and insulting manner.”

      “Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: The strong-man is not one who wrestles well but the strong man is one who controls himself when he is in a fit of rage.

      There’s nothing in the Qur’an about swearing on the internet. Go and make peace with your soul, my friend! If religious people practiced what they preached they wouldn’t be so annoying.

    • Gordon Penny says

      Dear Ihkhan,

      Taslima Nasreen, award-winning writer, physician, secular humanist and human rights activist. You call her a ‘Bitch who has no intellect and no knowledge of islam’. Well, by her worldwide awards and achievements, she shows herself to have far more intelligence and also knowledge of Islam than anything that is floating around in your pea sized brain. You show yourself to be an ignorant foulmouthed person. On the basis of the short insulting message that you sent to Taslima, its quite obvious that your brain has over the course of time been eroded by the brainwashing of five times a day, braying like a donkey as you chant the endless nonsense of the Quran, so much so that it has long since ceased to be able to think clearly for itself, to reason and to be able hold sensible debate with other adults who may hold different views to yourself.
      By your own words you condemn yourself to ridicule.

      • sadiq says

        Award winner rigth,u are a foolish human being I suppose,and what does the AWARD of this world as to do with God in the hereafter u bastard and I wonder how u people place the world before the Almigthy God,,,,U will stand before God on the day of judgemenT to give ur account as I wld also,,,bye fool and we will knw who has been brainwashed by the devils of this worldYou know what, it sweetend you now writing all this bullshit and formulated stories of urs,but I bet it with you that if you don’t change and ask for God forgiveness in this world before you die by writing all this false stories Against the Holy prophet Muhammad (pbuh), U are automatically Doomed,,,you knw what I mean……….Laugh now and Cry Later

        • Boz says

          It is when I read pathetic, abusive comments like this that is without critique, logic, analytical response or any sign of intelligence that I sigh for a large part of the human race.
          I personally totally agree with Gordon Penny. The Koran is one of the most abysmal attempts at verse probably ever written. It is unreadable without the Hadiths and Sunnah to give it some sort of relevance. Twenty percent of it is gibberish and has no meaning; it is supposed to be the perfect word of God but is full of foreign words even when perfectly good Arabic ones were available; it changes from I, we, you, us, in one verse as if Allah’s not sure who is talking or to whom; it’s full of plagiarised religious script and stories from all over the place especially Jewish tomes; it is riddled with misspellings, words with no meaning and missing words; it is choc a-block with scientific nonsense that the creator of the world should have had a better grasp of, and it is as vicious and ugly a book as I’ve ever read.
          All of this has been proven over and over again by very qualified researchers, even some Muslim ones who dared to be honest, a very dangerous pastime in Islam.

          • nikki says

            If u wouldn’t want people to react in an abusive way try to engage in a conversation with them that 1. Doesn’t insult their religion and 2. Doesn’t mentally torture them with your words. It is clear you have no knowledge about the religion of Islam because if you did you would atleast know the basics like how to spell Quran. It is quite distressing to know that there are people who come onto a site and waste their time by creating false information about a religion they dislike and know that other people would like sheep follow them, rather than do their own research. Please do grow up and and do some factual research and by that I mean not going on hate sites but by actually analysing the main source. Thanks

          • Boz says

            Hello Nikki,
            For a start off I was not being abusive nor was I insulting your religion. One does not need to do that with Islam as the Koran , Hadiths and Sunnah does an admirable job of showing exactly what Islam is based on without any embellishments needed. You accuse me of needing to do some research but I would suggest that it is most Muslims that need to actually read their own very scant literature instead of listening to their Imans and quoting passages in their prayers verbotem in a language that they have no understanding of.
            As a matter of fact I have read quite a lot in all of those so called holy books and have been stunned that any one reading them could for one moment be taken in after reading the continual litany of death, hatred, pettiness and stupidity that so many of the verses preach. Mein Kampf is the only other book I know of that spouts such stuff. In fact because of the similarities of so many of Hitler’s ideas with those of Muhammad, who quite obviously was the author of the contents of the Koran, it is obvious that Hitler had also read it and was inspired by its message of how to subjugate large masses of people by fear and retribution and murder..
            Also for your information I do not scour all the hate sites. I happened to stumble upon this site as it was quoting something my Prime Minister was supposed to have said, and having read so much about Islam was prompted to make some comment because of all the ludicrous things said by so many people obviously very ignorant of the contents of their own meagre holy books.
            A further indication of your own ignorance is the fact that “Qar’an” is a perfectly acceptable way to spell the word, as you will find out if you can be bothered to google Qar’
            I realise that for brainwashed people who are forbidden to question the word of Allah (no wonder, what a floodgate that would open) it would be considered a waste of time to read anything that someone else with a questioning and more logical mind might submit, as it is always easier to accept something without question than to actually have to cogitate on it and arrive at your own conclusions.
            I do not know how old you are Nikki but you sound quite young and therefore possibly have a lot of maturing to do and knowledge to gain as you traverse the road of life. I am 69 and have read extensively my whole life. I do not insult people by making comments on any subject unless I have some background or knowledge of the subject .
            I became intrigued by the constant Islamic push which is becoming obvious, in countries world wide to take them over from within until an Islamic Caliphate rules supreme and all countries are subjugated under the thrall of Islam, so have researched the subject quite thoroughly and read a number of books, many by courageous ex Muslims who have escaped Islam and tried to send out warnings to the rest of the world about the threat facing them.I would suggest you broaden your horizons about your poisonous religion by reading a bit more extensively on the subject. I do not write any of this to insult or distress anyone. It is an opinion I have reached after much thought and discussion and study of the subject.
            As a matter of fact I find that any religion is a complete farce and a way for institutions to control the gullible masses. Every one of a thousand religions claim to be the one true one and each claim all the rest are just phonies. Islam is just another one of them. But the problem I have with Islam is that there is absolutely no proof anywhere that it ever existed except for the Koran, which is unreadable by itself, without chronological order, continual repition, words in foreign languages, missing words everywhere, completely senseless verses, words never heard of in any language, and a grammatical mess with incorrect tenses, verbs, and personal pronouns abounding. This is the perfect word of God? It took the Haddiths and Sunnah written a couple of hundred years later to try and sort the mess out. If there is a message of peace there I missed it. The few there were from the early Meccan period of Muhammads life were all abrogated by the ever more ferocious one from his warlike Medina period. So as far as I, and many others, are concerned it is the continual exhortations in it for jihad against the unbeliever and death to anyone who might question, in it’s relentless urge to subjugate all of humanity that I find so offensive and so frightening. It is all in your few books. They speak for themselves!
            Peace be upon you.

          • Abdullah says

            Arabic is a language with a lot of in-depth meaning, and therefore have many different words for the same thing,but with minor differences.That would probably be why different words would be used when others were available.

        • epic fail says

          yea allah says he gives as reward womens boobs that are not inclined to sagging
          but human fathers don’t allow their daughters boobs to be spoken of as rewards for muslim men
          so you will get an illusion of boobs in heaven and jinn spirits to carry it out for you

      • sadiq says

        Hello Taslima nasreen,wld let this stinck to ur skull as all ur beloved readers here has been hailing you that u are an award achiever, well it seems so good if you achieves award given to u by human of ur type and now forgetting that the brain and resources to get was given to u by the Almigthy God and you now went further in writing a missleading stories about the Last prophet of the Almigthy God which was given the Holy quran to as a guidian to Humanity…

        But let make u understand a thing that u urself knows deep in u that all u wrote was forged and edited into bad form by u urself and it will be ok for u to re-write the story in its good form before u meet ur untimely death,,,,Hmmmmm I fear and fill for ur soul,Hell is real and it will be very tough for people like you that allows the arrogancy of this cheap world to cover their face and seal up their heart…..Miss or Mrs my candid advice for u is to write the story in its original form and ask God for forgiveness…..thanks

        • epic fail says

          untimely death??? is this voodoo? muslims are into black magic and voodoo
          due to their intense jealousy of all those who have common sense to reject your master.
          the one you serve yet hate and show it by hating those who don’t like him…
          you made him..himself abandon you and go for non muslims
          “I will replace you with a better people”is what he says
          he doesn’t like you
          he wants fresh people who are still innocent….
          that’s why you are jealous
          but we don’t want either of you
          and you can tell

      • sadiq says

        I pray u come to ur senses soon enough b4 u DIE……….Hell is real and if u are paid to do this I pray to God Almigthy to allow u spend and enjoy the Money very well so that the work load of SIN will be much on ur head……And Again if u are confident enough of all this assault, get on any TV station live and swear by the Name of the Almigthy God u are saying the truth but if u v said the otherwise u shld perish instantly by the will of God….I knw u won’t dare try dat …Hypocrate

        • Boz says

          Sadiq, test out your phony God next time you have your arse up in the air by raising your head. If your eyeballs don’t fall out, he’s a fake. He said they will.
          Muslim vol1, no. 863. chapter CLXXIII
          It is forbidden to lift one’s eyes towards the sky in prayer. Abu Huraira reported Allah’s apostle as saying. “People should avoid lifting their eyes to the sky, while supplicating in prayer, otherwise their eyes would be snatched away”
          That’s about as dumb as mumbling praise to some dude five times a day in a language you have no idea of. On top of that Allah proclaimed three times a day was sufficient. It was one of the Hadiths that changed it to five, so two aren’t even divinely inspired.
          Mind you, I don’t believe in any of the other hundreds of religions, all claiming to be the one true one. It’s just that the arrogance and violence of Islam trying to subject the world to an Islamic caliphate gets up my nose. That’s even when I have snorted water through my nostrils three times every morning to blow out Satan who Allah tells me resides there. It must be too hot in his own residence.

          • Abdullah says

            I would believe that that saying was referring to arrogance in prayer. when we are supposed to humble ourselves in front of our Lord, we are not supposed to raise our eyes in arrogance.
            Actually, it was more than five times.It was supposed to be fifty, but then it was changed to five. Whichever Hadith said that must have been a phony.

      • Eeman says

        This was Zayd, son of Harithah, one of the first to accept the faith of Islam.
        He was freedman of the Prophet, who loved him as a son and gave him in
        marriage to his own cousin Zaynab. The marriage however turned out unhappy.Zayd’s marriage with the Prophet’s cousin Zaynab, daughter of Jahsh, did
        not turn out happy. Zaynab the high-born looked down upon Zayd the freedman who had been a slave. And he was not comely to look at. Bom were good people
        in their own ways, and both loved the Prophet, but there was mutual
        incompatibility, and this is fatal to married life. Zayd wished to divorce her, but
        the Prophet asked him to hold his hand, and he obeyed. She was closely related
        to the Prophet; he had given a handsome marriage gift on her marriage to Zayd;
        and people would certainly talk if such a marriage was broken off. But marriages
        are made on earth, not in heaven, and it is no part of Allah’s Plan to torture
        people in a bond which should be a source of happiness but actually is a source of
        misery. Zayd’s wish-indeed the mutual wish of the couple-was for the time being
        put away, but it became eventually an established fact, and everybody came to
        know of it.
        When the marriage is unhappy, Islam
        permits the bond to be dissolved, provided that all interests concerned are
        safeguarded. Apparently there was no issue here to be considered. Zaynab had to
        be considered, and she obtained the dearest wish of her heart in being raised to be
        a Mother of the Believers, with all the dignity and responsibility of that position.

  6. says

    Ms Nasreen, I did a bit of reading and I think the situation is more complicated than you make out. You’re right when you say that the Islamic view of adoption does not involve fully transferring the child into the adoptive family. The child has to keep the name and inheritance of their biological parents, and they are considered non-related to their adoptive family for the purposes of marriage and inter-sex socialising.

    However, from what I understand, when a child is “Islamically adopted” they are expected to remain with their adoptive family for as long as a biological child, with the family becoming their permanent caretakers and guardians. This is quite different from foster parenting, where the child may be raised for weeks, months or years, but always with the understanding that it is a temporary arrangement until permanent parents can be found. In this sense “Islamic adoption” seems closer to Western adoption barring a few different details, mostly regarding naming and inheritance. I am sure I have heard of children being adopted for life in Muslim families. Although the adoptive parents may be called “guardians,” the relationship seems closer to that of adoptive parents in the West.

    Also, when you rightly bring up the suffering of children without parents, you seem to imply that these children are left to suffer with no one to look after them in Islamic countries. It seems only fair to point out that on the subject of suffering orphans, the Qur’an, hadith and Islamic tradition repeatedly and specifically stress looking after orphans, unlike the other major holy books I know of. In one surah, Allah reminds Muhammad that he (Muhammad) was an orphan who was breastfed by a kindly foster mother (Allah takes credit for this, of course), and enjoins him to treat other orphans with compassion. Maybe that’s why the Qur’an seems obsessed with the welfare of orphans, because Muhammad used to be one?

    but piety is the one who believes in Allah, the last day, the angels, the book, the Prophets, and gives his wealth, in spite of love for it, to the kinsfolk, to the orphans, and to the poor who beg, and to the wayfarer, and to those who ask… (2:177)

    Say: whatever you spend of good must be for parents and kindred and orphans and the poor who beg and the wayfarers, and whatever you do of good deeds, truly Allah knows it well. (2:215)

    Worship Allah and join none with Him in worship, and do good to parents, kinsfolk, orphans…

    “Did He not find you an orphan and give you shelter? And He found you wandering, and He gave you guidance. And He found you in need, and made you independent. Therefore, treat not the orphan with harshness, nor drive away a petitioner (unheard).”

    The hadith also say that Muhammad adopted (in the Islamic sense) and raised a child, Zayd, who used to be a slave. You mention Zayd in the above story of the Prophet being aroused by his son’s wife. Zayd was not Muhammad’s biological son. He was adopted prior to the surah in your post, and he became Zayd ibn Muhammad. After Muhammad revealed the surah, Zayd reverted to his birth father’s name. It seems the author of the comic thinks that Muhammad revealed the surah so he could marry Zayd’s wife without committing incest.

    There may be low levels of adoption is Islamic countries due to these traditions. I think we should check the statistics, and also take into account how developed the countries in question are. Many majority-Muslim countries are developing, which means fewer resources, less birth control, lower levels of education fewer wealthy people, and probably therefore fewer adoptions.

    • says

      That was world children stats. People adopted children in pre-Islamic Arabia. But Muhammad made adoption illegal just to justify his scandalous marriage with his adopted son’s wife. The verses of the Quran are contradictory. Two kinds of verses are there, good ones before he got the power, bad ones after he got the power. The verses before and after his marriage are having two different ideas.

        • Umm says

          Taslima is a troll and her pic is obviously fake ) not the person behind the computer)! As is Ahmad! Please, do not even entertain them. They pose as Muslims or having Islamic background to lure people in and discredit Islam. Islam is bigger than that or any of you ! If you have a genuine desire to know the truth , seek it. If you desire to use google God to back up your ignorance, enjoy your life or lack of !

          • epic fail says

            why don’t you have your own life?
            why a religion that makes you marry and rape kids? and have adult suckling fatwa?
            it ruins your minds
            makes you useless
            for real love
            I could never love a muslim

  7. says

    Is there a reason my comments are still in moderation?

    Anyway, this is still misleading. There’s nothing stopping you in Islamic Law from taking in abandoned children and raising them. The rules that govern it are needlessly cruel to the children involved, and yes it’s not adoption as understood in the west, but there is nothing in principle that forbids you from taking in children and giving them a home, for life.

      • says

        Ms Nasreen, from your link:

        According to the Sharee’ah (Islamic law), there is no legal adoption. It is prohibited for a person to legally adopt a son or a daughter of whom he is not the biological father. If a person adopts a son or daughter, the Sharee’ah will not confer on the adopted person the status or rights of a biological son or daughter. According to the Quran, one cannot become a person’s real son merely by virtue of a declaration

        But it also says:

        Allowable Forms of ‘Adoption’ in Islam


        This is a completely different form of adoption, which is not prohibited by Islam – that is, when a man brings home an orphan and wants to raise, educate, and treat him as his own child. In this case, he protects, feeds, clothes, teaches, and loves the child as his own without attributing the child to himself, nor does he give him or her the rights which the Sharee’ah (Islamic Law) reserves for his natural children. This is a meritorious and noteworthy act in Islam, and the man who does it will be rewarded by being admitted to Paradise. Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) once said: “I and the one who raises an orphan, will be like these two in Paradise (and he pointed his middle and index fingers)”

        There are also numerous Quranic verses that support the act of taking care of orphans and enough cannot be said about how pleased Allaah is with this noble and charitable act, see: [Quran: 2:220; 4:2; 4:6; 4:10; 4:127; 17:34]


        A foundling or abandoned child is also regarded as an orphan, and one may apply the term ‘wayfarer’ to him as well. In this case too, as in that of orphans, the child’s lineal identity must be unchanged and parenthood to the natural parents should not be denied. When the parents of such children are unknown, the children must be made brethren in faith; See [Quran: 33:4-5], as cited at the beginning of this article.

        If a man is childless and wishes to benefit such a child (orphan or foundling) from his wealth, he may give him whatever he wants during his lifetime.

        If it is permitted for a Muslim to take in an orphan and “raise, educate and treat him as his own child” and “protect, feed, teach and love the child as his own,” and this act is rewarded in Islamic paradise, then saying “Islam prohibits the adoption of children” is not a fair representation. When I read your post I got the impression that Islam forbade taking in and looking after children.

      • says

        Your link speaks to my side of the argument, as Winterwind has done the work of quoting for me. I realize “adoption is forbidden in Islam” is a common misconception, driven in no small part by the fact Muslims themselves say it, but they say it with the understanding that adoption entails naming your adopted children after yourself. Under a looser definition, Islam does not prohibit adoption, but your original post gives no hint of this or other ways you could take care of abandoned children within the confines of the religious laws and juxtaposing that with the problem of homeless children strongly gives the impression that Muslims are helpless to offer any kind of aid.

        Calling this misleading was being generous. You are in fact perpetuating a common misconception, and that does no one any good.

        • Musca Domestica says

          She does mention fostering, and notes the differense between fostering and adopting. What the ‘Islamic adoption’ is, is fostering (except that the child doesn’t even have a chance of returning to their biological parent(s), which is usually the goal with children placed in foster care in more or less secular countries). Adoption means that the child has an equal position with the biological children. In ‘Islamic adoption’, the child will forever have a status of ‘other’, imposed by the law. This kind of otherness is felt quite strongly by children (or so I’ve understood).

          She probably should’ve covered the technicalities of ‘Islamic adoption’ better, but I don’t see any actual misleading here. It should be quite obvious that the terms used in this text cover the European/American forms of caring for non-biological children.

          • says

            You’re getting into the discussion late, she’s modified her post to reflect some of the criticism (which is commendable, though it’d be nice if there was some mention of it). Here’s the context in which I was making my criticism, and why I, Winterwind and very likely that abusive (presumed) Muslim up top read her original post to reflect a black and white ban on taking in children. My perception is obviously colored by having read the original entry, but if you read the modified as reflecting greater nuance then my work here is done.

            Incidentally, permanent foster care is a thing that exists. The entirety of Islamic adoption practices can fit into a definition of foster care, but it’s not the only one and the link that Taslima herself gave to illuminate the difference between foster care and adoption only mentions foster care in the context of a temporary arrangement, which is how most people understand it, and why I mentioned both foster care and “guardianship” in my original criticism. It’s worth getting into the nuance of the definitions precisely because they are understood in different ways.

            And yeah, it is felt by the child, in my understanding, though I don’t have any experience in the matter myself. Interrobang’s post on the subject, linked in an earlier comment, is very much worth reading. I was not defending Islamic adoption practices as “good” in any sense of the word. There’s a boatload of what I think is valid criticism one can make about adoption in Islam, not limited to:

            *Sharia interacting poorly with international law and acting as a roadblock to trans-national adoption or outright banning it

            *The ban on treating adopted children as part of the family means that adopted women have to be veiled when they hit puberty, inside the house,which is obviously horrible in all sorts of ways and makes adoption very difficult in countries that take the veiling culture very seriously.

            *Being treated as not being part of the family is alienating, and is what I meant by “needlessly cruel” earlier.

            *The lack of inheritance rights for adopted children

            *The possibility of fully adopting a child if you breastfeed them when they’re under 2 years of age encourages adoption of younger children over older ones in a world where finding adoptive parents for older children is already more difficult than finding them for younger children.

            *The whole emphasis on blood and kin probably makes it less likely people will adopt at all in the first place.

            Islamic adoption is a mess. There’s much to criticize here, and it’s not served by writing something that makes it seem like it doesn’t exist at all.

          • Musca Domestica says

            Yes, it seems I only saw the corrected version, and that your critisism was valid. I do wish that the added/corrected parts were clearly indicated, too, it would be more clear and honest.

    • epic fail says

      right.. and when divorcing a wife it says she can come over sometimes to breastfeed her own baby and receive a payment
      sick sick sick sick

  8. Gordon Penny says

    Why the endless debates about the laws and beliefs of 1400 years ago ? In this modern day and age cannot these Muslim people and their countries start to think for themselves about the needs and requirements of how we should be living here and now in the 21st century ? Come on people, start thinking sensibly about the right and proper things we should be doing now and not be dictated by these old and outdated beliefs. I notice that Islamic people have a habit of enjoying using mainly western scientific inventions that enhance their life, eg mobile phones, internet, medicines, cars etc to name but a few. On the other hand they quickly run to their old ‘Comfort book’ the ‘quran’ to start quoting obscure verses to justify their obstinate attitudes and fixed thinking, which prevents them from making any changes in their lifestyles in order to adapt and live in a modern 21st century way like the rest of the world do.

  9. Gordon Penny says

    To sum up, people of Islamic faith, please start thinking for YOURSELVES as to what are the right and proper things to do in life. You are letting your thinking be dictated by an old book of dubious instructions that may have been relevant to life at the times of writing , but is completely outdated thinking now.
    If you believe that there is a ‘GOD’, well ok thats up to you , but realise that ‘GOD’ gave you a brain to use !! He also gave us a body which had a penis and a vagina, if ‘GOD’ had wanted these sexual organs to be stitched up and altered then this great designer would have done so him/herself!! Also given was a naked body, if ‘GOD’ had wanted women veiled up ‘GOD’ would have done it ! Clothes are the invention of mankind, nothing more, for their comfort , protection and warmth. Different styles and colours are mankinds interpretations, through style or culture, not a mythical creator ,eg ‘GOD’ !!

    • sadiq says

      That’s because u are a fool and a friend to vanity,,,don’t blame its all because ur holy book is been edited often by unknown scholars,,,,
      If I make u understand and knw dat to start with a law saying that u shld allow ur child to be stone to death when he or she tries to disobey u is in the bible,what will u fool say…..No!!! Cos u knw nothin abt ur religion,all u listen to is baked lies from the mouth devilish scholar like Taslima and ur so called large numbers of fake pastors that after Money…..U better wake up and do some researches urself b4 u land urself in HELL

      • epic fail says

        jealous of the bible means jealous of daughter zion
        that’s all
        if you get who you are from a book it means you have no self anyway
        youre being controlled by someone who hates you
        and it might be yourself

    • Rukhi says

      God gave us a naked body, so why do we go around in clothes? We cover up because of modesty, right? And may I ask why is it that rape cases are so high in the western world and not in islamic countries. DO a little research and compare statistics and then you might understand. Also, let us take the example of a lollipop. If a lollipop does not have its cover, it will attract flies, right? Dirty things that have no right to your lollipop, right? But if you cover it up, nothing happens to it. See, if something is precious you cover it, you don’t want to display its beauty to the world, do you? You don’t want to attract all kinds of thieves and robbers to what is rightfully YOURS. Same way, a woman’s body si rightfully hers, and god has given us muslim women a body to only please our spouse lawfully. Also, note why adultery is so common in the western world and not in muslim countries. Same reason as given.

      If you actually try to read the Quran you might see Islam for what it really is. God himself encourages people to think about his creations and to ponder about them. It is a blessing itself. islam is the world’s second biggest religion and is still growing, with many converts from the western world. Why do they convert? If they had falsely seen the media reports branding Islam as terrorism they wouldn’t have converted. They were people like you after all. But no, they read up and did research and then they decided that Islam was a way of life and converted to it. 🙂

      • Boz says

        The reason that rape cases are so low in Muslim countries Rukhi is because no sane Muslim woman would ever dare admit she was raped so they all go unreported. If she was that courageous she would have to have the word of four men witnesses to back her up and we all know that pigs will fly before that could ever happen. Otherwise she would be blamed for having sex outside marriage and probably be put to death by one of her male relatives for having dishonoured her family. Obviously we in the west have a totally different approach to what honour actually is.
        Your lollipop reasoning is ridiculous and without any validity. Are you trying to say that Muslim woman are so filthy they would attract swarms of flies if they were uncovered? Even I don’t believe that. The reason adultery is also less common is because no sane woman wishes to be stoned to death by a load of rabid, hypocritical men whose egos are shattered at the thought of their woman having sex with someone else and perhaps doing a bit of comparing.
        I have read much of the Koran and the Hadiths and Sunnah and believe me I have seen Islam for what it is and it has shocked me. Allah does not encourage people to think or ponder or question anything about Islam. In fact he expressly forbids it, otherwise it would have converts leaving the religion in droves. To stop this of course just in case any Muslim did start thinking for themselves he made apostasy punishable by death. That’s showing real understanding and compassion but then that’s what complete subjugation is all about.

  10. Ace says

    The person who wrote this is an uneducated fool with no understanding of Islam. All the stupid people that believed this dumb article need to do their own research not be sheep. That person is not right in the head, obviously never went to school and has a bad life. Your article and comments disgust me. No wonder the west has no morals and respect, go ahead and continue your ignorant lives, make up stories about Islam if it makes you feel better as you are that much of a loser in life. Even if all the worlds dumb numpties made up silly stories it still would have no affect on the message of Islam. Only seriously thick people believe dumb articles like this.
    P.S. Islam promotes adoption more than any other religion so get your facts right you morons!! The topic here isn’t adoption overall, the topic is you hate Islam and try to disprove it but try as hard as you want, you can’t do it. Feel sorry for all of you, pray for forgiveness.

    • gordon Penny says

      Sounds rather dumb to me to believe in a fairy tale belief that has no place in the 21st century. I have worked with muslims and seen their silly ideas first hand. I also dont like the way they treat their women. I just cannot be bothered to argue at present with people who are so brainwashed with this nonsense. We in UK dont want these people here living amongst us. They are in the majority the biggest scroungers and thieves going. See a crime on tv and its often a Mohammad who did it. Completely corrupt people, Car insurance scams, fake benifit claims, financial fraud, honour crimes against women, forced marriages to first cousins, often the girls are little more than kids being ferried across to Pakistan to be forced to marry a much older first Cousin. Unlike your brainwashed lot, we can think for ourselves and make up our own minds , based on commonsense, something muslims dont have. You are a curse to the rest of the world, thats why no one wants you or likes you.

      • jak blak says

        i agree with you 110% i for one is a muslim but ashamed of being so. It is such a confusing religion which makes no sense cause one issue or topic contradicts the other on same subjects. No two opinions are the same.

    • gordon Penny says

      No need to make up fake stories about Islam, its all written down in the crazy book called the Koran.Of course when you quote the stories that Muslims dont like, they quickly run into the self denial mode.

      • Rukhi says

        Give me one contradiction in the Quran then. The Quran was written a long time back, but it has scientific miracles, and it already predicted the big bang theory, and the growth of a fetus in the womb. Please stop insulting other religions or people might start insulting yours.

        You know, what’s funny is that Islam and Christianity are the religions with things most in common, bu they are the ones that keep fighting on. I consider a christian to be my brother or sister and I would never disrespect them, my best friend is a christian. and I don’t think you should.

        • Boz says

          Yes Rukhi, I must agree. The Qar’an has some amazing scientific insights. Here are some of them for those of you who don’t know, direct from the ilah who made us and the universe:

          When Allah’s prophet was asked why a child sometimes resembles the mother and sometimes the father…
          Bukhari:V4B55N546 “Allah’s Apostle said, ‘Gabriel has just now told me of the answer. If a man has sexual intercourse with his wife and gets discharge first, the child will resemble him, and if the woman gets discharge first, the child will resemble her.'” Oh! Okay how about…….

          Ishaq:255 “Jewish rabbis came to the Apostle and asked him to answer four questions saying, ‘If you do so we will follow you, testify to your truth, and believe in you.’ They began, ‘Why does a boy resemble his mother when the semen comes from the father?’ Muhammad replied, ‘Do you not know that a man’s semen is white and thick and a woman’s is yellow and thin? The likeness goes with that which comes to the top.’ (Blimey Muhammad’s lousy memory has failed him again!) (‘Agreed,’ the rabbis proclaimed. ‘Tell us about your sleep.’ ‘Do you not know that a sleep which you allege I do not have is when the eye sleeps but the heart is awake?’ ‘Tell us about what Israel [Jacob] voluntarily forbade himself.’ ‘Do you not know that the food he loved best was the flesh and milk of camels or perhaps two lobes of liver, kidneys, and fat?’ ‘Tell us about the spirit.’ ”Do you not know that it is Gabriel, he who comes to me?’ ‘Agreed,’ the rabbis said. ‘But Muhammad, your spirit is an enemy to us, an angel who comes only with violence and the shedding of blood, and were it not for that we would follow you.” This is religious scripture?

          Tabari I:258
          Qur’an 15:26 “Allah created Adam from sticky clay, meaning viscous and sweet smelling slime, being stinking. It became stinking slime after having been compact soil.” Am I reading the right book here?……

          Tabari I:258 “Allah sent Gabriel to the earth to bring Him some clay. The earth said, ‘I take refuge in Allah against you mutilating me. Then He sent the angel of death. He took some soil from the earth and made a mixture. He did not take it from a single place but took red, white, and black soil. Therefore, the children of Adam came out different.” Even a talking Earth? is scared of the angel of death.

          There must be something somewhere…….

          Bukhari:V4B54N430 “Allah’s Apostle, the true and truly inspired said, ‘Regarding the matter of the creation of a human being: humans are put together in the womb of the mother in forty days. Then he becomes a clot of thick blood for a similar period. He becomes a piece of flesh for forty days. Then Allah sends an angel who is ordered to write four things: the new creature’s deeds, livelihood, date of death, and whether he will be blessed or wretched. He will do whatever is written for him.'” Crikey, a 4 month gestation period and a predestined life. Will it be the sex palace in the sky or an everlasting torment in the fires I wonder….

          Let’s see if he can do better with the weather then…….

          Bukhari:V4B54N482 “Allah’s Apostle said, ‘The Hell Fire complained to its Lord saying, “O my Lord! My different parts are eating each other up.” So, He allowed it to take two breaths, one in winter, the other in summer. This is the reason for the severe heat and bitter cold you find in weather.'” Nope, that didn’t work…..

          Let’s give the sun explanation a shot…….

          Bukhari:V4B54N421 “I walked hand in hand with the Prophet when the sun was about to set. We did not stop looking at it. (That’s a dangerous thing to do!) The Prophet asked, ‘Do you know where the sun goes at sunset?’ I replied, ‘Allah and His Apostle know better.’ He said, ‘It travels until it falls down and prostrates Itself underneath the Throne. The angels who are in charge of the sun prostrate themselves, also. The sun asks permission to rise again. It is permitted. Then it will prostrate itself again but this prostration will not be accepted. The sun then says, “My Lord, where do You command me to rise, from where I set or from where I rose?” Allah will order the sun to return whence it has come and so the sun will rise in the west. And that is the interpretation of the statement of Allah in the Qur’an.'” The TV program on “the Universe” I was watching must be telling fibs then…..

          How about the different seasons then eh……..

          Tabari I:232 “Gabriel brings to the sun a garment of luminosity from the light of Allah’s Throne according to the measure of the hours of the day. The garment is longer in the summer and shorter in the winter, and of intermediate length in autumn and spring. The sun puts on that garment as one of you here puts on his clothes.” Oh, okay that sounds reasonable. Good answer.

          We’ll ask Alexander the Great. Huh! I never knew he was a Muslim………..

          Qur’an 18:83 “They ask you about Dhu’l-Qarnain [Alexander the Great]. Say, ‘I will cite something of his story. We gave him authority in the land and means of accomplishing his goals. So he followed a path until he reached the setting place of the sun. He saw that it set in black, muddy, hot water. Near it he found people.” Weren’t we just told it set beneath Allah’s throne. Now I’m confused.

          One last go then. How was the Earth made Muhammad I plead…….

          Tabari I:219 “When Allah wanted to create the creation, He brought forth smoke from the water. (Where did that come from then?)The smoke hovered loftily over it. He called it ‘heaven.’ Then He dried out the water and made it earth. He split it and made it seven earths on Sunday. He created the earth upon a big fish, that being the fish mentioned in the Qur’an. By the Pen, the fish was in the water. The water was upon the back of a small rock. The rock was on the back of an angel. The angel was on a big rock. The big rock was in the wind. The fish became agitated. As a result, the earth quaked, so Allah anchored the mountains and made it stable. This is why the Qur’an says, ‘Allah made for the earth firmly anchored mountains, lest it shake you up.'”

          Please no more (though there is plenty). I rest my case. Really scientific for an all powerful, all knowing God.

  11. Rohani says

    Ok, well you’ve got a few things wrong here. First of all, one of the greatest gifts you can give in Islam is parental guidance. Millions of muslims worldwide take in children, and it’s a common practice to take in servants in many islamic countries. What does this entail?

    Basically, a child without a mother or father can be taken in by a Muslim family, provided and cared for like any biological child belonging to the family. However, you are not allowed to strip the child of his God given name, and replace it with your own. Why is this? Well, first of all, if the child has a substantial fortune, this would make it impossible for enterprising goons to “adopt” the child, give it their name, and steal their inheritance.

    Also, in traditional adoptions in the western world, the child’s TRUE identity is hidden from them, to the point where the child has serious psychological issues because it took so long for the family to reveal to them their real identity. This can create emotions of displacement, distrust, and the child can feel like they don’t “belong.”

    In Islam, the child’s name is different than that of their guardian, and from early childhood, it is explained to them that they came from a different family. This allows the child to look at their guardian with trust, because they took in a destitute youth such as the child itself. Revealing to the child his or her true identity creates a open relationship. Other than that, providing for the child is no different than providing for your own.

    And if we’re going to point out obscure religious law, may I ask if you, a devout Christian, enjoin in alcohol? It’s outlawed by the Bible, but you still do it right? You MUST be a sinner, but that would be an incorrect and ignorant evaluation on my part.

    Please do your research and don’t disparage a spiritual belief that BILLIONS of people around the world follow. You’re not critiquing the local Piggly Wiggly when you post stuff on the internet.

    • Raza says

      I strongly disagree with the author who lacks knowledge of Islam.

      “Adoption is forbidden in Islam” is a common misconception, driven in no small part by the fact Muslims themselves say it, but they say it with the understanding that adoption entails naming your adopted children after yourself. Under a looser definition, Islam does not prohibit adoption, but your original post gives no hint of this. You are in fact perpetuating a common misconception, and that does no one any good.

      According to sharee’ah it is not permissible for a person who adopts a child to give him his name as if he is his own son and a member of his tribe because this involves lying, falsehood, the mixing of lineages and a threat to people’s honour, as well as distorting the channels of inheritance so that someone who is not entitled may receive an unfair share whilst depriving the rightful heirs of their due, and causing chaos in the sphere of relationships and marriage. All of this violates sanctities and transgresses the bounds of sharee’ah. Hence Allaah forbade saying that a child belongs to anyone except his father or a slave belongs to anyone except his master. As Allaah said (interpretation of the meaning):

      “nor has He made your adopted sons your real sons. That is but your saying with your mouths. But Allâh says the truth, and He guides to the (Right) Way. Call them (adopted sons) by (the names of) their fathers, that is more just with Allâh. But if you know not their father’s (names, call them) your brothers in Faith and Mawâlîkum (your freed slaves). And there is no sin on you concerning that in which you made a mistake, except in regard to what your hearts deliberately intend. And Allâh is Ever Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” [al-Ahzaab 33:4-5]

      One of my acquaintances is adopted to Muslim parents and retains his original Christian name. There you go! Adoption in Islam still holds! And please wake up from this misconception!

  12. melvin polatnick says

    There is no sound as pleasing to Allah as the Shout of Allahu Akbar; it tells him an infidel is being punished. But these are words of action and must not be used in vain.

  13. michael roberts says

    What does islam forbidding abortion have to do with adoption? Also the cartoons feature a depiction of muhammad which is absolutely forbidden under islamic law. Obviously muslim fanatics have not found this page.

    • epic fail says

      so allah forbids abortion yet killed all of mo’s kids by age 5?
      so he wants the child to not be aborted live…. to age 5.. or not even close to age 5…..oh
      westerners don’t have that problem

      • epic fail says

        meaning we take our flinstones vitamins and have clean drinking water and do not marry our first cousins)
        we don’t have many or most of our kids dying by age 5
        a hadith says your dead infant has a suckling mother in heaven
        he was really doing damage control there huh?
        people said why is my baby dead?
        “the dead baby has a suckling mother in heaven” ( a physical heaven? well yes by a god who discuses boob size and perkiness I guess so)

  14. S says

    I don’t understand why simple verses of the Quran are made so hideous by uneducated and ignorant people like the one that has posted this.
    You are giving the wrong message and the wrong reasons for such a message. May be because of the constant threat that you feel from Islam.
    And this silly cartoon that has been made is completely disrespectful. Clearly not one to be talking about morals and modernising as your the one that needs to. Just grow up and keep your nose out of matters that you clearly have no respect for.
    Oh and before you start going on about do I know what I’m talking about.. Actually I do as I am a law student who has studied Islamic law.
    These stereotypes about Islam are created by people like you who don’t actually know what your talking about yet feel a constant need to attack. If you hate the religion why are you so bothered about it. Go and get a life. Or increase your knowledge before such posts.

    • epic fail says

      islam has never been a threat.only a joke and a shock.
      “allah gives perky boobs as reward in heaven”
      we just don’t understand you

  15. hum says

    Every thing u write about article is wrong .I think u have to study about Islam more .I respect people , books and prophets of all religion .u r confused in different topics u try to raise here .the story of zaid a.s is similar to prophet yosef …….Joseph who was bought and gifted zulaiqa as servent and they joseph loved as son by the but Joseph married to zulaiqa by the will of god .zaid a s was gifted to holy prophet p.b.u h as servent but he loved him as a son .and to fininsh discrimination between 2 classes zaid a .s married holy prophet p.b .u.h cousin by the will of Allah and prophet.but after their divorce holy prophet p.b.u.h married to her cousin by the will of Allah ………this marriage break the old trend of Arab that if u say son to any one its not mean it is your son …..and those respect relegions can understand this but person like u ……………

    May Allah give u hidayat

  16. Jean Markale says

    I usually ignore this sort of tripe, but both the article and numerous comments have stooped to depths I’m not used to seeing, even online.
    The spectacle of supposedly rational people making the same pat, tired excuses for arguments is frankly depressing.
    I am better educated about religions in general than most of the population, and at one time thought I had a fair grasp of al-Islam. But after studying it more deeply as an adjunct to learning Arabic, I have to admit that before this year, I knew absolutely nothing about it.
    Most of the people making hateful comments here also know nothing about it–it’s clear from their classic blend of oversimplification mixed with downright lies–yet have the utter gall to pretend that those who disagree with them are either ignorant, stupid, or brainwashed.
    And, for the record, I myself am not a Muslim.

  17. Emilia says

    It is worth mentioning that despite a few anti-adoption fundamentalist Christians here and there, much of the opposition to adoption in the West comes not from any religious faction but from the secular left. The so-called progressive movement portrays adoption as an oppressive institution that hurts birth mothers and adopted children alike. International and within-country interracial adoptions are furthermore seen as colonialist and racist. Anti-adoption leftists ignore studies that show that interracial adoptees fare as well as within-race adoptees and (and this might sound like a heresy – maybe not a great term to use on a freethought blog!), more significantly, adoptees of any race tend to do much better than children raised by single birth mothers. I really don’t know enough about Islam to comment on its view of adoption, but if you want to see some real anti-adoption fanaticism, don’t look at the Christian fundamentalist movement; look at the regressive – oh, I’m sorry, I meant the progressive movement.

  18. sadia says

    Nowhere in all your references have you proved that Islam is against adoption. The only thing I can see is that you cannot change your adopted child’s surname to be yours. And it is a reasonable thing to do.
    Fear God and the day of judgement! As we WILL be raised again and we will all have to account for our deeds. Instead of mocking religions and wasting time making fun of me( I have a feeling you might!) use your time to do more research please. You may find that Quran has more facts on life than what you think! Facts that only God could have known.

    • epic fail says

      not true.
      that’s voodoo and sorcery
      MANY people have “foreknowledge/pre knowledge” even psychics etc
      no one will worship someone just because of easy knowledge that we learned before you did! (you were illiterate until recently) but if the one giving this info to illiterate desert people said kill for me and marry kids and I give non sagging perky boobs as reward in heaven we have sense enough to reject it..we keep the knowledge.. and reject the pervert
      you guys are MARRIED emotionally and spiritually to the pervert for some scientific knowledge which means you are full prostitutes and we already surpassed that knowledge a long time ago
      and we ditched the pervert and grew in grace and wisdom.
      you guys are trying to ADD the pervert TO some science LOL

  19. sadia says

    Nowhere in all your references have you proved that Islam is against adoption.
    Fear God and the day of judgement! As we WILL be raised again and we will all have to account for our deeds. Instead of mocking religions and wasting time making fun of me( this is for everyone who haven’t tried to understand and instead are wasting their energy mocking others!) use your time to do more research please. You may find that Quran has more facts on life than what you think! Facts that only God could have known 1400 years ago. For example … Embryology ( chapter 96 verse 2 ,Chapter 23 verses 12-14)The fact that the light of the moon is reflective and not it’s own ) Chapter 25 verse 61) and that earth is spherical (chapter 79 verse 30) and that the sun revolves around in its own axis (chapter 21 verse 33) water cycle (chapter 39 verse 21, chapter 35 verse 9, chapter 30 verse 24, chapter 23 verse 18) and that there are two types of waters and there is a barrier between the two (chapter 25 verse 53) that every living thing is made out of water ( 21 verse 30) these are just some of the facts that modern science discovered years after Quran was revealed.

  20. sadia says

    Nowhere in all your references have you proved that Islam is against adoption.
    Fear God and the day of judgement! As we WILL be raised again and we will all have to account for our deeds. Instead of mocking religions and wasting time making fun of me( this is for everyone who haven’t tried to understand and instead are wasting their energy mocking others!) use your time to do more research please. You may find that Quran has more facts on life than what you think! Facts that only God could have known 1400 years ago. For example … Embryology ( chapter 96 verse 2 ,Chapter 23 verses 12-14)The fact that the light of the moon is reflective and not it’s own ) Chapter 25 verse 61) and that earth is spherical (chapter 79 verse 30) and that the sun revolves around in its own axis (chapter 21 verse 33) water cycle (chapter 39 verse 21, chapter 35 verse 9, chapter 30 verse 24, chapter 23 verse 18) and that there are two types of waters and there is a barrier between the two (chapter 25 verse 53) that every living thing is made out of water ( 21 verse 30) these are just some of the facts that modern science discovered years after Quran was revealed.

    • epic fail says

      5th grade American science is no reasn to accept a pervert into your life
      its ok
      knowledge is free its from God
      not from perverts who used sorcery and voodoo to impress the illiterate
      allah hates the literate because we already KNOW what he has to say
      what can he impress us with?
      we wont agree to marry kids or accept boobs as rewards in heaven
      so he had nothing to offer us..and his people (muslims) so far have nothing to offer us.
      we always feel we have to be kind and merciful to them as a burden.. not some great thing to have around
      this is why you are all mad..its a culture clash finding out we teach our GIRLS what you aren’t allowed to learn! (unless you have learned English)
      I don’t talk to muslims in Arabic
      muslims talk to NON muslims in English
      this goes one way because allah didn’t want you to know of us

  21. kiro says

    i believe u shudn talk about things u know nothing of. Firstly adoption is allowwd in islam, it is just done differently. the child must be fully aware he is adopted n he is not to be named after the family adopting him. Adoption dozn happen alot in many muslim countries bcuz muslim families r closely bound so if the childs parents die there always is a relative who wud take care of him. However, there are afew abandond children at child care institutes n they can be adopted or sponsered. In a country like saudi arabia children living in orphanages r known to have luxurious lives aswell as education at universities of their choices being fully sponsered by the goverement and generous indivisuals.

  22. kiro says

    Muhammed PBUH never had a daughter in law, he never had a son who got to the age of maturity before death. He did not adopt a child, he set a slave free n offered him to go back to his father but the child refused and chose the prophets custody, he was never known as Muhammeds son he was just a child he raised. N muhammed never married his wife, the story is completely wrong n based on nothing but someones imagination.

  23. lna says

    you took this story all wrong Prophet Muhammad is a great Pearson and he is a Prophet just like issa (Jesus)

    Harvard university puts a verse from Quran at the entrance of faculty of law as one of …the greatest principles of justice in history

    • epic fail says

      like adult suckling fatwa was also considered to be?
      its a mistake humans were given brains to think I see
      its torture to the animal body you reside in.

  24. says

    Simply want to say your article is as astounding. The clarity to your submit is just great and that i can suppose you are a professional on this subject. Fine with your permission allow me to snatch your feed to keep up to date with approaching post. Thanks one million and please continue the enjoyable work

  25. sadiq says

    You know what, it sweetend you now writing all this bullshit and formulated stories of urs,but I bet it with you that if you don’t change and ask for God forgiveness in this world before you die by writing all this false stories Against the Holy prophet Muhammad (pbuh), U are automatically Doomed,,,you knw what I mean……….Laugh now and Cry Later

  26. Muslim says

    This is untrue, please search ‘adoption in islam’ on google, and read authentic links, by religious scholars belonging to any religion
    i don’t even want to read the what’s written after you address the prophet that way !

  27. Muslim ah says

    Nasreen, please provide any verse that says you are not allowed to care/adopt a child or atleast share the verses that contradict caring for an orphan. Trust me you won’t find any so please stop spreading lies about Islam to gain some popularity.

  28. Fatima Abdullah says

    This is not true, One of the wives of Prophet Muhammad adopted more than a child. In Islam, if a person wants to adopt a child( which is believed to be a very very good thing) the Muslim couple can’t give the child their last name, The adoptive child has to keep his own last name and when he older needs to know that the adoptive parents are not the biological parents. I as a Muslim don’t plan to have my own kids because as a society we need to raise children every where, and I plan to adopt three kids when I’m ready.

    • epic fail says

      how mohomod feels about orphans is that when they grow a beard they should suckle a specified number of times on their adoptive mothers breasts….
      that’s a hadith
      and recently in Egypt the adult suckling fatwa was discussed
      this is not a normal creation
      its demented
      my father would slap anyone silly if they taught me that. he wouldn’t allow my precious mind to be abused like this
      it stops life itself
      its a demon he LOVES doing that to you.. he hates you so much

      • epic fail says

        why adopt a child and then abuse it by saying it should suck on his mothers breasts if he has a beard and the father is jealous
        you cant get any sicker than that if you TRIED
        wouldn’t you rather stay or die in the orphanage than be told something like that?
        all due to a mans jealousy a child who once looked at his mother (adoptive mother) as his loving has to suckle her.. in a demonic display if abuse of love… all due to a mans “thoughts” of jealousy and all muslims agree muhammed said that!
        they think he is GREAT
        so you are all warned
        no one will save you from him
        you had your chance and you CHOSE THAT
        that would be an abused child.. grew up..has a beard.. and now has to do the unthinkable… to someone who changed his diapers..( or whatever… ) truly a sick and demented folk

  29. stop your cruelty to orphans says

    If you truly care about orphans, study an ideology properly before assuming you know everything.
    Islam’s care of orphans is far greater than yours, and in your ignorant arrogance against Islam’s universal and timeless laws, you are in fact promoting the abuse of orphans.

    Islam insists we take care of them, but just that we maintain their TRUE LEGAL IDENTITY rather than USURPING it because through legally changing their names, many people TAKE ADVANTAGE of orphans and assume that the legal inheritance left over to the orphan by its TRUE PARENTS is THEIR OWN, and many people in fact adopt rich orphans ONLY FOR THAT REASON. when they actually have no right to that wealth. As for those who are poor and take care of orphans and cannot afford it, Allah allows them only to TAKE WHAT IS NECESSARY from that inheritance, because after all they have to feed the child and not keep it starving.

    Islam also protects biological bloodlines because if you dissolve the original identity of the orphan they will never know that end up doing INCEST by marrying their own true siblings, just because YOU STOLE THEIR IDENTITY.


    • epic fail says

      actually in muslim countries they say the orphans are being sodomized by muslims.and hadith to back it up says no sin if the boy child is underage
      no one protects them
      as we would here in America
      once we know that goes on there is a punishment
      but in muslim countries the united nations has to step in to protect the orphans because muslim men like boys
      I hope its not the quranic verse that says muslim boys fresh as pearls serve you wine and do not bleed
      allah said youll get non sagging boobs so allah does serve man
      serves mans..sexual desires
      with payment/rewards of sexual things.. so there is no reason to trust him
      temporary marriage contracts too
      to have sex as needed when away from YOUR WIFE
      sick sick sick sick sick sick

  30. What? says

    This is incorrect.
    In the period when there were wars with pagan tribes against Muslims, the Muslims had to adopt the children of the dead fathers.

  31. Leah says

    I think it is very sad that this article seems intent on trying to put a bad name on a beautiful religion that has many followers. Muslims are able to take care of orphaned children, but we have a different name of it which is called Kafala since the chidren to keep their birth names to have some kind of tie with this blood family. This is important for the well being of the child. In America there are now many open adoptions taking place. I was adopted myself before I became Muslim and unfortunately this was during the time when you were not allowed to know who your natural parents were. I will probably never know who my natural family is. It hurts me from time to time. If things were followed the way Islam encourages I would know who my natural family was and have my birth name.

    I travelled to a Muslim country before and met a couple who could nothave children so they adopted the Islamic way (Kafala)a beautiful baby girl. She was their child, but kept her birth name. Please don’t preach to other people to hate and have intolerant views of Islam. I don’t believe God (the same one God the Jewish people, Christians, and Muslims worship) would like this. It says in the Qur’an that we were created differently with cultures in many places of the world to come to know eachother. Hate is wrong and if you are good Christian people as Jesus Christ always preached for Christians to be, you would be more tolerant and try not to express hateful and dishonest views about another religion you don’t know much about.

    I also wanted to point out that this article is misfactual. Zayd was not the son of Prophet Muhammad Peace be Upon him. Zayd was a servant of the prophet whom he freed, but still had a very close relationship to him. Eventually Prophet Muhammad freed him and Zayd loved the Prophet so much and didn’t want to leave him that Prophet Muhammad adopted him. I have never heard of Prophet Muhammad ever wanting Zayd’s wife. This is misfactual. Prophet Muhammad was a very pious person and even when he had married one of his wives he made sure while walking down the street to let others know that this woman was now his wife so bad thoughts would not cross into other people’s minds. Prophet Muhammad did marry Zeinib who was originally married to Zayd, but it is nothing like the writer presented to us. Zayd was married to Zeinib and was not happy with her so they ended up getting a divorce. A while after Prophet Muhammad wanted to marry Zeinib. Another interesting fact to point out is that Prophet Muhammad was the person who initially helped Zeinib to marry Zayd. She originally came from a very prestigious background and before accepting Islam and after accepting Islam she had a high opinion of herself she had lower and become more humble. Prophet Muhammad helped her to do this by encouraging her to marry Zayd. Zayd was originally a black slave and Zeinib was an affluent beautiful woman and at first thought herself too good to marry Zayd. Prophet Muhammad kept encouraging her to marry him. Finally she decided to marry him since the Prophet of God was saying it would be good for her. This action helped her to really become a true Muslim and to see that Islam was not about money, prestige, etc. It was about follwoing and worshipping God and in Islam a white person is not superior to a black person and an Arab is not superior to a non-Arab, what matters in Islam that makes a person better in front of their creator then another person are their good deeds.

    Islam is really a beautiful religion. I converted to Islam a while back and it has helped me to find peace and harmony in my life. I feel very blessed I found it. I do not hate others. I accept others andI want nothing more then people in this world to be more tolerant and king to eachother. I hope this person writing this article can stop propagating information that is misfactual.

    • epic fail says

      Stockholm syndrome
      you think demon is beautiful
      no one will help you. its your own fault
      “satan comes as an angel of light,it is no marvel”
      muslims are still mesmerized

  32. Clementine says

    Most states in the United States have KLG statutes (Kinship and Legal Guardianship) in lieu of adoption that give the legal guardian the same legal rights, duties and responsiblities as parents without erasing the lineage of the child. Many Muslims in the United States “adopt” but under this type of statute.

    The edicts ofI Islam regarding orphans are more merciful and just than any other religion.

    In judaism the adopted child may be permitted to take on the name of the assuming family, according to Jewish law the child is hereditarily tied to his (or her) biological parents. If the child’s biological father is a Cohen or Levi by Jewish tradition, and the child is a boy, so too must he accept these priestly customs (but not if the child is a girl). Furthermore, the adoptee child may even marry a person from the adopting family including his or her “sibling” and/or aunt/uncle. Since the child is not from the adopting family’s hereditary blood this marriage would not be considered incest. How awkward is that?

    Christianity treatment of Orphans and adoption is limited to James 1:27, “to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”

    There are many passages inf the Quran and hadith with detailed information and guidelines on caring for orphans.

    It is unfathomable, from an academic point of view, that a person who lists so many accolades and accomplishments would publish (even via the internet) a piece with little or no supporting research.
    I understand now, it’s an opinion piece akin to an editorial.

  33. Boz says

    Leah, you sound like a very nice person but unfortunately like a large proportion of those who have submitted to Islam quite unaware of the profligate nature of the so called prophet that is so undeservedly adored. Your comments on Zaid are very naive:

    Tabari VIII:1 “In this year the Messenger married Zaynab bt. Jahsh [a first cousin: Allah’s Messenger came to the house of Zayd bin [son of] Muhammad. Perhaps the Messenger missed him at that moment. Zaynab, Zayd’s wife, rose to meet him. She was dressed only in a shift…. She jumped up eagerly and excited the admiration of Allah’s Messenger, so that he turned away murmuring something that could scarcely be understood. However, he did say overtly, ‘Glory be to Allah Almighty, who causes hearts to turn!’ So Zayd went to Muhammad. ‘Prophet, I have heard that you came to my house. Why didn’t you go in? [Dad,] Perhaps Zaynab has excited your admiration, so I will leave her.'”

    Tabari VIII:4 “One day Muhammad went out looking for Zayd. Now there was a covering of haircloth over the doorway, but the wind had lifted the covering so that the doorway was uncovered. Zaynab was in her chamber, undressed, and admiration for her entered the heart of the Prophet. After that Allah made her unattractive to Zayd.'”

    Tabari VIII:3 “Zayd left her, and she became free. While the Messenger of Allah was talking with Aisha, a fainting overcame him. When he was released from it, he smiled and said, ‘Who will go to Zaynab to tell her the good news? Allah has married her to me.’ Then the Prophet recited [Qur’an 33] to the end of the passage. Aisha said, ‘I became very uneasy because of what we heard about her beauty and another thing, the loftiest of matters, what Allah had done for her by personally giving her to him in marriage. I said that she would boast of it over us.'”

    Qur’an 33:4 “Allah has not made your wives whom you divorce your mothers: nor has He made your adopted sons your sons. Such is (only) your (manner of) speech by your mouths.”

    Qur’an 33:6 “The Prophet has a greater claim on the faithful than they have on themselves, and his wives are their mothers…. This is written in the Book.”

    Qur’an 33:37 “You hid in your mind and your heart that which Allah was about to manifest: you feared the people, but it is more fitting that thou shouldst fear Allah. Then when Zayd had dissolved (his marriage) with her, with the necessary (formality), We gave her to you, joining her in marriage to you: in order that there may be no difficulty or sin for the Believers in the wives of their adopted sons, when the latter have dissolved with the necessary (formality) (their marriage) with them. And Allah’s command must be fulfilled.”

    Qur’an 33:38 “There can be no difficulty, harm, or reproach to the Prophet in doing what Allah has ordained to him as a duty. It was the practice (approved) of Allah amongst those of old that have passed away. And the commandment of Allah is a decree determined. (It is the practice of those) who deliver the Messages of Allah, and fear Him. Allah keeps good account. Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but (he is) the Messenger of Allah, and the Last of the Prophets with the Seal: and Allah has full knowledge of all things.”

    Actually the comic section that has drawn so much wrath, though tongue in cheek, is a fairly accurate description of the event from what I have read in the Qar’an, the Hadith and the Sunnah.

    Whether Muslims may adopt or not is hardly the point. I am sure that many kindly Muslim families look after and cherish parent-less children (though the bit about them keeping their own surname so no one can steal large inheritances from them is a huge ask of anyone to believe). To me it would seem impossible for anyone with the slightest ability to be logical to see Muhammad and his religion as anything but the most warlike, vicious and self serving of scams after reading these three (solitary) tomes.

  34. Clementine says

    Tabari is not considered a valid source because he never collected hadith nor checked the accuracy of hadith he wrote down. His stories about Zaynab RA are not mentioned any where else. Al-Raz and Ibn Qayyum in his work Al- Jawab Al-Kafi (the Sufficient Answer) among many others mention the weaknesses in the different narration chains of many hadith which arrived to us through Tabari in his tafsir,

    Tabari, unlike the Quran also has quite a few racist athar that are also not found anyplace else.
    Tabari IX 69
    Arab Superiority
    Arabs are the most noble people in lineage, the most prominent, and the best in deeds. We (this coming from a Persian who isn’t Arab) were the first to respond to the call of the Prophet. We are Allah’s helpers and the viziers of His Messenger. We fight people until they believe in Allah. He who believes in Allah and His Messenger has protected his life and possessions from us. As for one who disbelieves, we will fight him forever in Allah’s Cause. Killing him is a small matter to us.

    Tabari II 11
    Ham [Africans] begat all those who are black and curly-haired, while Japheth [Turks] begat all those who are full-faced with small eyes, and Shem [Arabs] begat everyone who is handsome of face with beautiful hair. Noah prayed that the hair of Ham’s descendants would not grow beyond their ears, and that whenever his descendants met Shem’s, the latter would enslave them.

    Tabari II 21
    It is your folly to fight the Apostle, for Allah’s army is bound to disgrace you. We brought them to the pit. Hell was their meeting place. We collected them there, black slaves, men of no descent.

    • Boz says

      You are correct. Tabari has been discredited but not for any good reason. The rejection of Tabari is unsound for several reasons. First, Ishaq’s original manuscripts have been lost, so Tabari is the oldest unedited account of Muhammad’s life and the formation of Islam. Second, Tabari is nothing but a collection of Hadiths and Tabari’s isnads are more complete than Bukhari’s. And third, the Hadith Tabari compiled are no different than those arranged a century earlier by Ishaq, or by his near contemporary, Bukhari.
      The problem was it was the first book of Hadiths translated into English and all of a sudden vested interests were threatened. The Qar’ an was forbidden to be translated from it’s original religious Arabic that virtually no-one could read. This way the ignorant masses could be forced to learn to recite from it parrot fashion without knowing what they were saying and the West could be pacified with the continual “It’s a Book of peace” tripe without any idea of whether it was true or not.
      But suddenly Islam was there and its hideous ideology could be read by anyone. That threw the Imams and other parties who were benefiting from the subjugation of the masses into a tizzy. How could they defend Islam now that infidels could peruse all their secrets. So, like so many throughout history, Tabari became the patsy and was duly discredited which is very hard on Islam as it has just wiped out about 25% of the very slim evidence that it teeters on.
      Ishaq’s works are lost to antiquity now though Tabari would have had a copy and edited his works, even including some of the many hadiths Ishaq had rejected as being too offensive. The mind boggles at what they may have divulged when one sees what is actually in the hadiths. Of course when we are talking about something collected well over a century later from very disparate oral sources it should be fairly obvious that the veracity factor would be very low. Even Muhammad couldn’t remember half the stuff he came out with and had to blame it on Allah.

  35. Al says

    Al-Tirmidhi Hadith 4973 Narrated by Abu Hurayrah
    Allah’s Messenger (saws) said, “The best house among the Muslims is one which contains an orphan who is well treated, and the worst house among the Muslims is one which contains an orphan who is badly treated.”
    Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith 8.34 Narrated by Sahl bin Sad
    The Prophet (saws) said, “I and the person who looks after an orphan and provides for him, will be in Paradise like this,” putting his index and middle fingers together.”

  36. Nazim says

    Readers try to understand the truth before you Believe.I referred a lot of sources and found the data to be completely BULLSHIT and Islam doesn’t BAN ADOPTION.The story represented is wrong and the verses were misinterpreted.

  37. Boz says

    It doesn’t really matter whether Muslims ban adoption or not, let’s face it they create more orphans with their violence than by any other means anyway. Islam is just a religion like hundreds of others, all claiming to be the real one and all the rest are hogwash, and all striving to gain domination and control of people striving to find meaning, or those brainwashed from birth by the ridiculous pap that most of them subscribe to.
    Having read a great deal from the Qar’an which is mindless twaddle that seems to be more of a terrorist manifesto and seems to do little but exhort death, destruction and terror on everything non Muslim. When it gets off war it seems to be defending poor old Muhammad against people saying nasty things about him or drooling over the prospect of booty and the tortures Allah has dreamed up for just about everyone in hell, Muslim and infidel alike. I didn’t see much about religion. The Hadiths, written between 120 – 200 years after the event try desperately to put it into some sort of chronological order and make some sort of sense from it but let’s face it, stories from 1 -2 centuries old, yeah right they are bound to be spot on accurate.
    The thing about Islam, versus all the other attempts to turn peoples brains to mush is that it is an ideology
    more than a religion and is more in line with Mein Kampf, Mao’s little Red Book, or Carl Marx’s writings.
    It is focused on death, pillaging, subjugation, mindless obedience, booty and plunder, slaves and sex. No wonder it appealed to all the tyrants that rallied to Muhammad’s nonsense in the early days.
    I just wonder if all the Muslim’s that are always screeching that Islam is a peaceful religion really believe it or if they have ever actually read any of their religion’s four books that are the only evidence, if that is what you could call it, ever existed. All I see is mobs of very ugly people demonstrating on TV with great violence and disgustingly offensive placards every time any absurd little thing affects them and often in the countries that have offered them sanctuary and aid from their own backward societies. On top of that they kill more Muslims with suicide bombers than they kill infidels, one of the things that Allah did claim to be a grave sin.
    I’m sorry people it beats the hell out of me!

    • Wisam says

      Oh yes, it is the Muslim…not the Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan killing indiscriminately and creating a slew of orphans. And your point can be made without hurling insults on a people’s Holy books. To me, those are signs of too simple of a mind capable of rational thought.

      • Boz says

        Wisan I agree with you about Iraq and Afghanistan. The Americans have no right to be there and the excuse of fighting Muslim terrorists for world peace would come second best to their own vested interests, whatever they may be. However we both know that even if they weren’t there the death and destruction would go on regardless as warlords battled for their fiefdoms and the taliban murdered everyone in sight trying to implement Shariah law on the unwilling masses. Now that the Americans have all but withdrawn from Iraq it’s back to the usual business of Arab killing Arab, Muslim killing Muslim. How many suicide bombers have killed how many countless innocent people in Iraq lately? This is what infidels don’t understand. Allah supposedly said it is a grave sin to kill another believer but this is totally ignored by the many Islamic factions battling each other over disagreemnts about small interpretations of the Qar’an or other dogma. And why are suicide bombers such an integral part of Islamic culture? Because your holy book is 60% about killing infidels and becoming a martyr and going to wallow in the extraordinary pleasures of paradise. These poor misguided fools who rarely have any idea what is in the Qar’an except what has been told to them by radical Imams are doing nothing less than their God has instructed every good Muslim to do.

        Qur’an:9:5 “Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, harass them, lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war.”

        Also I am not insulting your holy book. I am giving my opinion on something which in our culture I have every right to do. We, unlike Muslims are not afaid, or banned from the exchange of ideas and most certainly do not impose a death threat on anyone who thinks differently or has a different opinion. It is the exchange of ideas that allows people to broaden their understanding and intellect. You have your opinion of your holy book and I respect that, but after having read extensively of your Qar’an, Hadiths and Sunnah (I would not be so presumptuous as to pass an opinion on something so important till I had studied it) my opinions based on my beliefs are totally opposite to yours. So what. We both have the right to believe what we will. So please don’t talk about rational thought when you are forbidden to question a holy book that to a vast number of people is extremely questionable.

  38. Wisam says

    What an idiotic and misleading post. Muslims were the first to recognize and humanize orphans. Muslims are still the leaders in the care of orphans. As for adoption, we are very much allowed to adopt, but what you got wrong is that Allah, the Almighty, instructs that adopted children are not to be usurped, that they do not lose their identities; we are told to adopt them, care and feed them, educate them, but do not change their names. Their birth rights are their names, their linage, their heritage. Now that is what I call preserving and respecting humanity.

  39. Iman says

    My Muslim husband and I (also Muslim) adopted a little girl 21 years ago and raised her as a Muslim. She is a good Muslim, a good student, a loving and loyal daughter, and we could not have asked for a better child nor could we love her any more if we were blood related. We sought the advice of well known scholars who unlike the ignorant of Islam, they gave us the green light to adopt. We were not to lie to the child about her origin, nor prevent her from knowing about her blood family. And although American law prevented us from giving her the last name of her biological father, we did give her the middle name of her mother. Anyone can make a cartoon story and copy it to the masses. Many churches do that and think they will actually win the hearts of Muslims by speaking badly about our Prophet Muhammed (sas). I don’t know where this fictional story came from, and it has no authentic reference to the arousal or forced divorce, so I can only assume the writer made it up. However there are many hadith which indicated the actual event and it was a wonderful story to show that 1. women had the right to ask for divorce (as it was she and not the adopted son who asked for it simply on the grounds that she did not like him) and 2. That you could marry the divorced wife of an adopted son as he is not a blood relative. Otherwise it would not have been permitted just as marrying a mother and then her daughter or two sisters. This article was meant to mislead and has no validity. Please disregard it and learn about Islam from Muslims.

    • Boz says

      Imam, you sound like a very good and decent person and I am sure their are many, many wonderful Muslims who have given an orphan a loving home. However I have been reading extensively on your religion lately and have been shocked to my core by it. Your comments, in my opinion, are to naive to even debate. But you obviously have somewhere found something good and gentle in Islam (something I’ve obviously missed) and if it gives your life fullfillment and meaning then that is all that really matters. May your days always be pleasant.

    • epic fail says

      so how would you feel if she were a boy instead and you love her all that much the same.. and you were told he has to suckle your breasts?
      adult suckling fatwa
      say he grows a beard and your pervert husband says he is jealous
      and good ole mohomomad said make him suck her breasts
      this is abuse

  40. SHELLY says

    You must be reading articles written by jewish then,try visiting a mosque and speaking with not just any muslim but a learned scholar or sheikh about any questions you may have,of all this wrongs against the islamic faith, it still surprises me that islam today is one of the most fastest growing religion,be careful what information that you may read , because alot of information on the internet even books have been written by those who wish to destroy islam and not show people the right information such as yourselves, and it can be confusing i know, there is alot of information out there, but as i requested ,that if you truely are sincere in your research or wanting to know be fair and go to a mosque and talk to a learned sheikh who can assist with any answers, islam is a complete life system, covering everything, a guide sent down to humans in great detail ,theres alot of things even in the christian and jewish text that we may not completely understand, but dont forget that these are revelations coming down from a higher source God,Allah and i speak for even the original untouched verses of the bible as well as torah .there is wisdoms in them that we might not understand, but if we trust God we know that he will guide us to the best of thing’s and then even saying that, you may say such and such happend ,it want good or what i wanted, but then later apreciate the fact that it happend ,or went that way.with all of these creations just the sun alone how it is a benefit to this earth how it turn’s how it rises each day and goes down, its not a easy process scientifically its a whole system a very complicated system, a thousand other things could be mentioned but its already been written ,verses ,lessons proofs to guide mankind we are not here to prove that there is a God, or convince you that Islam is the truth what is ,is.But to share at least the truths about it and just like the pr mohammed peace be upon him said if you want to know about the religion never take the idea from the people, but read and then when we dont understand the text dont wright it off saying islam this and that, no go and enquire if you are truthful and ask a learnd sheikh, just like in christianity and judaism there are those who walk amongst them that know nothing of there religion or there verses and those who are very learnd, islam is not full with plagiarism as one reader had stated, God since the time of Adam and eve send down hundreds of messengers and he also sent down prophets sending one message, the message was of the onesness of God in islam they call that tawheed, believing that God is one ,no partner, no son ,no daughter, by one meaning ,not to worship idols or other things such as stones,statues,rats, cows, human sacrifices ,yes this is all going on ,the Torah,Gospel,Quraan all came down with the same message one after the other and the Quran will be the last of the revelation to mankind the Quran mentions Jesus peace be upon him more times than Mohammed peace be upon him, we believe in the same God, it’s not a case of plagiarism, but a case of its the same God , giving this gift to us at different times throughout the centurys, a reminder.Please check carefully your sources before forming an opinion.

    • Boz says

      I am hardly reading biased Jewish articles. I have been reading a number of articles by learned scholars of various different countries who are experts in their fields. The old testament and the Torah are older than the Koran by hundreds of years and are backed up by thousands of still existing texts and scrolls which coincide with the bible in its present form. The Koran has not one single item from antiquity to back it up except perhaps the Sana Quran palimpsest, and little of them have been deciphered and they are not available to any westerners now. So absolutely nothing. No documentation existed for over a hundred years after Muhammad died that mentioned the Koran or Muhammad. Strange isn’t it, and whether Muslims want to disbelieve it or not, it is a well documented fact. As an aside, isn’t it strange that the mihrab in all the earliest mosques that have been discovered pointed towards Jerusalem, not Mecca. Why could that be?
      As there is masses of existing evidence detailing the lives of all the prophets and giving many detailed biblical stories, most of which have been proven by archeological finds over the millenia the extraordinary re-arranging of many of them in the Koran must be totally discredited. To claim all the disciples were Muslim is ridiculous. To claim Alexander the great was a Muslim is equally fictitious. It is a well documented fact he was a drunken pagan who worshipped the sun God. With all these wild claims that Allah made about it being the same religion, same God, same books (that’s a laugh. One preaches love and forgiveness the other preaches never ending bloody jihad, and death to any believer that dares to question anything in the Koran, until Islam is the only accepted religion) there is never a mention of Allah anywhere. Not in Christian texts, not in Jewish texts, not in Bhudist or Hindu texts either for that matter. Not anywhere in the countless thousands of old manuscripts that exist back over thousands of years that are still available.
      I just wonder if the Koran and Hadiths I read belong to some other religion because I surely found no message of peace and tolerance amongst it. All I ever hear is Muslims misquoting verses and leaving bits that are incriminating out. Some of the few peaceful verses that do manage to be quoted are from Muhammad’s earlier Meccan days when he was trying desperately to get a few Meccan converts, but they knew him and they knew what a swindler he was so they jeered at him. This was why Muhammad hated them and later harried, pillaged and killed them till he captured Mecca. Never mind, that they were his tribe, friends, family, relatives. Any of those peaceful verses were well and truly abrogated by his later verses which were all about death and destruction.
      Of course few westerners know about the abrogation laws so its easy to quote passages that no longer have meaning as later verses have cancelled them out. What an extraordinary conception for a book that is supposed to be the perfect word of God!
      Despite the Koran often stating that Allah and Islam are mentioned in the Jewish and Christians books it is also a sad fact that they were not. Ever! The first mention of Allah was in the Koran and the Hadiths where he was a black pagan rock stuck in amongst dozens of other pagan rocks in the Kabaa, in amongst a scattering of mud huts without rooves (no wood), amongst a desolate landscape far removed from anything. There is never any mention of Mecca anywhere either until well after the death of Muhammad.
      All this information is readily available for anyone that wants to look. The Koran, Hadiths and Sunnah are Islam’s worst enemies. They show with great clarity what Muhammad was, and what Islam is. I just don’t get how one and a half billion people are so totally uncritical and accepting of such a seriously flawed doctrine.

    • Boz says


      June 2, 2013 at 1:06 pm (UTC 5.5) Link to this comment


      I am hardly reading biased Jewish articles. I have been reading a number of articles by learned scholars of various different countries who are experts in their fields. The old testament and the Torah are older than the Koran by hundreds of years and are backed up by thousands of still existing texts and scrolls which coincide with the bible in its present form. The Koran has not one single item from antiquity to back it up except perhaps the Sana Quran palimpsest, and little of them have been deciphered and they are not available to any westerners now. So absolutely nothing. No documentation existed for over a hundred years after Muhammad died that mentioned the Koran or Muhammad. Strange isn’t it, and whether Muslims want to disbelieve it or not, it is a well documented fact. As an aside, isn’t it strange that the mihrab in all the earliest mosques that have been discovered pointed towards Jerusalem, not Mecca. Why could that be?
      As there is masses of existing evidence detailing the lives of all the prophets and giving many detailed biblical stories, most of which have been proven by archeological finds over the millenia the extraordinary re-arranging of many of them in the Koran must be totally discredited. To claim all the disciples were Muslim is ridiculous. To claim Alexander the great was a Muslim is equally fictitious. It is a well documented fact he was a drunken pagan who worshipped the sun God. With all these wild claims that Allah made about it being the same religion, same God, same books (that’s a laugh. One preaches love and forgiveness the other preaches never ending bloody jihad, and death to any believer that dares to question anything in the Koran, until Islam is the only accepted religion) there is never a mention of Allah anywhere. Not in Christian texts, not in Jewish texts, not in Bhudist or Hindu texts either for that matter. Not anywhere in the countless thousands of old manuscripts that exist back over thousands of years that are still available.
      I just wonder if the Koran and Hadiths I read belong to some other religion because I surely found no message of peace and tolerance amongst it. All I ever hear is Muslims misquoting verses and leaving bits that are incriminating out. Some of the few peaceful verses that do manage to be quoted are from Muhammad’s earlier Meccan days when he was trying desperately to get a few Meccan converts, but they knew him and they knew what a swindler he was so they jeered at him. This was why Muhammad hated them and later harried, pillaged and killed them till he captured Mecca. Never mind, that they were his tribe, friends, family, relatives. Any of those peaceful verses were well and truly abrogated by his later verses which were all about death and destruction.
      Of course few westerners know about the abrogation laws so its easy to quote passages that no longer have meaning as later verses have cancelled them out. What an extraordinary conception for a book that is supposed to be the perfect word of God!
      Despite the Koran often stating that Allah and Islam are mentioned in the Jewish and Christians books it is also a sad fact that they were not. Ever! The first mention of Allah was in the Koran and the Hadiths where he was a black pagan rock stuck in amongst dozens of other pagan rocks in the Kabaa, in amongst a scattering of mud huts without rooves (no wood), amongst a desolate landscape far removed from anything. There is never any mention of Mecca anywhere either until well after the death of Muhammad.
      All this information is readily available for anyone that wants to look. The Koran, Hadiths and Sunnah are Islam’s worst enemies. They show with great clarity what Muhammad was, and what Islam is. I just don’t get how one and a half billion people are so totally uncritical and accepting of such a seriously flawed doctrine.

  41. Salam says

    I have not read the whole blog, but I have skimmed through it.
    Yes, you are right, islam forbids adoption, but it ENCOURAGES FOSTERING. Let’s look at what adoption is, shall we?
    Adopting a child means, giving him your last name, and that he or she can inherit you. I think this is the reason why it’s forbidden, because it isn’t fair for the person’s family. What one can do in islam, and what mom is doing. is she’s paying a certain amount of money to an orphan on a monthly basis. It takes care of their needs.
    what a muslim can do is foster. that way you can raise the child as yours, education, food, clothes, and everything but with the exception that he still has to acknowledge his or her own biological parents. as in, his last name, where he came from. who is his mother and father, any other relatives, any inheritance? things of that sort.
    And yes, he can’t inherit from you after you die, BUT you are entitled to give a maximum of a third of your own inheritance as a gift maybe to charity, or to a friend or in this case. The little boy your raising!
    You see, Islam doesn’t prevent us from adopting for no reason and it encourages us to continously pay and take care of the less fortunate. This also explains the yearly zakat money.

  42. Mona says

    Your whole article on Islamic Adoption is incorrect. It would be nice if you knew your facts before you posted this article to misguide people – unless that was your agenda.

    You asked: Why shouldn’t people have the right to adopt children? Why shouldn’t orphan children have the right to have adoptive parents?

    Islam puts a huge emphasis on orphans and to be kind to them. Muhammad (pbuh) himself was an orphan! Let me try to explain to you and clear the fog in your brain about Islam.

    In Islam you CAN adopt children. You just have to let the children know who their biological parents are. You cannot give the child your name. The reason is because they are NOT your child by blood! The child can go on in the future, find a lost sibling and marry them by mistake if they do not know the truth!

    In Islam there is LOGIC behind every single thing and everyone has to be addressed. You need to educate yourself before you blindly title an article “Islams most terrible law, it prevents adoption”. Where on earth are you getting your information?

    In order to get into detail, read this article:

  43. Shafeeq Mahajir says

    derogatory allusions can be avoided even where people dislike certain things. Islam does not prohibit adoption. I have learnt during my study and practice of law, that adoption is in fact recognised, but that rights of inheritance do not flow from adoption in the Islamic system of jurisprudence whereunder the rights of inheritance from the family of birth remain unaffected. In Hindu law, the adopted child will inherit from the adoptive parents and forego rights he/she would have inherited from biological parents. These aspects perhaps require assertion in Hindu (MItakshara) law because therein so far as ancestral property in concerned a child acquires rights at conception, whereas in Muslim law rights devolve on demise of predecessor. As for the statement that …saw his son’s wife and was aroused… called God down to save his… : the acid shows, and does nothing to advance the argument. You may consider the above if you consider it fit. Thank you

    • Boz says

      Shafeeq Mahajir one does not need to “show the acid” as you put it when your own few religious tomes spell it all out. Muhammad has had a dabble at raping children now he’s about to experiment with incest.

      Tabari VIII:4 “One day Muhammad went out looking for Zayd. Now there was a covering of haircloth over the doorway, but the wind had lifted the covering so that the doorway was uncovered. Zaynab was in her chamber, undressed, and admiration for her entered the heart of the Prophet. After that Allah made her unattractive to Zayd.'” Good old procurer Allah! Always reliable.

      Tabari VIII:2 “When Zayd came home Zaynab told him that Muhammad had come. Zayd said, ‘Why didn’t you ask him to come in.’ Zaynab replied, ‘I asked him but he refused.’ ‘Did he say anything.’ ‘Glory be to Allah Almighty, who causes hearts to turn.’ So Zayd went to Muhammad. ‘Prophet, I have heard that you came to my house. Why didn’t you go in? [Dad,] Perhaps Zaynab has excited your admiration, so I will leave her.'”

      Tabari VIII:3 “Zayd left her, and she became free. While the Messenger of Allah was talking with Aisha, a fainting overcame him. When he was released from it, he smiled and said, ‘Who will go to Zaynab to tell her the good news? Allah has married her to me.'”

      “Then the Holy Prophet recited [Qur’an 33] to the end of the passage. Aisha said, ‘I became very uneasy because of what we heard about her beauty and another thing, the loftiest of matters – what Allah had done for her by personally giving her to him in marriage. I said that she would boast of it over us.'”

      Uh oh! This move caused a bit of a furore in our sexual athletes harem but fortunately good old Allah who had foreseen all this at the beginning of time when he was busy making the earth on a fishes back and what-not and already had the pen writing the good book sent down the timely verse:

      Qur’an 33:30 “O Consorts of the Prophet! If any of you are guilty of unseemly conduct, shamelessness, or lewdness, the punishment will be doubled, and that is easy for Allah. But any of you that is devout, obedient, and submissive in the service to Allah and His Messenger, and does good, to her shall We grant her reward twice. We have prepared for her a generously rich provision.”

      Damn! no sooner is one problem solved than another one pops up. Is there no end to this suffering? The troops are revolting because incestuous behavior is a sin. Quickly Allah, send down some more verse!

      Qur’an 33:3 “And put your trust in Allah; enough is Allah as a disposer of affairs. Allah has not made for any man two hearts in his body: nor has He made your wives whom you divorce your mothers: nor has He made your adopted sons your sons. Such is (only) your (manner of) speech by your mouths. But Allah tells the Truth, and He shows the (right) Way.” Whew! Just in time…………

      Then his ever willing God decided that everyone was fair game for his number one guy and just to stave of any further dissension down came:

      Qur’an 33:50 “O Prophet! We have made lawful to you all the wives to whom you have paid dowers [with stolen property]; and those whom your hands possess out of the prisoners of war spoils whom Allah has assigned to you; and daughters of your paternal uncles and aunts, and daughters of your maternal uncles and aunts, who migrated with you; and any believing woman who dedicates her soul to the Prophet if the Prophet wishes her; this is a privilege for you only, and not for the rest of the Believers; We know what We have appointed for them as to their wives and the captives whom they possess; in order that there should be no difficulty for you and that you should be free from blame.”

      No acid here I’m afraid. Just total disbelief that one and a half billion people find this is inspirational scripture?

      • epic fail says

        sounds like voodoo and sorcery too! to MAKE her unattractive to her husband..means that allah breaks up marriages to fulfill mo’s sexual demands.
        how many husbands would like for their wives to become unattractive to them suddenly so that someone else can have them?
        its sick
        but they are sick
        they enjoy this

  44. me says

    Taslima.nasreen..or whoever wrote that..ure one lowlife ..with 0 intellect m no brains ….get lost n never come bak

    • Boz says

      What is your problem with those statistics? They seem fairly accurate from everything I have read on the subject.

  45. FlameNotThisOneHeSaidSoHeedOrHellPissOnYouLOL says

    Thats the prob with you people – none of those slims can discuss. None is even willing to. All they do is writing insults and your mistake is to reply over and over. Ignore the ignorant. If the Subject wasnt islam but anything else, comments that contain no more essence than “fuck youuuu” would be ignored – Dont feed the troll. Well you got 1.5billion trolls and you feed them everywhere on the web and think this can be talked out. Is it really up to me to teach you the “trick”? Ignore them online – and instead to talk to them talk to the polit puppets to make our governments send them back to their “oh so superior” countries of origin because the camels need to be fed and countless inventions just wait to be made (Keep in mind islam invented like 99.99999% of everything we got today, you know, you can sense their innovative talent and powerful brains whenever you talk with them – all in caps and swearwords. learn to be consequent, cant we finally see they dont fit our society – naaah dont cry already, im not “racist” (since when is a religion a race), i just admit what every zlim says, themself — we are dumb and shit and wont ever dig them. So it is because they (ask them) are superior and we all got no intellect to ever understand them, its hopeless for us. So send them home, our world must be like stoneage to them. P.S.: >_>

  46. says

    This is not true.

    I would appreciate it if you delete your post because it’s misleading information about Islam in so many ways. We are aloud to adopt children, however, we are not aloud to change their last names into ours.

    I am asking you kindly to delete your post there are so many wrong info about my religion that I don’t know where to begin.

  47. Kelly says

    I find this interesting. I am Muslim yet I have just adopted a child and am working on adopting another… I wish people would read the Quran for what it is and not what they percieve it to be. The Quran only teaches us to be good to one another. It is miss quoted all the time . As is the Bible. Read one paragraph out of context and it goes from there….

    Many religions…. One God. No matter what you call him he is still the same God. The ones that are wrong and hurtful are the ones that attack each others belief systems.

    This is why the world is the way it is. I am no better than my kin and one religion is no better than the other….

    • epic fail says

      only teaches us to be good to one another
      smite at the neck (bheading)
      cut off fingers and toes on opposite sides
      why is everyone under this delusion
      if you are good its because you are BETTER than allah
      you wont cut off fingers and toes right? but your muslim men will and do…
      oh you feel only who “deserves” it right? since allah said it you must agree
      he referred to cutting off body parts of “unbelievers” yet there was nothing to “believe” yet as no book was done yet..i wont trust even the “nicest” demon.
      all hellbound.oh yeah and “all muslims go to hell” they say too
      bible says they go and do not get purged..
      “the fire burns and the wicked are NOT purged from their ways..they will be called rejected silver because the Lord has rejected them”
      they don’t get corrected
      they still come out believing quran
      their punishment is just being themselves.

  48. sheikh says

    Miss Tasleema you should be first a good human bcz if u dnt have good manners about others religion so how possible that u can give a good topic about adoption or otherwise if u want win only medals I have many I can give u some…. so be coool and calm and check out whats good and whats bad

    • epic fail says

      if you believe islam you aren’t worthy in yourself to give medals. you have no medals to give
      but we can pay you for falafel so you can feed your kids who allah says are hellbound (all muslims go to hellfire)
      allah..all in hellfire

      bible “they cause their children to pass through the fire which I never said and never entered my mind at any time.. among my people shall be no one who causes their children to pass through the fire”
      “the sorceress makes her children pass through the fire”
      muslims pass through fire

  49. Zayna says

    That is the stupidest lie I have ever heard. Muslims are definitely allowed to adopt. If
    your such an angel, have you adopted anyone? Don’t make things up. Don’t you have anything better to do with your life than curse other religions? I applaud you for giving other people the impression that anyone from your religion are liars. Well Done. What is wrong with you? Howw would
    you know about other religions, especially ones you don’t like. If you are a parent,
    then you are a REALLY good influence, teaching your children to post such disgustingly rude stuff.
    If you really are as holy as your making out, then how about spending your time helping
    people instead of posting bad stuff? Islam is a good religion because we
    have to give charity EVERY year. If Islam is soo bad, then why aren’t you doing it?
    Huh? I cant believe I wasted my time on this rubbish, this filth.
    P.S If are such an angel, you’ll be pleased to know that I am 11 years old.
    That basically means that a kid taught you manners. I hope your pleased.

  50. Abdullah Khan says

    This lady is ignorant. She has no knowledge of Islam. She just wrote this column to get ratings. May Allah show you the right path before you die. Please folks always do some research before giving your comments on any matter. Really feeling sorry for the ignorant people

    • Boz says

      Abdullah Khan your comments are ignorant. I have done extensive reading on the ideology of Islam (it certainly doesn’t qualify as a religion ) I have read a lot from the Koran, the Hadiths and the Sunnah and I have been stunned by what is basically a terrorist manifesto obviously written by a thuggish warlord named Muhammad. The fact that these few volumes speak for themselves and show clearly that the main demands on the faithful(i:e the good Muslims) are to seek out the infidel, the unbeliever, and destroy him wherever he shall be found is blatantly obvious. What is also obvious in most countries in the world, is That Muslim’s are working to do just that. From one end of the globe to the other Muslim’s are causing death, destruction and mayhem with the final aim being a world wide Muslim caliphate, just as Allah continually calls for in the Koran. Then all I can say is God (whoever he is?) help us all.
      Perhaps it is you my friend, who should do a bit more in depth study of your poisonous religion.

      • Abdullah Sherif says

        Main demands to kill infidels? So there is no verse in the Koran other than a mere handful? Becuase that is all there is with reference to killing. Even the verses to killing do not tell Muslims to splurge on killing. The Koran admonishes taking unnecessary lives, which is why murder is punishable by death in muslim countries. It is an eye for an eye.
        Basically a terrorist manifesto? This ‘man’ was unlettered! Explain then, the verses of astronomy,medicine,biology which are found in the Koran. The facts that the planets move in orbits……the barriers between the seas….. This book was a thousand years old. Science has affirmed these facts a few hundred years ago. How then, would this be possible?
        You are right, Islam is not a religion, it is a way to live your life. Tell me of a religious book which details how you are to live your life. Moral ethics, law and order,inheritance etc. are topics of the Koran.
        The Koran stresses on adopting orphans. The Prophet himself adopted his cousin, as his uncle was poor and couldn’t feed all his sons. And Muslims can’t adopt kids???? Who told YOU that???

        • Boz says

          A mere handful of verses demanding the death of infidels. I’m reading from the Koran, the Hadiths and the Sunnah. You must be reading something else.
          Qur’an:9:5 “Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, harass them, lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war.”
          Qur’an:9:29 “Fight those who do not believe until they all surrender, paying the protective tax in submission.”
          Qur’an:8:39 “So fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief [non-Muslims]) and all submit to the religion of Allah alone (in the whole world).”
          Qur’an:8:65 “O Prophet, urge the faithful to fight. If there are twenty among you with determination they will vanquish two hundred; if there are a hundred then they will slaughter a thousand unbelievers, for the infidels are a people devoid of understanding.”
          Qur’an:9:123 “Fight the unbelievers around you, and let them find harshness in you.”
          Qur’an:2:193 “Fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief) and religion is only for Allah. But if they cease/desist, let there be no hostility except against infidel disbelievers.”
          Noble Qur’an:2:190 Footnote: “Jihad is holy fighting in Allah’s Cause with full force of numbers and weaponry. It is given the utmost importance in Islam and is one of its pillars. By Jihad Islam is established, Allah’s Word is made superior (which means only Allah has the right to be worshiped), and Islam is propagated.
          By abandoning Jihad Islam is destroyed and Muslims fall into an inferior position; their honor is lost, their lands are stolen, their rule and authority vanish. Jihad is an obligatory duty in Islam on every Muslim. He who tries to escape from this duty, or does not fulfill this duty, dies as a hypocrite.”

          I could go on ab-nauseum quoting this sort of garbage and the Hadiths and Sunnah have much more in the same vein.

          “Murder is punishable by death”. That’s why Muslims have been killing Muslims in such huge numbers for centuries is it? Even now suicide bombers ( a peculiarly Muslim Phenomena) kills many more Muslems than infidels. Amazing how Allah can be ignored in such cases. No wonder the infidels are such targets because it seems that even slight differences in interpretations of the Koran is enough to have Muslim killing Muslim.
          Of course “DEATH” seems to be the main punishment for inumerable offences according to your compassionate and all forgiving God. I saw a video which will haunt me forever, of what your God demands of anyone that should forsake his mumbo jumbo. A pious scum-bag and his mates calling on Allah while they sliced the head of a young man who had the gall to convert to Christianity, and then holding it aloft so all could see how faithfully they kept their God’s laws.

          Don’t make me laugh about science as quoted by Allah. For a man that made the world he seems to have very little idea of how he made things work. I answered this in detail somewhere else in this thread by quoting a lot of the gibberish that passes as Allah’s (read Muhammad’s) idea of science.

          From one end of the world to the other there is death, destruction and intolerable demands made by Muslims as they follow the demands of Islam to create an Islamic Caliphate and destroy everything and everyone that gets in the way.

          One of us is reading the wrong books!

          • Abdullah S says

            Once again, The Koran was mainly revealed when the Muslims were being slaughtered,murdered and attacked.They made a peace treaty with their own people but it was broken. These verses are pertaining to the breach of trust and security which were given. and the word Fitnah would not mean disbelief, it would refer to tribulation and causing problems between people. So the verse is to fight them until they submit (stop harassing the believers). It would be among some words that are mis-intepreted,like Jihad. Jihad simply means struggle.It can refer to a spiritual struggle (to control our desires) or physical struggle, but then it depends on context.

            As to the verses of killing, you might want to see this: .

            The “Muslims killing Muslims” thing would kind of be like the reason the Pilgrims and Puritans left England. It happens the whole time in History. People have differences and so they decide to embark on senseless bloodshed.It’s an aspect of human life that I still didn’t get. Anyway, my main point is that there are differences between people.

            You get terrorists in any religion, a lot of people who kill and commit senseless violence for nothing that gains them. There would be no use explaining the activity of the deranged and the idiots who frequent our world. Someone chopped a man’s head off and held it up in front of a camera for everyone to see? I feel sick. I hope he was punished or killed.

          • Boz says

            Abdullah S you sound like a reasonable sort of bloke and I’m always ready to be corrected so I went to your Utube link and must admit had a good laugh at the continuation of the never ending attempts to whitewash Allah’s belligerent words. At the risk of repeating myself I will again include the footnote from the Koran that is specific as to the meaning of jihad and all the whitewashing attempts to convince unbelievers otherwise is exactly that.
            Noble Qur’an:2:190 Footnote: “Jihad is holy fighting in Allah’s Cause with full force of numbers and weaponry. It is given the utmost importance in Islam and is one of its pillars. By Jihad Islam is established, Allah’s Word is made superior (which means only Allah has the right to be worshiped), and Islam is propagated.
            By abandoning Jihad Islam is destroyed and Muslims fall into an inferior position; their honor is lost, their lands are stolen, their rule and authority vanish. Jihad is an obligatory duty in Islam on every Muslim. He who tries to escape from this duty, or does not fulfill this duty, dies as a hypocrite.”
            About the Muslims being ” slaughtered, murdered and attacked”. Sorry my friend but I have read quite a bit of the Hadiths and Sunnah and there is no argument about what it says. Muhammad spent 10 years trying to convince the Quraysh that they should follow his new God Allah. As these were his kin, friends and tribe and new exactly what sort of con man he was they belittled him. Eventually his continual denigration of their own pagan rock idols that made up the Kabaa really got up their noses so in the end he had to scuttle of to Medina with a few of the thugs that had joined him lusting after promised booty. I might add here that there was a black pagan rock on one corner of the Kabaa that was Allah. Seems Muhammad somewhere along the way raised this pagan rock to become the maker of the universe. Interesting.
            His hatred of his tribe caused him to mount a number of attacks against them all of which failed until he finally happened upon one of their caravans of unarmed traders and slaughtered them and stole their goods. From there it escalated with a number of cowardly and ferocious attacks (see battle of Badr where he gloated over a pit full of bodies). Then he attacked, terrorised and drove out the Jews of Medina who had befriended him and given him aid and stole all their property. The Hadiths make it quite plain that he and his thug converts had only one aim and that was the collection of booty and slaves (to sell and rape of which Muhammad also did his fair share) which they stole from everbody within camel ride. He put hundreds of innocent people to death and had anyone that said a word about him murdered.
            I might add that the Quraysh at one stage trying to bribe him to stop his continual harrassment offered him a huge sum and a top position in the tribe if he would forsake his God and leave them in peace. Of course being the type he was he accepted and dropped Allah like a hot potato. Unfortunately after awhile he realised he had more to gain from his religous scam and took up arms against his people again. After all, the Kabaa was a profitable enterprise and he wanted it for himself.
            I could go on and on but it’s all in your religous books if anyone but looked.
            Yes there has been struggles in different religions that have often led to bloodshed, but none that have continued unabated for 1400 years. And none of those religions were trying to take over the entire world and subjugate (Islam means to subjugate!) the whole world to believe what they did. Frankly I despise all religions. They all have one aim and that is to control and manipulate the minds of the faithful.
            Nor do you get terrorists consistantly in all religions. Virtually every terrorist in the world today is a Muslim. Why is that? And why are so few of their thousands of atrocities hardly ever mentioned in the press? And why has political correctness so openly been allowed to aid and abet the Muslim agenda? Very worrying questions.
            And lastly the man that cut the young christians head of for apostasy was a Muslim screeching prayers to Allah, the all compassionate, while he did what the Koran dictates for apostates. He was obviously convinced that he was being a righteous Muslim.

  51. Abdullah Khan says

    Adoption is allowed and please Google it human values in Islam. Humanity in Islam. Adoption in Islam. Why did Muhammed Sallal la ho alayehe wassalam married more than 4? There are so many references and proofs. Allah bless all of us Aameen

  52. Bill bixby says

    I just happen to get on here by random luck, if you want to call it that.
    The story of Muslims are not allowed to
    adopt is Hogwash! I honestly don’t know
    where you people get this propaganda!!!
    What is true concerning adoption:
    The adopting parent is not allowed to
    change the orphans last name; ex.
    My last name is Jones, the orphans
    last name is Walton; he or she (orphan)
    cannot take my last name of Jones.
    You are allowed to adopt when and if you
    can, there is many blessings you get
    by adopting.

  53. shiblee muneer says

    the discussion is around the rubbish information. i must say first bring an original quoted information than one should discuss it other wise it will be another propaganda to amuse psycho therapist.

  54. says

    people should not say bad things against ones religion ,except when one is part and parcel of such group,and have the knowledge.Islam is not like other religion where by you do what you like or worship the way of your desire.remember you are not the one who created yourself and dont be desceived by the enjoyment of this world.Muhammad is our Holy Prophet and what ever you say about him, there are those who are more important and respect in their own communty who said worse than this about Him.Allah knows He is the seal of all Prophets and the final one ,also no prophet shall come after Him. Even Jesus will when He comes will pray behind The Muslims ie to confirm to the whole world that Islam is the only way of worship preached by Moses,Jaccob and Jesus.GO and read the Quran if need real salvation.

  55. amine says

    I didn’t read all your trash because from the beginning you can tell its full of hate… hate for hating, but before you judge this law in islam, how about you understand why it exists? and how it works? instead of bragging about how much you know while in fact you don’t know nothing.
    Islam does not prohibit adoption. Rather, Islam provides teachings to allow adoption while, at the same time, preserving the integrity of the family line.
    Adoption of children for the purpose of bringing them up and caring for them is not only permissible, but in fact a very good and blessed deed, especially in the case of orphans and foundlings.
    The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “I and the one who sponsors an orphan are like this in Paradise.” Then he joined between his index and middle fingers.” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (5304)]
    Adoption is certainly not prohibited. What is unlawful is to attribute one’s adopted child to oneself, as if there is a biological relationship. This is because Islam seeks to safeguard biological lineage and not confuse lineage.
    Allah says in the Qur’ân about adopted children: “Call them by the names of their fathers: that is more just in the sight of Allah, but if you do not know their father’s names, (then they are) your brothers in faith, or your wards, but there is no blame on you if you make a mistake therein: (what counts is) the intention of your hearts.”
    We can see from this verse that calling one’s adopted ward “son” or “daughter” out of affection without meaning it literally is allowed. The same can be said for an adopted child calling the people who adopted him “father” and “mother” out of love respect. This is perfectly alright.
    It is lawful to bring up children in one’s house and to love them as one love’s one’s own children, but their attribution of those children should always be to their true, biological parents. If the identity of the child’s parents is unknown, then the child should be given a general attribution that originates with the child.
    As Allah says in the Qur’ân: “…but if you do not know their father’s names, (then they are) your brothers in faith, or your wards.”
    In Islamic Law, since adopted children retain their own family identity and do not assume that of their guardians, they may even marry from the families of their guardians. This is because the biological children of the guardians are not, in Islamic Law, the adopted child’s brothers and sisters, though they may have a close friendly relationship with each other.
    Likewise, adopted children do not automatically inherit from their guardians who adopted them.
    Because the adopted child does not receive a fixed portion of the guardians’ estate, the child’s guardians should make a bequest to their adopted ward. A person can bequeath up to one-third of the total estate to non-inheritors. Indeed, this means that, in many cases, an adopted child can receive more of the estate through a bequest than the biological children receive through their fixed and unalterable share of the inheritance.
    The wisdom behind this might possibly be that an adopted ward may have less of a community support structure than a child who has a family. In any event, the amount of the estate that an adopted child may inherit as a bequest is left to the wisdom and discretion of those who adopt the child, up to one-third of the estate.

    And Allah knows best.

  56. says

    BOZ,the central faith of the christain is that Jesus died on the crosss,but there is no Biblical prove that he died on the cross.So ,the muslims faith is based on the believe of one and only one ALLAH AND MUHAMMAD is the last massenger and Mercy to all the creations of God,such believe is not found amongst any religious group.The verses of the Quran that you refered to are misinterpreted,and you need a laerned Islamic scholar to explain them to you.My advise ,pray to God with good intention for Him to show you the truth.

    • Boz says

      Hello zubairu, thank you for your comments. Don’t get me wrong here.I am not just slinging of at Islam. I think all 1000, or whatever the number is of religions, are a load of twaddle to turn people’s brains to mush, the Christain religion as well. I cannot understand how every follower thinks that theirs is the one true religion and all the rest are nonsense.
      I have read quite widely about Islam because I wanted to try and work out why it is such an invasive and brutal religion and why it is intent on forcing itself on everyone in the world. I know that most Muslims are peaceable but that is inconsequential as it is always the rabid minority that is the tail that wags the dog. As with Nazism, or Fascism, or Communism or any other “ism” you like to select, and see what damage they did!
      The more I read of Islam the more disbelieving I became that it could have sucked in 11/2 billion people.
      I totally reject your comment that the verses I read were misinterpreted. That is the weary age old excuse of every religion when confronted with disagreement on the meaning of a text. The Koran is supposed to be the perfect unalterable word of Allah. It makes no bones about the fact that it may not be questioned, it may not be altered in any way, it does not have multiple interpretations as it is supposedly totally unambiguous. It is so perfect that to even question it is a death sentence.
      Qur’an 33:36 “No Muslim has any choice after Allah and His Apostle have decided a matter.”
      Qur’an 33:36 “It is not fitting for a Muslim man or woman to have any choice in their affairs when a matter has been decided for them by Allah and His Messenger. They have no option. If any one disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he is indeed on a wrong Path.”
      So, why would one need an Iman to interpret what is supposed to be such a perfect document. So perfect in fact that words have to be added everywhere to try and make some of the verses make sense. A lot make no sense however hard one tries. For example:
      Qur’an 79:1 “I swear by those (angels) who violently tear out (the souls), and drag them forth to destruction, by those who gently take out, by those meteors rushing by, swimming along (angels or planets), and by those who press forward as in a race (the angels, or stars, or horses [the translators added, clueless as to what “god” was trying to say]), and by those who regulate the affair.” Duuhhh?…………..
      How can one even read the Koran as it has no chronological order, verses are ordered by their length, and one has no idea what verses (usually more moderate ones) have been abrogated (usually by more violent ones).
      The arrogance of man is amazing that he should presume to be something special on this earth. We are an animal, and like all other animals, we live, we die and we decompose back into nothing. That’s it! Why do people need a bogeyman in the sky to give their life meaning?

  57. Rahim says


    Nice too meet you, may you be guided to the right path

    Boz ill just say a few things outright and im only young so my knowledge is not full compared to scholars all i want to say is from looking at this article what the topic is actually about!?

    its simple really, if you honestly answer it to me then the answer would be that its about adoption right so why are you going all whipwhass over other things, also first things first to the lady who wrote this article i dont care how many awards you have won for your non sense but the issue with adoption is global why are you limiting it to muslims.

    and also fostering is allowed in islam, adoption means that you give your last name to them right but you arent allowed to that in islam because it takes away their identity, i mean obviously if you adopt then you will love them like your own why else while you flipping pancakes adopt them sheesh so whats all this non sense about oh they aint seen as being equal as long as you give them a home and love and your paying for all their needs its more than enough i mean compare that situation to them just being on the streets

    also boz i acknowledgw that you have read alot of so called ‘hadiths’ but my dear boz everything that you read on the net is not real and genuine you silly person, what on earth is all this tabiri its not even genuine aswell listen if your going to write and talk about hadith make sure the correct and genuine people wrote them! becausw there are alot of misleading fake ones (for example the shias those idiots and the ahmedias those potatoes)

    also i saw you talk about how americans have left iraq like hell they have did you know they go to all developing countries and western countries with the excuse of terrorism but they actually go to take resources and so they have geographical advantages thats why they invade (which is what they are doing in syria now) you say all muslim people are brainwashed but what about the media in uk and us focusing on muslims for example ‘muslim man killed women his name was this and that and all the news will report it in great detail but when its non muslim it would be something like ‘man aged this killed women police are inspecting bla bla’ also the media covers up uk and us exploits in the middle east but no one reports them also what abour all the drone strikes at night killing innocent people and creating orphans

    • Tiny Paw says

      “Obviously if you adopt them then will love then as you own” Gosh. You are an irritating twat who needs to grow the f*ck up!!

      I was abused by my adoptive parents and other adoptees have endured the same – so would you care to take your ignorant comment back? (Oh, and here is some evidence of abusive adoptive parents (i have many) but just this 1 proves that you are completely wrong and completely out of touch with reality.

      How dare you generalize all adoptees and all adoptions as being a happy love story? Which book did you get that from, because as an adoptee, I can tell you that you are talking a load of shit and that you clearly have your head lodged firmly up your arse!!

      How dare you generalize a minority group of people as being the same, when you and your fellow Muslims scream BIGOTRY/ISLAMAPHOBIA/RACISM if we generalize you? So, it’s ok for Muslims (the victims) to generalize a small group of people? but not for others to generalize Muslims? So, one rule for you, the Muslims (the victims) and another rule for the rest of us.

      You accuse the media of brainwashing, and you’re right because the media has clearly brainwashed you and your understanding of adoption. Gosh, the ignorance that comes out of the mouths of religious people whilst they call others ignorant, never ceases to amaze me, and the fact that you think ‘All’ adoptive parents treat their adoptive children ‘as their own’ highlights how naive, stupid & gullible religion has made you…

      Is it the medias fault that Muslims are killing each other in the middle east? and why do Muslims have such massive internal problems with each other I wonder? It must be all that peace lol… and I have a question for you… How do you feel (as a Muslim) about homosexuality?

  58. says

    Hello Boz, The QURAN its self is a miracle,why ,read the first five verses of the Book and discover that ALLAH Said there is NO MISTAKE IN IT.Free your mind of what is troubling you about Muslim”s atitudes and read commentaries of the HOLY QURAN and some Islamic books . Remember Allah said the book is a guidance to those who believe in the unseen and they fear HIM.I hope and thought you are a christian, but discovererd from your comments that you seem not to believe in God. But, if I may ask you ,who created you and you generation that you dont even know.On the issue of adoption, Islam only allows you to adopt a child but do not ascribe kindred to the child,that is why Allah said call them by there fathers name and if you do not know there father”s name call them brothers in Islam.You should know that God created you just to worship Him along and when you die you must give account of you stewardship.

  59. Z says


    So it says in your biography-

    “Taslima Nasreen, an award-winning writer”- so they give awards for uttering total rubbish these days?!

    Surely a writer who has received so many awards would have taken the time to look into Islamic laws before creating her own Islam and insulting the Prophet (PBUH) & Islam in such a way- but hey ho you’re entitled to your opinion however wrong it may be:

    Adoption IS allowed in Islam! However, changing the family name of the adopted child is not allowed.

    “The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) once said that a person who cares for an orphaned child will be in Paradise with him, and motioned to show that they would be as close as two fingers of a single hand. An orphan himself, Muhammad paid special attention to the care of children. He himself adopted a former slave and raised him with the same care as if he were his own son.

    However, the Qur’an gives specific rules about the legal relationship between a child and his/her adoptive family. The child’s biological family is never hidden; their ties to the child are never severed. The Qur’an specifically reminds adoptive parents that they are not the child’s biological parents:

    “…Nor has He made your adopted sons your (biological) sons. Such is (only) your (manner of) speech by your mouths. But Allah tells (you) the Truth, and He shows the (right) Way. Call them by (the names of) their fathers; that is juster in the sight of Allah. But if you know not their father’s (names, call them) your brothers in faith, or your trustees. But there is no blame on you if you make a mistake therein. (What counts is) the intention of your hearts. And Allah is Oft-Returning, Most Merciful.”

    (Qur’an 33:4-5)”



    Next time do your research before you write such a filthy, low article about a topic YOU CLEARLY KNOW NOTHING ABOUT- and what is worse is you have a Muslim name yourself and you sure have no right to it! But Allah will be the judge of that in-sha-Allah!

    May Allah reward all the Muslims standing firm to Islam and not wavering in their Imaan.


  60. Basheer Hameed says

    Mohammed Basheer Ahmed (29 yrs old Electrical Engineer of JNTU Graduate) who previously work with BK Gulf LLC & Tristar Engineering (Dubai)had raped a Christian Woman in Dubai on end of October 2011 and fled to Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh on early December 2011 to escaped from imprisonment. This guy also killed his own son(out of marriage) in his Parent’s Home on September 4, 2013 as instructed by his Father Mohammed Rafi Ahmed to avoid conflict with his wife’s family whom his parents force him to marry. He was last seen in Vanasthalipuram & Sanath Nagar Area of Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh,India. This case was pending for 2 years now as Hyderabad Police try to protect this person as his family belong to Higher Caste in Hyderabad Society.

  61. rayanne a says

    I am sorry that your article is so misinforming, I hope you take it down because it makes you look very uneducated with all the false facts and those aren’t even correct lines of the quran. Muslims are encouraged to give as much as they can infect its a muslims duty to give which is also why we fast…. for an orphan the month of ramadan….but back to the point, Muslims CAN adopt an orphan for that act is a very good deed and he the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, holding up his two fingers together: “The one who takes care of an orphan is with me in Paradise like this.” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (5546) and Sahîh Muslim (5296)] . The only thing that is not permitted is to change the orphans name, this is not something bad infact when muslims get married they do not change their last name but add on to it..Women keep their last name. By taking the last name of your husband that is getting rid of your identity and saying your the property or daughter of your husband. Islam places high value on the child’s father’s name which is why you can’t even change the adopted child’s last name. You are the daughter of your father not your husband….I hope you understand this now. I myself have always dreamt of adopting and having my own children and still plan on it, so when I see false things like this it really upsets me because its misinforming people about my religion.

  62. zainab says

    Glory be to Allah, peace and blessings upon thé holy prophet Muhammad. Oh Allah may you continue to guide us on your true and only religion ISLAM and also make our heart firm in belief. Guide us unto thé straight path, path of those WHOM YOU HAVE FAVOURED, not thé path of those WHO EARN YOUR ANGER non of those WHO GO ASTRAY! Amin

  63. Suzanna says

    To make it simple. Islam allows adoption, legally called guardianship or ‘kafala’ ,however there are a few rules that MUST be followed

    Rules: You CAN NOT hide the adopted child’s identity from him/her. Meaning, the adoptive parents must inform the child that they are adopted, keep their biological family name or if unknown they may name the child, and keep contact with the biological family members, if possible. The adopted parents maintain sole/full legal custody and responsibility for the adopted child. This is similar to an OPEN ADOPTION in the US Open adoption has become very popular among birth mothers and recent studies have shown there are numerous benefits. Islam ensures an Open Adoption system.

    There is wisdom behind open adoption. It is natural for people to want to know who they are. That is why so many agencies offer services to adoptees who are looking for their biological families. Even people who know their family of origin want to know more-we construct family trees and subscribe to genealogy websites to learn more about our ancestors. We all have this desire, but even moreso for many adoptees. I know adults who were adopted, 2 of whom are my siblings, and they have a deep yearning to know about their biological families. Although my siblings are grateful for the wonderful life that our parents have provided and love them dearly, they still feel a piece of them is missing. A child will naturally bond with his/her adoptive family, but should also have the opportunity to connect with their bio family-adoptive parents should lovingly facilitate this. Please keep in mind I am not talking about children who were removed from their bio families due to abuse or neglect.

    Honesty and openness about the child’s biological family ties is the most HUMANE way to approach adoption. Children are not our possessions to do with as we please. They are individuals and a great responsibility and test from the Lord. We have been commanded to provide for their physical, mental, spiritual, emotional needs and love them dearly. However we must also give them justice by giving them their right to have the most basic information-their identity. This may feel a bit threatening to the adoptive parents, but if you think about it, there are just more people to love that child. Some may argue that this will create problems, but guess what, there will be problems regardless-we are talking about raising kids here! The truth is, children (biological or adopted), are not YOURS or MINE. They belong to the Lord and we have been entrusted with them to care for all their needs.

    I applaud all the adoptive parents out there. You have been given such an honor . We have bio kids and are at the beginning stages of adoption.

    If what I have said here is good and beneficial-all praise is due to the Lord and if there is any mistake with what I have said-the mistake is mine.

    And the Lord knows best…blessed be the name of the Lord!

  64. a moslem says

    hi taslima , you have a wrong perception about Islam. from where you’ve got the story you have made a mistake…!!!! you musn’t make a picture of Muhammad SAW!!!

  65. MattShizzle says

    Correction – in the link you used the word “abortion” instead of “adoption.” I imagine it forbids abortion, too but that’s a different issue.

  66. Javeria says

    Allah is The Greatest. You have no idea what you are saying.You do not practice Islam so do not say anything about Islam. Islam allows adoption but forbids Abortion. There’s a HUGE difference. You will go to hell for making this website.Everything you say about the most perfect,beloved prophet Muhammad (pbuh)is wrong.He was kind to all even to the people who wronged him and we should all follow in his footsteps.Islam is the way of life for all people. Mashallah without it Id be lost.So Dont Ever Speak Wrong About Islam Ever Again. If you do it means you are evil and satan is leading you.

    • Boz says

      I’m sorry Javeria but when I read the sort of peurile nonsense that you have just written I despair. Do none of you people actually read your religious books? I know you are forbidden to question any of the drivel that is written in the Koran on the threat of death, the penalty for most things in Islam, or that, heaven forbid, you should even apply a bit of logic or disbelief at some of the extraordinary things that it demands you believe, but the nonsense that so many of you espouse is mind-bogling.
      I have read a lot of the Koran, and the Hadiths and the Sunnah in a desperate attempt to understand what motivates people to believe this dangerous ideology and the more I read the more disbelieving I am that anyone with half a brain could tolerate such stuff.
      This “beloved prophet Muhammad” is, in your own religious tomes, shown to be an egotistical, murdering, raping, lying hypocrite. (Try reading them!) The lowest of men, so why should he be so adored and blessed with this PBUH nonsense every-time his name is mentioned? I don’t get any of it..
      Here is a religion that espouses hatred to any-one that is not a believer, urges the faithful to kill them or subjugate them, is infiltrating every countries infrastructure in the world with dozens of organisations, clubs, committees and associations in a stealth jihad, to deny all the hard won freedoms and beliefs that these countries enjoy, and yet trying to convince everyone that it is a religion of peace.
      It is sad that it must soon come to a very unfortunate ending as more and more people wake up to what is happening all over the world. There must be a reckoning when the politically correct media and Governments finally take their blinkers off and see how they have been duped by the taquiyya of Islam.

      • kafayah says

        I can see that you are either dead or blind and I pray to Allah to save you from yourself so that you can start living. If one is not properly brought up but have being reading a lot, it should reflect in someone’s life and where this fails to happen, it could be that you have just gone through the books or the books went through you.

  67. Kim says

    TAslima: I’m Indonesian. Unfortunately, I can’t see you here. I wish may Allah show you the right way to convert to Islam and will bless you. Amien.
    Saya menangis melihat posting anda seperti di atas. Saya benar-benar kasihan melihat umat seperti anda.

  68. says

    Get the right meaning of what is said in the Quran once understand what your reading then you will know what beauty lies in islam

  69. Rin says

    Hi Boz,
    I myself am not an authority because I am not a really religious Muslim. But I do have something to inform you about. I just wanted to say that when you take excerpts from the Quran you have to understand that the holy book was not released all at once, unlike other works. Each verse was released in response to a situation the prophet and his followers went through at the time. There were times that the new Muslims were attacked by the pagan tribes and a verse saying to attack the enemies and protect themselves would be sent. Other times the same thing would happen or there would be a time of small peace: during this time God would send down a verse telling them to tolerate or be kind to their enemies. There is saying “Context is king.” If you do not understand the context, then you are just sprouting nonsense. You claim to be neural to all religions, but I would like to remind you that being neutral is being biased towards yourself.

    • Boz says

      Thank you Rin. I am well aware of that fact. It’s an amazing thing that new verses seemed to pop into Muhammad’s head everytime he needed to justify something or give impetus to his band of thugs. He was a disgusting sexual predator and new verses were continually comming down whether it was to excuse his lusting after his daughter in law, allowing him a larger contingent of women than anyone else, or giving him permission to lie with his aunts and cousins. Even Aisha drily commented “Verily, your lord [Allah] is ever quick to fulfill your whims and desires (e.g., al-Siyuti v.6, p.629).
      It is so obvious that Muhammad was the author of his so called verses. No one but a racist, bigoted, misogynist, rapacious murdering scum bag could have made up the drivel that is the koran. There is certainly nothing that is God like about it. And don’t forget that the koran wasn’t even cobbled together for well over a hundred years after his death so relies on sayings that have passed down several generations. In fact there were so many different versions floating around that the ruler of the day picked out one of them and had all the rest burnt. Sadly this did not start a precedent to allow further bulk immolation of this”perfect book”.
      By the way, if you read the hadiths and sunnah you will find that the only attacking, murdering, pillaging and taking of slaves was done by Muhammad and his band of women and booty hungry terrorists. Nowhere in the koran is there any exhortations to be peaceful, considerate or kind to one’s enemies. In fact just the opposite. Verse after verse dictates the death of everyone who will not convert to islam, the religion of death, destruction and mayhem. What is happening in the world today, the murder and bloodshed in so many countries, the countless thousands being exterminated is all the good Muslims doing exactly what the koran tell them to do. The bad Muslims are the ones who sit at home and don’t actively pursue Jihad. Qur’an:9:38 “Believers, what is the matter with you, that when you are asked to go forth and fight in Allah’s Cause you cling to the earth? Do you prefer the life of this world to the Hereafter? Unless you go forth, He will afflict and punish you with a painful doom, and put others in your place.”
      All this stuff is in the so called holy books of Islam. It is not being misinterpreted, except deliberately by Muslim taqiyya-ists and apologists. To bad more Muslims don’t read them instead of listening to their lying, rabid Imans.
      Jawariyah is absolutely correct by saying that “Islam does not allow adoption”. There is a big difference between fostering a child an adopting a child. Islam allows “fostering” something which any child protection institution can do. It is vastly different to taking in a child and making it an integral part of your family. It is who loves and cares for you in your life that matters, not who your biological parents are.

  70. kafayah says

    May Allah forgive you for misleading people, my mother had 15 children while i was growing up with only two really hers. The Quran unlike other books can only be understood by those given the grace. May Allah make us among the gifted and guided ones. Amin May Allah remove us from Sumu buku umuyu.(blind, deft and dumb) Amin. May Allah remove the black veil on your heart and eyes before the last day. Amin.

  71. hamid says

    You obviously are a Christian or Jew; that’s the problem with you lot. While our Muslim scholars know your religion better than you verse by verse; your stupidity is that you don’t either understand your religion nor you understand other religions before you comment. but this is generally accepted since your books are man made and none resemble in dozens of versions whereas the Quran is Allah’s word so there’s nothing you can do but crib and criticize.

  72. Abdul Rahman Abdul Salam says

    Hi Taslima,this is very bad of you to make blasphemous accusations of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H).I am sure that your parents have not made any effort in teaching any single beautiful Islamic rule and hence you are talking like a fool.This world is created by Allah and all the laws governing it also by Allah.He sent all the prophets to guide us and you are making such dirty statements just so you can make friends with infidels.You are entertaining the infidels only,whereas the true muslims will not be even slightly bothered by your claims as we all know of what will happen on Judgment Day.No bad deed will be spared and no good deed will be forgotten.

    I bear witness there is no god but Allah and Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) is the messenger of Allah.

    Abdul Rahman Abdul Salam

  73. Kay says

    You have no clue how wrong you are. As an Adoptee AND Convert to ISLAM I CRIED with joy when I read the Quran and it said do not change the names of Orphans. For the first time in my life someone understood what Adoption had stolen from me. It stole my heritage, it stole my connection to family. This was infact the verse that was MOST influential in me converting and I was Adopted. I am 45 and still cry every birthday because I do not have my own mother and fathers names. Adoption sounds good when you are not the one to have it forced upon you. IN the 60s when I was born, girls were FORCED to give children up and told their children would get a better life. I assure you my mother was lied to. I did not get close to a better life.

    In Islam Caring for orphans is the HIGHEST of Callings but unlike in Christian countries you have to do what is right for the child even if it is not convenient for the adoptive parents. . You are not allowed to pretend they are your children, when they are not, and you are not allowed to cut them off from their family and heritage to help perpetrate this lie that they are now your child. In Muslim countries they work very hard to keep orphans with a member of their family because they know this is best for the child. In the US they intentionally do not even give a father a chance to raise his own child. If the mother wants to get rid of the kid, the father has NO RIGHTS much less Grandparents and aunts and uncles who may desperately want to keep the child in the family. One woman has the right to destroy the life of a child by cutting them off from their entire family.

    Despite what you think you can not replace a GOD given family with someone else and not have repercussions. If you take the time to go to any of the THOUSANDS of adoption search registry and look at the MILLIONS of Adopted children now adults, searching for their biological family you will just begin to understand that these replacement families can not replace a biological connection and locking up the birth certificates of children so their adoptive parents do not have to fear “their children” will love their biological parents more.

    All I can say is Alhumdulillah (all praise if for Allah(SWT)) I am so thankful that Islam came into my life and began to heal the wounds caused by having my family stolen through adoption. And I know on the day of Judgement I will know who my biological parents are, and government identity thief’s will no longer be able to steal my heritage and they will face judgement for denying adoptees their birthright.

    You are wrong. Allah(SWT) is right!

  74. Muslimah says

    This is just some random woman talking about things she doesn’t know I mean have you read the quran ?
    also that comic strip is a load of rubbish yes he married a 9yr old it was allowed and they are probably a best example to other you just want views so u wrote about us saddooooo much

  75. Zaheera says

    Allahummah dinnaasi jamee aa….
    The likes of Umar ibnul Khattaab and Abu Sufyan were even more vehement enemies of the beautiful religion of Islam and our beloved Prophet Muhammad – peace be upon him-. Both the author and contributor Boz, have sadly been spared the luminescent light of Iman. To translate my initial comment… May Allah guide all of mankind to his Deen. Imagine , if one can deprecate and scandalously badmouth the obvious flag bearer of a religion and its physical manifestation on earth, the Quran , with such eloquence and passion… The value of these souls within the religion would be profound.
    N.B adoption is ENCOURAGED in Islam.

  76. says

    My husband and I are hoping to grow our family through open infant adoption. If you know of someone considering an adoption plan – kindly pass along our information.

    We have completed our home study and our agency’s information is list on our website as well.

    Perhaps you are the connection we need to find our baby

  77. says

    Good day all….

    Islam encourages people to adopt children and care for anyone who is an orphan and also allows men to marry more women because, it is better than to let them end up being l prostitutes or divorcees and thrown out of society. Islam raises the respect of woman in society more than any I know. Thank you.

  78. Fatima says

    I am Muslim and I’ve done reading of my own on the subject. Muslims are allowed to adopt. Most of them don’t because it’s complicated but I am a Muslim whose willing to do that. My husband and I are planning to adopt a baby girl. I just want to inform everyone that the above information is not totally correct. Adopting and helping out the poor is highly incouraged in islam. The only thing u can’t do is declare that the child is actually yours or give them your last name. Other than that it is totally okay in islam. It is also said that if you take care of an orphan you get tremendous amount of good deeds and are more likely to enter paradise so yes adoption and taking care of orphans is encouraged.

  79. Joe says

    Islam does allow adoption and supporting orphans. Matter of fact take any religion, what it does teach is nothing but believe in something greater, do good, be good and kind to others. All these governments, people and countries punish people who believe and follow wrong information about Islam but not the ones who actually were the main culprit. It’s like defending the poison that was spread rather than punishing the snakes. People like Taslima were the culprit to pass wrong information not the people who believe her. First read and understand any religion you want to follow or you have been already following rather commenting something that doesn’t exist.

  80. Jawariyah says

    Islam does not allow adoption. This is fact. I think people need to look up the word in a conventional as well as a legal dictionary. When you adopt somebody, this means they are now your child. It is not just about giving food and shelter. A orphanage can do that too. There is a difference between being a foster parent and an adopted parent. When you adopt the child will naturally adopt the adoptive parents surname. Equally they will be included in the will, have the rights and obligations as the born offspring.

    Imagine you are a child of rape. Just look at Darfur, Congo, Kashmir etc. Are people really suggesting the mother find her rapist, and casually ask for their name? Children who are up for adoption are often orphans, abandoned, unwanted, born of abuse perhaps etc. So you won’t have their bio data at hand anyways. And in order to provide a child with normalacy you don’t treat them differently than your other children. That is confusing for the child as it it keeps a door open just in case their blood family might want to take them back. Also surely not all children need to know where they came from. Rape, incest, selfish teen mother, etc. Some truths will just cause trauma. This is something Islamic does not ake into consideration.

    A severe problem with the Muslim ummah as that masjority seems to live in a fantasy world and fails to consider logic, fundamental psychology, and social factors. So while I can not argue against or understand the wisdom of Allah, I will be adopting one day. Soon. And the child will bear my name and I will answer to Allah for myself. I will give the child everything I have. No exceptions. A child at the ednd of the easy just needs love. I would hate to have that child walk out one day when they are 15 or 25 because the “real” family called. The real family are the adopted family which is why man adopted children prefer therm over the woman who carried them for 9 months or man who donated his sperm. So I don’t give much for lineage and DNA. A child is a child.

    Islam does not allow for adoption. Accept it. Its not something to be upset about or even embarrassed about. Islam does allow foster care but that’s not adoption. Kook up the word. It is in every dictionary.

    Also its getting tiresome reading how everybody who disagrees with you, you tell them to study religion and get fascts. Clearly Taslima Nasreen already did her research and got her facts. The fact is two people/Muslims can read the same Quran and reach different outcomes. This is why muslims are not a homogenous monolithic group with the exact same understanding. Nasreen could argue that Muslims are failing to see the facts. That argument can both ways after all, so instead it would be better to look at the sources used and perhaps study on your own andreach your own conclusions. I will beamong the first tho adopt in my family as it is not custom in the Muslim country I hail fro. Similar to other Muslim countries.

  81. Zainul Pir says

    Why do you miss guide the people ?
    why do you publish false articles to target particular religion?
    I request you to go through this link . it will clear all your doubts about islam and prophet mohommad pbuh (s.a.w.)

  82. says

    Having read this I believed it was extremely enlightening.
    I appreciate you spending some time and energy to put
    this content together. I once again find myself spending a significant amount of time both reading and
    commenting. But so what, it was still worthwhile!

  83. muslim father of adopted child says

    As a muslim who has adopted a beautiful little girl I can say the article is false. Muslim adoption rules state that the adopted child be aware that they are adopted and be aware of their biological family. Having adopted in the uk we have also found that this ia something that you have to agree to before you are allowed to adopt a child in the uk. Im not highly qualified in islamisc studies but the false message sticks out in the article. Anyway – we are considering adopting a second a child, so wish is luck. And good luck to all families every where no matter their religion or whether thier children are biological or adopted.

  84. Sara Elzeiny says

    The prophet Muhammad himself was actually adopted (his parents died when he was very young) and as an adult he adopted 2-3 boys (one of them used to be a servant/slave until Islam forbid slaves).

    This article is wrong.

  85. tasneem says

    Dear Taslima

    If you don’t know real of Islam please don’t rite abut it. I guess u enjoy publicity and earn money out of it. There are many ways to earn money. If u had read abut Islam you in your wildest though wud have not written any thing wrong. Please don’t target Islam all the time to fulfill your ends

  86. Thelema93 says

    I am coming left of field here but many good points have been made about adoption. So i will just jump up on my soap box n holla!
    The problem imo with the majority of islam today is Wahhabism. Fundamentalism in any sense is basic. Base people favour literal interpretation over lateral thinking and succumb to dogma. Atheists included (eg most creationists dont read the bible etc and most athiests dont read steven hawkings. They just watch youtube debates between priests, shayks and richard Dawkins wannbees lol entertainment for fractious infants)

    The words zahir and batin are two Quranic terms that, while not too well known outside specialist circles, describe something highly important in the Islamic tradition. Zahir refers to the outer dimension, or the outer face, of the Islamic faith. Batin on the other hand refers to the inner, spiritual dimension. At its most simple level the former term refers to acts while the latter refers to the intention behind those acts.

    What was hoped to be achieved by the revelation of surah 33? Surely an “evil” genius like Mo ( politician, military leader, town planner/architect, businessman, poet etc) who convinced people god spoke to him could “trick” his followers into anything at that point a la (pun intended) Joseph Smith, david koresh or shoko ashara. Surely he could have told them his actions were ok, convinced people it was ok and married his adopted sons wife………. But why did he emphasise it and record it in his quran for all the world to see?

    A liberal interpretation of the qurans poetry (yes it is a book of poems with parables) could be expressing sincere emotion/thoughts to those close to you and an inspiration to follow your heart regardless of the simple minded naysayers who are caught up on superficial appearances. I modern terms: keeping it real.

    “They’re looking for something dirty in everything, and if you’re looking for something, you’ll find it. You have to put up some kind of face for them, and that’s the only face they understand. Anything you see in me is in you. If you want to see a vicious killer, that’s who you’ll see, do you understand that? If you see me as your brother, that’s what I’ll be. It all depends on how much love you have. I am you, and when you can admit that, you will be free. I am just a mirror.” Charlie Manson

    In a mad world its assuring to know the mad are divinely inspired. Peace out weirdos.

  87. monna says

    Stupid people should really refrain from writing to a public audience! This article is completely void of facts! Actualy, adoption is allowed in Islam as long as the child’s surname isn’t changed and the child is made fully aware of his blood family. Get your facts straight! As for our Prophet marrying his adopted sons wife..again your version of events is wrong!

    Zaid married zaynab but the marriage was not a success. Zaynab and Zayd proved to be incompatible for each other. After a year problems arose between them and Zayd complained about her to the Prophet (peace be upon him), who told him to stay with his wife and fear Allah.

    Zayd asked the Prophet (peace be upon him) for permission to divorce Zaynab on more than one occasion, and although the Prophet (peace be upon him) advised Zayd not to divorce her, the divorce ultimately took place. The Prophet (peace be upon him) was then ordered by Allah (god) to marry Zaynab, which he did in 5 AH.

    The custom among the pagan Arabs was that an adopted son was like a person’s real son. He carried his adopted father’s name and inherited from him. Islam overturned that custom. Islam came to safeguard lineage. A man may adopt a child and take care of him, but that child cannot assume the lineage of his adopted father. He must retain his own family name.

    Allah says: “Nor has He made your adopted sons your sons. Such is only your (manner of) speech by your mouths. But Allah tells you the Truth, and He shows the right way that is correct. Call them by the names of their fathers: that is more just with Allah. But if ye know not their father’s names, (then they are) your brothers in faith, or your wards.” [Sûrah al-Ahzâb: 4-5]

    By marrying Zaynab, the Prophet (peace be upon him) demonstrated in the clearest possible way that in Islam an adopted son is not the same as a natural son and that the guardian of an adopted son is permitted to marry a woman who was once married to that adopted son.

    • Brian Ozzy says

      Your comments on Zaid are very naive. Don’t any of you people actually read the koran or the hadiths before spewing your ridiculous nonsense. Both of them spell out succinctly what a lowlife scumbag Muhammad was and illustrate to anyone with half a brain that he made the dribble in the koran up to fulfil his own personal agenda. As you seem to have no idea about how your so called “perfect man” got to bonk his daughter-in-law here is the story from the hadiths.

      Tabari VIII:1 “In this year the Messenger married Zaynab bt. Jahsh [a first cousin: Allah’s Messenger came to the house of Zayd bin [son of] Muhammad. Perhaps the Messenger missed him at that moment. Zaynab, Zayd’s wife, rose to meet him. She was dressed only in a shift…. She jumped up eagerly and excited the admiration of Allah’s Messenger, so that he turned away murmuring something that could scarcely be understood. However, he did say overtly, ‘Glory be to Allah Almighty, who causes hearts to turn!’ So Zayd went to Muhammad. ‘Prophet, I have heard that you came to my house. Why didn’t you go in? [Dad,] Perhaps Zaynab has excited your admiration, so I will leave her.’”

      Tabari VIII:4 “One day Muhammad went out looking for Zayd. Now there was a covering of haircloth over the doorway, but the wind had lifted the covering so that the doorway was uncovered. Zaynab was in her chamber, undressed, and admiration for her entered the heart of the Prophet. After that Allah made her unattractive to Zayd.’”

      Tabari VIII:3 “Zayd left her, and she became free. While the Messenger of Allah was talking with Aisha, a fainting overcame him. When he was released from it, he smiled and said, ‘Who will go to Zaynab to tell her the good news? Allah has married her to me.’ Then the Prophet recited [Qur’an 33] to the end of the passage. Aisha said, ‘I became very uneasy because of what we heard about her beauty and another thing, the loftiest of matters, what Allah had done for her by personally giving her to him in marriage. I said that she would boast of it over us.’”

      As this type of behaviour was haram and the tribe was disgusted by it, allah, who seemed to spend an inordinate amount of his time involved with his prophets sex life quickly revealed the following verse:

      Qur’an 33:4 “Allah has not made your wives whom you divorce your mothers: nor has He made your adopted sons your sons. Such is (only) your (manner of) speech by your mouths.”

      Of course this verse that was meant to get him out of a tight spot immediately prevented the adoption of children for the next 1400 years, depriving millions of children with any hope of a loving family life.
      Then in order to dispel any doubt about the prophets right to have sex with many more wives than any other of his misogonystic followers, with his cousins, his aunties or his sex slaves he made up…… sorry, allah sent old Gabriel down with a few more perfect, unalterable, totally clear and never to be questioned on pain of death, verses.

      Qur’an 33:6 “The Prophet has a greater claim on the faithful than they have on themselves, and his wives are their mothers…. This is written in the Book.”

      Qur’an 33:37 “You hid in your mind and your heart that which Allah was about to manifest: you feared the people, but it is more fitting that thou shouldst fear Allah. Then when Zayd had dissolved (his marriage) with her, with the necessary (formality), We gave her to you, joining her in marriage to you: in order that there may be no difficulty or sin for the Believers in the wives of their adopted sons, when the latter have dissolved with the necessary (formality) (their marriage) with them. And Allah’s command must be fulfilled.”

      Qur’an 33:38 “There can be no difficulty, harm, or reproach to the Prophet in doing what Allah has ordained to him as a duty. It was the practice (approved) of Allah amongst those of old that have passed away. And the commandment of Allah is a decree determined. (It is the practice of those) who deliver the Messages of Allah, and fear Him. Allah keeps good account. Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but (he is) the Messenger of Allah, and the Last of the Prophets with the Seal: and Allah has full knowledge of all things.”

      It is all in the koran and hadiths, those perfect books (written hundreds of years after Mo’s unmartyr-like death), that are perfectly explained and cannot be misunderstood. Try reading it. That applies to all you other people that continue making such idiotic comments from ignorance of your own religion, if one could call it that.

  88. TrueMuslim says

    I am a muslim and prophet muhammad (s) was an orphan himself. This story is so fake. I am ashamed! Us muslims respect others and their religions and all i hope is u do the same for us. Its never good for people to be known as the person thats a hater or racist. Islam is the best religion and it brings an inner peace and an outer peace to believers.
    I LOVE ISLAM! الله اكبر⭐

  89. Adeeb Mustafa says

    It’s better not to argue with you guys bcz no matter how we try you would always think that , what you think is right…

    So I just suggest you guys… just don’t trust the words spoken by others.. As the spoken words is understood in different ways by different person. So just try to reciteThe Holy Quran. There where many before who opposed Islam. But when they recited The Holy Quran they realized the truth. So if you want the truth , all what you want is in there. The best example is Umar Bin khattab(RA). Please my friends stop fighting, if you don’t like us please leave us. What harm does it do to you. And to my brothers and sisters. Almighty Allah is watching over us and we are still be tested. So please don’t bring our anger before us. It’s what shaithan wants us to do, To bring our rage out. In sha allah, we all will be together on the judgment day in shades of Almighty Allah..
    Almighty Allah has prepared for us. Let us focus in our Deen and what it has taught us.

    Sorry if there where any wrong or hurt someone feelings.

  90. arbaaz says

    what the fuck r u taking about is this is the u describe the greatest prophet of all time the love one of ALLAH we fear speaking his name n u people shame on may allah forgive u people

  91. hina says

    Omg. Who ever is the writer of this totally ignorant and superficial writing u r kindly suggested update ur knowledge u dumb peace of shit!
    Islam does not stop u from adopting children infact its said by our most respected and loved prophet (pbuh) who ever takes care of a orphan child is guarantee a place in jannah and u illiterate just to inform u this gurantee is there in islam so it can encourage people for adoption.
    First read islam and then talk .

    • defender says

      There is no doubt about the fact the writer doesn’t know anything about Islam. The person is either ignorant or trying to tarnish the image of Islam. I would encourage people to learn about an ideology before criticizing

  92. iranian woman says

    الله اکبر! الله اکبر ! الله اکبر! استغفر الله
    شما چه میدونید از اسلام! حضرت محمد آخرین پیامبر خدا و پاک ترین انسان روی کره ی زمین بوده … خلق کل این جهان توسط خدا به واسطه ی حضرت محمد بوده … ایشون هرگز سزاوار چرندیاتی که شما بافتید نیست و لعنت خدا بر شما… محمد ص نیازی به تایید و یا تکذیب شما نداره! حساب شما هم باشه با خدا…

  93. Dr sherry says

    Are you interested in adoption, but not sure where to begin?

    Our Center receives numerous inquiries daily from prospective adoptive parent(s) who desire information about the adoption process, as well as information about our services including domestic adoptions, open adoptions, and pregnant adoptions, etc.

    As some inquiries are from prospective adoptive parent(s) who are “considering” adoption, and others are from prospective adoptive parent(s) who are “actively pursuing” an adoption plan,contact us now on:[email protected] or call us on +2348071149328 or +447024087924.

  94. anoosheh says

    I just saw your cartoons and your cartoons are very very funny but they are too unreal….have you ever seen an arab woman??…they are huger than what you think…even in age 9.
    So be a little realistic plz

  95. Fawad Ahmed says

    May Allah guide the right path to the writer of this post. He knows nothing about islam and only profaning islam.
    Its only an act of blasphemy and i strongly condemn this article.
    May Allah assist you to the right path and if its not in your fate then destroy you in this world and hereafter.

  96. umm Aisha says


    ”But the sad news is, not a single Muslim is allowed to adopt a poor homeless child because ‘the religion of peace’ forbids abortion”

    FACT: People of NO knowledge like to make ignorant remarks about Islam
    FACT: Islam does allow adoption; however Islam(over 1400 yrs ago) is more merciful and superior to man made laws of 2015.
    FACT: 2015 ”Civilised western world’ people adopt children they lie and deceive child by pretending to be mum and dad. and rob them of their heritage and roots by taking their name away. These kids grow up and search for their parents and become devistated that they’ve been lied to – what good have you done in comparison to the damage. Man made law allows this
    FACT: Islam the religion of mercy
    1: gives the one who raises the orphan an extremely high honour,
    2: They have to deal with them and their property with the utmost care,
    3: orphans are mentioned the Quran countless number of times.
    4: We as muslims are banned from lying and deceiving them into believing that we are their parents.
    5: We are banned from consuming their wealth
    6: We are banned from changing their name
    7: There are many muslims who raise orphans (me included) but the media would never cover this because islam and muslim bashing is high fashion.

    EDUCATE YOURSELF — GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT – Dont ever be deceived by misguided slanderers

    • Brian Ozzy says

      Well done ignorant Umm Aisha. You have just made the perfect case illustrating that islam does indeed not allow adoption. It allows “Fostering”. There is a big difference and you and all the other muslims in here that do not know what their so called holy book actually does say should look up the definitions of “adopt” and “foster”.
      When muhammad made up the verse …….. sorry! when allah sent down Gabriel to pass on that: Qur’an 33:4 “Allah has not made your wives whom you divorce your mothers: nor has He made your adopted sons your sons. Such is (only) your (manner of) speech by your mouths”, to try and placate his followers annoyance at him bonking his daughter in law Zaynab, he immediately prevented millions of children forever from being adopted. However he never said they could’t be fostered, big hearted thug that he was, so that’s what takes place in the muslim world, fostering.

  97. says

    In The Name Of Allah, The Most Gracious And The Most Merciful,
    Writing Sameer
    For the AUTHOR’s (Taslima) attention,
    Islam discourages “abortion of a child that has got life (spirit)”. It doesn’t mean that it prohibits ADOPTION !! Who has been spreading all these rubbish ideas my dear author?? Just clearly study WHAT IS ISLAM and then say, not just cutting a part of HOLY QURAN and giving YOUR OWN explanations. UNDERSTAND THE SITUATION of revealing that particular AYAH.
    Hope you understand.
    May The Almighty GOD Give Guidance to You and All Of Us.Ameen(Oh Allah, accept our invocation)
    Thank You

  98. sami says

    You state that that islam doesn’t allow adoption.whilst on the other hand your cartoon picture no 1 says that Zaid was a freed slave of Mohammed,and then the prophet ADOPTED him.

    How was he adopted when your argument is that Islam doesn’t allow adoption.

    Your picture no 1 is contradicting your whole argument.

    Either change your view or change you pictorial story so that they match!

  99. Rashid Nassur says

    firstly:..Homeless and parentless children are products of an immoral society..a society that encourages promiscouity,adultery and says no to polygamy which is one of Man”s basic instinct.In this scenario,unwanted teenage pregnancies..extra marital affairs that lead to pregnancies..poor parenting,rape leading to pregnancies…just to mention a few…all these lead to LEAD TO UNWANTED KIDS…why blame islam for your problems when islam gave you the solutions right from the start but you refused??…
    secondly:Islam allows adoption..just that adopted kids keep their family names and dont take the new familys name.this way u are able to be honest with the kid through out their life .Islam does not prohibit adoption.Rather,Islamprovides teachings to allow adoption while, atthe same time,preserving theintegrity of the family line.Adoption of children for the purpose of bringing them up and caring for them is not only
    permissible, but in fact a very
    good and blessed deed, especially in the case of orphans and foundlings. The Prophet
    (peace be upon him) said: “I and the one who sponsors an orphan are like this in Paradise.” Then he joined between his index and middle fingers.” [Sahîh al-
    Bukhârî (5304)]
    Adoption is certainly not
    prohibited. What is unlawful is to
    attribute one’s adopted child to oneself, as if there is a biological
    relationship. This is because Islam
    seeks to safeguard biological lineage and not confuse
    lineage. Allah says in the Qur’ân about adopted children:
    “Call them by the names of their
    fathers: that is more just in the
    sight of Allah, but if you do not
    know their father’s names,
    (then they are) your brothers in
    faith, or your wards, but there is no blame on you if you make a mistake therein: (what counts is) the intention of your hearts.” We can see from this verse that calling one’s adopted ward “son” or
    “daughter” out of affection without meaning it literally
    is allowed. The same can be said for an adopted child calling the people who adopted him
    “father” and “mother” out of
    love respect. This is perfectly alright. It is lawful to bring up children in one’s house and to love them as one’s own children but the attribution of those children should always be to their true, biological parents. If the identity of the child’s parents
    is unknown, then the child should be given a general attribution that originates with the child….youll never find error in this Religion only common sense and logic…..Allah knows Best

  100. Eemaan says

    None of prophet Muhammad’s sons lived past two years of age. How then is it possible for him to be infatuated with the wife of one of his sons?

    Your entire argument is flawed because prophet Muhammad himself was adopted. Honesty, despite your irrelevant “credentials” you clearly did not do your research.

  101. says

    Taslima….. i know you will get good name even you sell true Islam….i don’t know which Quran you read and which Hadish you read but somewhere you have good level of lack of knowledge. This may be with intention to get name in the world….. Why Taslima? Just one question.. since you are qualified person, do this fit for a person who is highly qualified, to propagate wrong knowledge to the public? if you don’t like Islam, its your call but is it good to hurt anyone sentiment? let them be….. happy with what they believe. The way you are going to get good name i am sure that after few days you will start abusing your parents that how dare that they born you.

    i don’t want to give you regard on your scolerly knowledge but being human being i respect women and be mindful of your words.

  102. Tabrez says

    The question of adoption in Islam is one that is very often misunderstood.

    Islam does not prohibit adoption. Rather, Islam provides teachings to allow adoption while, at the same time, preserving the integrity of the family line.

    Adoption of children for the purpose of bringing them up and caring for them is not only permissible, but in fact a very good and blessed deed, especially in the case of orphans and foundlings.

    The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “I and the one who sponsors an orphan are like this in Paradise.” Then he joined between his index and middle fingers.” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (5304)]

    Adoption is certainly not prohibited. What is unlawful is to attribute one’s adopted child to oneself, as if there is a biological relationship. This is because Islam seeks to safeguard biological lineage and not confuse lineage.

    Allah says in the Qur’ân about adopted children: “Call them by the names of their fathers: that is more just in the sight of Allah, but if you do not know their father’s names, (then they are) your brothers in faith, or your wards, but there is no blame on you if you make a mistake therein: (what counts is) the intention of your hearts.”

    We can see from this verse that calling one’s adopted ward “son” or “daughter” out of affection without meaning it literally is allowed. The same can be said for an adopted child calling the people who adopted him “father” and “mother” out of love respect. This is perfectly alright.

    It is lawful to bring up children in one’s house and to love them as one’s own children, but the attribution of those children should always be to their true, biological parents. If the identity of the child’s parents is unknown, then the child should be given a general attribution that originates with the child.

    As Allah says in the Qur’ân: “…but if you do not know their father’s names, (then they are) your brothers in faith, or your wards.”

    In Islamic Law, since adopted children retain their own family identity and do not assume that of their guardians, they may even marry from the families of their guardians. This is because the biological children of the guardians are not, in Islamic Law, the adopted child’s brothers and sisters, though they may have a close friendly relationship with each other.

    Likewise, adopted children do not automatically inherit from their guardians who adopted them.

    Because the adopted child does not receive a fixed portion of the guardians’ estate, the child’s guardians should make a bequest to their adopted ward. A person can bequeath up to one-third of the total estate to non-inheritors. Indeed, this means that, in many cases, an adopted child can receive more of the estate through a bequest than the biological children receive through their fixed and unalterable share of the inheritance.

    The wisdom behind this might possibly be that an adopted ward may have less of a community support structure than a child who has a family. In any event, the amount of the estate that an adopted child may inherit as a bequest is left to the wisdom and discretion of those who adopt the child, up to one-third of the estate.

    And Allah knows best.

  103. shumaila says

    i want to ask a question……when Muslims not abuse and insult other religions, who give them right to talk a rubbish about our beloved prophet SAW like this……you should first study the life of Muhammad SAW the speak…..studyng life of prophet Muhammad SAW may be shut your mouth…..

  104. Farha says

    if you have a stong knowledge about Islam related to your topic then please organise a live show about your view….i have no word…first read Quran and its true message….dont misguide the people….do ‘tauba’ before meeting the angel of death….u have no idea what u have done….

  105. connie says

    Have a question? What name do you give a foundling when you don’t know the last name, or if the birth father denies the child is his or in the case of rape. Any name you give them could be a lie so what do you do then?

  106. Muzammil says

    Taslima, you have not done proper research. Islam is not against adoption but makes distinction that adopted child never equals to blood relative.

  107. SAK Shaikh says

    The comments made on the blog is wrong. Please check this site where the learned persons have answered a question about adopting children (also pasted below). Islam is the perfect religion, provided you see towards it with a clean mind. Like someone said “Umar bhar Ghalib yahi Bhool karta Raha, Dhool Chehre pe Thi, aur aina saaf karta raha….! (Ghalib did the same mistake throughout his life, the dirt was on his face and he kept cleaning the mirror)”.

    In my opinion, the author is not to blame, s/he has got wrong information, from someone who doesn’t know about Islam. I would advice the author (and all those who don’t know about Islam), to understand the religion from learned persons (lslamic Scholars) before pointing fingers.

    “Only the weak finds comfort in making excuses and pointing finger.” ― Edmond Mbiaka

    Islam is the truth and the only perfect religion. I invite the author (and all non-Muslims/ people not knowing properly about Islam, including myself) to learn about the religion, accept Allah as GOD, Muhammad (peace be upon him) as Prophet and Islam as faith. I assure, you will find peace in your life and the hereafter. May Allah guide us all, amen.

    –contents of the link provided above–
    In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
    As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.

    It is permissible to adopt a child according to Shari’ah[1]. The following points should be taken into consideration.

    The child should not take up the name of the parents who have adopted him. His lineage should be separate and not joined with the parents. He should keep the name of his biological father if the biological father is known.

    Says Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala in the Quran:
    Call them(adopted children) by (the name of) their (real) fathers; It is more equitable in the sight of Allah. And if you do not know their fathers, then they are your brothers in faith and your friends. (Al-Ahzaab)

    Strict observance of hijab should be done when the child reaches the age of puberty. The pardah is between the mother and the child if it is a boy and between the father and child if it is a girl. The method to avoid this is to adopt the child in infancy and the mother breastfeeds the child. In doing so, they will become the foster parents and pardah will not be necessary. Nevertheless, breastfeeding will still not make him a real son and his lineage will still be separate.

    The adopted child will not inherit from the adoptive parents. The adoptive parents are allowed to bequeath one-third of their wealth to the adopted child in their will if they wish to do so.

    The child may be adopted from any ethnicity group. When the child is old enough to understand, he should be informed with wisdom about the reality of the issue. Special care should be taken in ensuring that the foster parents do not cause any emotional harm to the adopted child when addressing such sensitive matters.
    –contents of the link provided above–

  108. Fatihah says

    Bullshit post. Everything written in this article is wrong. In actual fact, islam encourages muslims to take care of orphans. Shame on you for misleading others into thinking otherwise.

  109. mohd ahmed ali says

    you are saying this taslima nasreen………………..well first off all do you know the meaning of islam……………… are saying that islam has terrible laws. then why islam is spreading all over the world

  110. Salima says

    How can you even say something on which you dont even have proper knowledge, who said that Islam has forbid adoption… are in a big misunderstanding…..Islam is the most perfect religion, Prophet Muhammad SAW has always encourage us to take care of orphan, in each and every festival , happiness , we have to think of the poor and the orphan, we need to give them their share of this happiness also, and adopting an orphan child, raise them according to islam, is the most noble deed and also a way to Heaven….please before assuming anything, search for the truth first, think, analyse then u react…..

  111. says

    Hello, everyone out there, i got married to my husband 20 years ago but i could not provide a child for him, i keep thinking of what to do to make my house busy and a fried of my told me about adoption and she took me to a very good place were i got my baby girl from, i am so much happy now. you can also contact them with this email if you need a baby to adopt. Email: [email protected]

  112. mfchy says

    that writer is bitch’s son.without knowing about my religion islam how he made fun of it.stupid ,lier,idiot,u r a dog…

  113. Rawad says

    Thank you for this post. You have truly shown your ignorance and bias towards islam by publishing this article. Prophet Muhammad PBUH did not have any sons. This is the first mistake you make. He only had a daughter, Fatima (PBUH). Another mistake is your sources, all the “Sahihs” you have been citing are sources highly argued upon by the different schools of Islam. Also, Prophet Muhammad PBUH did not ban anything or allow anything, he was the messenger of God and only did transmit the divine message. Islam does not ban adoption, it ensures that every human being knows who his biological parents are. In fact, the prophet Muhammad PBUH himself took into his house a young boy named Ali ibn Abi Taleb, the first of 12 imams in islamic history, and raised him in his household. However, Islam makes sure that children frow up knowing their family names to avoid incest in later stages of their lives. How many times have we heard of adopted kids getting in a relationship or getting married only to realize at a later point that they are in fact siblings ? Islam does recognize that a father or a mother is someone who raises the child, who protects them and lives them, cares for them.. However, the only forbidden act is to give that child your name. I truly wish people could stop being haineous and explore Islam with a pure eye, with the intention of learning about it before making these assumptions and other accusations.

  114. true muslim says

    tasleema nasreen ur a bitch actually ….nd u evn can’t thnk what will do wi u nd tone of other boz or bos …Allah loves his prophet …put a knife in ur ass….whch will give u actual pleasure…u r lookng like pig…,go boz will fuck u …muslims will even nt touch a bitch like u ….u spend nights in bar clubs.. …..u the lier jewish …u the irrogant woman …islam gives the rght to gve real father nam bcz woman like u dnt knw their children fathers…so their child cry fr whole life …love u my dear muslim bro’s ,sis’s

  115. Ahmed says

    Hey you who wrote the article. How dare you insult my Prophet Muhammad SAW. He was the one who was kind,forgiving,honest, and had many more aspects like this. He my Prophet was not what you stated. May Allah show you the right path or may he destroy you and its my wish that Allah may give you a death that no one has seen ever before even more worse than feron because you insulted my prophet.
    If you have balls email me you shit asshole . And i would kick your ass out of this world . You see me son of a bitch and i would kill you with my own hands because you insulted my beloved Prophet SAW. and my email is [email protected]. so email me and i would just kick your ass bastard. How dare you talked about my prophet SAW.

  116. Muhammad Mujhtaba says

    you people don’t konw anything about Islam and u are abusing our pure religion.If non-beliver here can show me any scientific error in Holy Quran I will accept his religion…

  117. says

    Allah .if u are really intrusted in Islamic kindly read QURAAN.
    for GODs sake stop this.concentrate on your religion pizzzzzzzzzzzz.all of this story is fake.ISLAM do not forbid to adopt a children.its a humble request

  118. Faisal Shahzad Khan says

    If Taslima is a real scholar ,she should be writing the truth.Neither adopting an orphan is forbidden nor our Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) married his adopted son’s wife due to the reason given here by Taslima.Upbringing an orphan child is one of the most virtuous deeds according to Islam.Our respected and beloved Holy Prophet Muhammad said that ,I and the one who takes care of an orphan child will be closed like two fingers in Heaven.Islam has been a religion of mercy for the orphans and helpless people.In those days it was a common practice in Arabic region that adopted son was considered and treated like a biological son and that’s why people took it bad to marry an adopted son’s divorced wife.The marriage of our Holy Prophet to his adopted son’s divorced wife was only to make it clear to people that adopted son is not like a biological son.Almost every act of our Holy Prophet was to show the people right way of leading a balanced life. Zainab was the cousin of Holy prophet and Zaid was his freed slave.Our holy prophet wanted to abandon the discrimination of the people towards slaves and poor people. That’s why he arranged a marriage of His freed slave and a woman who belonged to his own family thus, giving a prestige to a slave.Although the marriage did not prove successful.Nobody can assure a marriage to be successful one.So after the divorce he married just to reconcile a divorced woman.
    I appreciate the sympathy of the author for the orphans but she is wrongly blaming Islam for prohibiting Adoption.Islam just prohibits to change the biological father name of a child.One can adopt as many orphan children as one can afford , only for upbringing but can’t take their fathers name and can’t touch their property and wealth.These full of justice rules can’t be a human’s effort ,these are the divine rules.
    Finally i would request to both the author and the cartoonist that no doubt you have the freedom of writing and speaking but for a moment if you think that if somebody use these kind of words and these type of mocking cartoons about your parents even , you would not like it.So it is not justified that you are using these type of wording and cartoons for a Holy Prophet who is as respectful for Muslims around the world as is Jesus and other Prophets respectful for both Muslims and Christians.As a Muslim our belief is to respect every Prophet Jesus,Moses,Abraham,Noah and so on.

  119. Bilal says

    Get your facts straight: In Islam, adoption is not allowed, if, 1. the child’s religion is to be changed. For instance, if the child is Christian, a Muslim family cannot…CAN NOT…convert him to Islam. He would need to be brought up understanding the teachings of Christianity. Hence, the Muslim family MUST provide him an avenue to be brought up understanding his religion 2. The child MUST be aware, and taught, his own culture and therefore, in Islam, it is forbidden for him to adopt the traits of his new family. This is another way of protecting from COMPULSION in our religion. 3. Most importantly, in Islam, adoption is not allowed, because it is unlawful for a child to be forced a new name, and therefore, being whitewashed the history/memories of his people, family, religion, etc.

    Adoption is not allowed, but FOSTERING is! And in fostering all of the above are void. The child is given the same privileges as an adopted child, home, shelter, love, food, etc, however, is not forced to take the family name, and is offered, under Islamic law, certain rights that are not to be trampled with. Western ideas of adoption are different than Islam’s, so for you to lambaste the Islamic religion and culture because you don’t understand the difference, is shameful, irresponsible and pathetic.

    Get your facts straight. Simpleminded bouts of xenophobia gets society nowhere.

  120. shanzahr says

    This article is wrong. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was an orphan and he is our nabi how can we hate on something like this. It states in the Quran that us muslims an everybody else should be kind to orphans and the homeless population. They should remind us on how much we have and how we should give back to the world of people who don’t have what we have. Muslims and Islam accept those who have to live with these circumstances and try to help these people. We all should not get confused with the article that try to ruin the Islamic name because Allah (swt) gave us this amazing religion were all should be equal and love each other. Please don’t think why am I Muslim because Allah (swt) chose you and dont be scared from those who will do anything to stop the preaching Islam. Those in Makkah when the time of the Rasul had harsh times and those stuck to Islam so we should to.

  121. says

    This is my testimony about the good work of a man who helped me….My name is Abey Kelly … My life is back!!! After 8 years of marriage, my husband left me and left me with our two kids. I felt like my life was about to end, and was falling apart. Thanks to a spell caster called papa dodo who i met online. On one faithful day, as I was browsing through the internet, I was searching for a good spell caster that can solve my problems. I came across series of testimonies about this particular spell caster. Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back, some testified that he restores womb, some testified that he can cast a spell to stop divorce and so on. There was one particular testimony I saw, it was about a woman called Erica,she testified about how papa dodo brought back her Ex lover in less than 72 hours and at the end of her testimony she drop papa dodo e-mail address. After reading all these,I decided to give papa a try. I contacted him via email and explained my problem to him. In just 3 days, my husband came back to me. We solved our issues, and we are even happier than before. papa dodo is really a talented and gifted man and i will not to stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man…If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster to solve that problem for you. Try the great papa dodo today, he might be the answer to your problem. Here’s his contact: [email protected] or via+2348054680554 Thank you great PAPA DODO

  122. Common Man says

    Don’t impersonate Prophet Muhammed (Sallahu Alaihi Wasallam) peace be upon him. The cartoon above is wrong. Do you think Prophet is like a common man living now a days? First try to find the meaning of the word “PROPHET”.
    Nobody is allowed to write a fake story abt Him. If u don’t know abt Prophet’s Life style, Better try to ask anyone who knows, or read “The Holy Quran”. Pls don’t Spread wrong messages, That is Haraam. No one can even imagine to live like Prophet Muhammed (Sallahu Alaihi Wasallam) peace be upon him. So be sure while sharing/commenting about Prophets life.

  123. Amina Zafar says

    islam is the only region in the world which is perfect without any doubt
    both MUSLIMS & non muslims believe in this fact .
    why did you use word only MUHAMMAD without writing P.B.U.H in your article ??????
    in this article , you showed dressings of MUSLIMS
    you should keep in mind that MUSLIMS have not such type of VULGER dressing
    Remove this article because you are misguiding others . you have no right to explain ISLAM according to your such type of vulger views .

  124. anon ymous says

    At the very least lots of people learned something through this dialogue,I know I did!

    Remember be humble and forgiving,there is nothing wrong with passive aggressive debate if someone is gaining from it,anyone person is worth it

    We can not even imagine what offensive,awful,disgusting,cruel,perverted,blasphemous,obscene,sinful,and constant disrespectful actions and words our Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) had to face,he chose to pray to Allah (SWT) on behalf of them

    As wrong as the writer of this article has portrayed Islam in a negative and illiterate way and fueled such anger from muslim brothers and sisters in the defence and explanation about Islamic teachings about Adoption,fostering,and other misinformations that came up during the dialogue ,we can not forget to faithfully trust Allah (SWT) is guarding the Quran in original revelation while waiting for muslims to read it and follow it so we can lead by example for the world to realize the truth but until we unite as one Ummah without any sects or divisions amongst us then we will have to witness such ignorance from all corners of the world,so even on this subject we can’t get 20 people to agree on this page (Thanks to the well informed brothers and sisters) and we wonder why such people spread rumors,lead by actions and example accompanied by words but be 100% accurate or become 100% accurate according to the Quran and let Allah (SWT) have mercy on all ignorant people and guide them towards the right path.

    Be the Beacon,not the lost ship at sea chasing false lights

  125. says

    What you belive doesn’t matter what Allah swt commands it matter Allah swt forbid to adoption practice while he is wise knowing all what is in your heart and mind he mention only in one verse about adoption but more than 20 times commands us about orphans 2:177,2:215,2:220,4:2_6,4:8,4:36,4:127,8:41,76:8,89:17,90:15,93:6,93:9,107:2,4:10,6:152,17:34,18:82,59:7, in all this verses Allah set command to human kind about how to treat orphan I thing you never ever gon through this
    Next more important point that Allah swt abolished this practice that ignorant people who go beyond Allah swt knows more

    If you want to continue reply to me


    Lol this is so funny. Don’t change identity. Identity normally is not altered when people adopt a child. Normally if he is born with a given name it is kept. However if a name is given its because the adoption occurred shortly after birth. Also I have a hard time believing the argument that keeping the childs name so that they don’t inbreed. If this was a real concern in Islam we would not have country like Pakistan where some estimates is that 30% of the population is made up of 1st cousins or closer. Better pick a different one you are making your religion look bad…

  127. K says

    Some points to ponder on:
    – how many times were Prophet Mohammed admonished by Allah in Quran?
    – If you believe this book and religion was man invented that he will put such verses blaming himself at a time he wanted to have people believing in him?
    – How many times the word orphan or extracts of it was mentioned in Quran and in prophet speeches?
    -what sort of deed promises its doer to have the highest place in heaven and be right next to the prophet’s position there?
    – How many times did prophet Mohammed marry a vergin?

    Do some research and good luck with the answers… 🙂 may we all be guided to the right path.

  128. Nai says

    WOW may God have mercy on he who spreads corruption and the wrong views of Gods religion on Gods land. It’s quiet amazing how merciful God truly is that he would give time to those who created this comic strip WITH THE SOLE INTENTION to spread false accusations and spread misunderstandings of a religion. God grants them time to realize their wrong doings and correct their ways. I pray and know God WILL protect those who see this comic strip and THINK ITS REAL! May he GUIDE THEIR HEARTS TO THE TRUTH. Honestly God will protect His identity and religion and I need not publish this message but it’s a duty of mine to state anyone WHO ACTUALLY wonders if this comic is true OWES it to himself to further investigate the religion of Islam through unbias sources. The fact that some may actually think this comic was created by a Muslim scholar is laughable to some but reality is a few individuals WILL think it’s a possibility and for those people, one must say, it’s a BLESSING from GOD it’s wondering if it’s true. Anytime we wonder, the next step should be inquisition. So may your mind and heart not be left as wonder but rather be led to the truth!

    Here is a helpful resource for those who truly want to know:

    “WHY ISLAM 1-800 phone number”

    Call and ask your questions, bring your disease to them and surely they will give you perspective.

    Geese, I sure hope the owner of this blog allows me to post my free thoughts and doesn’t flag my comment for expressing myself. Lol


  1. […] To many of us, children are a blessing from God. Yet, unfortunately, not all religions look at the matter from the same lens. It was a surprise for me to discover that in Islam, or at least, in many Islamic countries, adoption of children as we know it in the West is not tolerated. In an earlier letter, I wrote about Jesus and children, and when you read the following, taken from a longer article, you cannot but wonder with gladness and joy the legacy of the treatment of children that Jesus left us with! The following excerpts are taken from: The familiar New Testament picture of Jesus taking a child in his arms and receiving him with love portrays an attitude of care and concern for children found nowhere else in the ancient world. Children, along with women, old men, and slave, were viewed as physically weak burdens on society who had little value to the wider life of the community. In Greece and Rome, it was an accepted practice to abandon unwanted children along the roadsides to die. Jesus’ teachings concerning children were faithfully followed by the early church, (a legacy which is carried to this day), which believed that to receive a child in the name of Christ was to receive Christ Himself. Christians began collecting infants abandoned by their parents and raised them as their own. If pagans took in such abandoned children, it was most often for immoral purposes. Why was the early Christian attitude toward children so unusual? Simply because it recognized the child as a person. Both children and adults were equal in the Kingdom of God. Adoption of children was also practiced in Arabia before Islam, but the following link gives you, (though, incomplete), a suggestion as to why, suddenly, some time during Mohammed’s revelations, there was an abrupt end to formal adoption of children! :referring to (Qur’an, Sura 33:4-5). In fact, many verses in Sura 33 of the Qur’an shed more light on the Muslim adoption dilemma! The implications set down by Islam in relation to adopting children is more akin to fostering or simply helping orphans! What is the point of taking in a child as your own, but that child cannot take your family name, has limited or no rights to inheritance, and the wearing of the hijab is applied within the house as if living with strangers!? This, of course, was not always the case. It is well documented that Mohammed had adopted a son named Zayd, but what we are not told with equal conviction is that it was Mohammed’s desire and determination to marry his ‘adopted’ son’s wife Zaynab that, by the help of another revelation from Allah, was conveniently told that his adopted son is not his biological son anyway, so marrying Zaynab, (wife number six), after the couple divorced was to be permitted! ( When Allah was trying to help Muhammad, Aisha, the youngest and most intelligent wife of Muhammad said her famous words, ‘O prophet, I feel that your Lord hastens in fulfilling your wishes and desires.’ Muslim scholars categorically deny this. However, this article in the following link may help you understand better what the world would be like to millions of orphaned children, if only the Muslim world could revert back to the family laws of Arabia, when adopted children could freely become a complete and total part of the family!… […]

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