You see them wherever you drive in Pennsylvania: small oil collection pumps, or wellheads for natural gas. The big fracking sites are away from the roads so they are unseen, but you can’t miss the trucks driving around with fracking liquid.
You see them wherever you drive in Pennsylvania: small oil collection pumps, or wellheads for natural gas. The big fracking sites are away from the roads so they are unseen, but you can’t miss the trucks driving around with fracking liquid.
They don’t care, anymore. Is that a sign of insanity, or confidence?
I gotta hand it to Greta Thunberg – she has found herself thrust onto the big stage, and is making the best of her 15 minutes of fame.
The disaster that is looming ahead of us is nebulous, and its vagueness has made it incomprehensible: we focus on a few signs and indications and hope that better heads and wise leaders prevail.
The frame for the hot forge building has been sitting there, upright and ready for the slab to be poured, and … pouring it’s been. We’ve gotten a tremendous amount of rain this spring.
I’ve been wondering that, myself. Presumably the answer is somewhere between “yuge” and “outrageous.”
Have you ever shoveled out a manure pile? I have. Here’s what it feels like: under the shit, there’s more shit. And under that shit, guess what’s there? If you guessed “more shit” you’re right. Even the dirt under a manure pile becomes so infused that it’s hard to tell where the manure pile stops and the planetary core begins.
At least people are finally making serious suggestions for how to respond.
spoiler warning for Avengers movies
Leaders of the world, you must lead. The continuation of our civilizations and the natural world on which they depend – is in your hands.
Coastal waters’ oxygen level has now become seasonally variable.