Some Fun

Mitchell and Webb are good at sly social commentary as well as silliness. If you haven’t seen their “are we the baddies?” sketch, go search it up on the internet; it’s great.

In this one, they take a hard poke at alternative medicine. Oh, that stings!

During the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, I’ve been interested to note that there are still antivaxxers who are now prepared to push back against a possible coronavirus vaccine. That is tacit admission that it never had anything to do with autism – after all, there’s no kind of linkage between coronavirus and developmental disorders (since it’s a novel virus). The antivaxxers sound more and more like a bunch of children, who are simply throwing up whatever excuse comes to hand, with no attempt at intellectual honesty. That does raise the question, “why?” but I suppose it’s a mix of things – there are probably goofy christian cultists, paranoid conspiracy theorists, pseudoscientists, and goofy pseudoscientific christian conspiracy theorists.


  1. DonDueed says

    Don’t forget the aging new agers. (Oh the irony…)

    The one thing they all have in common: ignorance.

  2. komarov says

    “… there are still antivaxxers who are now prepared to push back against a possible coronavirus vaccine. That is tacit admission that it never had anything to do with autism – after all, there’s no kind of linkage between coronavirus and developmental disorders (since it’s a novel virus).”

    Hang on, wasn’t it always about the MMR vaccine causing autism? Because the above sounds consistent to me, if you assume that all vaccines are potentially harmful. It’s a small leap from one specific vaccine to all of them in general, especially since anti-vaxxers take in stride the discreditation of Wakefield’s original study, as well as any follow-up showing his and related claims to be unfounded. People who believe that vaccination in general is harmful would naturally protest even the notion of a covid-19 vaccine. Just one more coup by big pharma selling us the same old poison in a shiny new wrapper, or something.

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