
At Frankfurt Airport:

It was a bit expensive for a dust-catcher, but damn funny.


  1. Owlmirror says

    That’s a slot on his head for coins, right? It’s not just a bust, but also actually a [piggy] bank?

    And maybe there’s no stopper to open, so if you want your Capital back, you have to break the bank. How revolutionary!

  2. says

    I own a piggy bank with Kapitalistenschwein written on it.

    That’s pretty good!

    There was a ceramic artist at a local craft fair who used to make storage containers in clay, with clever labels like “bones of my enemies” and “my children’s future” etc. I love surrealism.

  3. says

    That’s a slot on his head for coins, right? It’s not just a bust, but also actually a [piggy] bank?

    Yup. And it looks pretty big; big enough to hold all of the tax money Apple pays the federal government annually, for example.

  4. sonofrojblake says

    Not a very good murder weapon though. A good one wouldn’t leave any Marx.

    I’ll get my coat.

  5. mailliw says

    The tourist office in Trier (Marx’s home town) have a bottle of Karl Marx wine for sale; obviously it’s a red wine.