Bernie Sanders already projected to win in Nevada

With just 6% of the votes in, Fox News has already projected that Bernie Sanders has won the Nevada caucuses, suggesting that he already has such a lead that the others are unlikely to overcome it.

With six percent of delegates in, Sanders has 54.7 percent.

According to those returns, former Vice President Joe Biden is in second place with 17.9 percent, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., has 9.7 percent, and former South Bend, Ind. Mayor Pete Buttigieg has 9 percent and billionaire Tom Steyer has 7.4 percent. Ultimately 36 delegates are at stake.

While Sanders was expected to win, the current margin is far larger than polls had indicated. But as more results come in, it is quite possible, likely even, that the margin of victory will get considerably smaller, especially since the Associated Press, the political equivalent of the fat lady singing, has not weighed in as yet. [UPDATE: ABC News, the Associated Press, and CBS News have also now projected Sanders as the winner.]

The criticisms of Sanders’s health care plan by the leadership of the powerful Culinary Workers Union were made much of before the election and during the debate (in the latter case by Pete Buttigieg who claimed to boos that Sanders was at war with the union). But it looks like the rank and file went heavily for Sanders.

As the evening goes on, these numbers will change will all change but right now it looks good for Sanders.


  1. Holms says

    With six percent of delegates in, Sanders has 54.7 percent.

    Ugh. A headline at 6% progress? That’s why USA’s election system is farcical -- the whole thing is designed with showbiz in mind first and a fair election second.

  2. Ridana says

    @ Holms: On midterms and Presidential election nights they start reporting at 1%. If 6% was their first report they’ve shown remarkable restraint. :/

  3. sonofrojblake says

    UK media start reporting the “result” of a general election literally one second after voting stops,before any counting has begun. Its only news when they’re wrong.

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