Getting bears out of dumpsters

Via Carla Sinclair, I came across this video of police using a ladder to get out a bear cub that had fallen into a dumpster. But I was impressed at the earlier efforts of two other bears to try and rescue the cub themselves, even though they failed.

But this idea of using ladders to rescue cubs is not original. Back in 2012, I linked to a video of a New Mexico couple who used the same ladder idea to get three bear cubs out of a dumpster.


  1. lochaber says

    I’m partial to the second video, because it seems to me that the people executing that rescue are well aware of the potential danger of mother mammals, and get the hell out of there as soon as they drop in the ladder.

  2. says

    When I saw the title, I thought this was about bears eating human garbage and getting too close to cities. In northern communities, this is a major problem and usually means scaring the bears first, relocating them (tranqulizing and moving them) or killing those too acclimatized to humans. Churchill, Manitoba has had to resort to walling off their garbage dump to keep polar bears out.

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