Donald Trump is quoted in the New Yorker magazine, as saying “When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I’m basically the same. The temperament is not that different.”
In most other people, an admission like that would be the first step toward personal growth, but Trump apparently thinks that an atrophied psyche is a sign of strength.
Pierce R. Butlersays
As a 6-y-o, little Donnie probably worried a lot less about epidermal density and finger length.
moarscienceplz says
In most other people, an admission like that would be the first step toward personal growth, but Trump apparently thinks that an atrophied psyche is a sign of strength.
Pierce R. Butler says
As a 6-y-o, little Donnie probably worried a lot less about epidermal density and finger length.
Pierce R. Butler says
Oh yes -- speaking of Trump fingers…
Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says
Did the Donald ever mature past the elementary school playground? I’ve seen no evidence that it happened.
Siobhan says
WMDKitty -- Survivor says