My dot goes where?

These things are always a gross oversimplification, but go ahead, take the Worldview Quiz. It uses 23 questions to put you on a two-axis grid with Carl Sagan in one corner, and Pat Robertson in another. Guess which one I call “neighbor”?

Your rating on science vs. non-science: 10
Your rating on progress for humankind: 10
Your position on the worldview spectrum: (10,10)


Here’s my score and some definitions.

It came from beneath the scanner lens

I’ve just been informed by Karl Mogel that we’re all doomed. A creature of immense size has been spotted on Google maps—it’s an insect longer than a football field, and it is devastating Germay.


Despite all the discussion, no one is talking about the important issue: how to get rid of it. From my knowledge of giant monsters, I can say one thing: don’t nuke it. It will only make it stronger.

What we really need to do is to rouse a giant lizard from the Sea of Japan and lure him to Europe.

The unauthorized autobiography of George W. Bush

I get a lot of mail from publishers, and this one had me going for a moment…one thing I don’t get is much mail from right-wing sources (other than the usual excoriations, of course.) This one looks so much like authentic Republican PR that it took a moment for it to sink in.


Speaking from the heart, not from the brain, this legendary Commander-in-Chief takes us on a journey through his momentous life. The great man we hear here displays his mother’s steely resolve and vindictive temper, his father’s keen mastery of language, and his own unique gift of deciding.

That’s a work of genius…satire that sneaks up on you. I almost trashed it before I realized what it was.

Don’t miss the movie! I may have to buy the book.