I’m back!


Well, sorta. I arrived back home around midnight last night, and to be honest, I feel like I need another six hours of sleep right now. I also feel like I need to reply to some of the comments on that last godless post. And I also know I need to go take care of my fish for a while. I’ll be back in full ranty action in a little while, but meanwhile, contemplate this work of art, “Bob decided it was time to put his degree in philosophy to work.”

Change of plans

We cripples have to watch ourselves, so while I’d originally planned to spend my last day in NY at the big ol’ Bronx Zoo, we’ve scaled back a lot: I’m going to be at the Central Park zoo around noon. Short walks, no strain, that’s my policy right now.

Last night I did get to accomplish at least part of the actual purpose of my mission here: I got to meet some of the Seed Corporate Overlords. It was very disillusioning, though, and I’m going to have to come up with a better name for them—they lack the corporate dronishness and aren’t very overlordy. They’re a bunch of science nerds! It’s like the high school A/V club, the student newspaper, the chess club, and the model rocketry club all made an unholy alliance and discovered that they could make money and change the world. OK, and also get a nicer wardrobe and good grooming habits, but still…dweebish hearts are beating in the offices of Seed Media.

Our trip so far

We were supposed to arrive in NYC at 2, this afternoon.

The plane was diverted because La Guardia was socked in with storms. We spent the afternoon sitting on a runway in Allentown, Pennsylvania. An hour passed. Another, and another, and another. We got vague promises over the intercom, always saying our departure was sometime in the near future. We stopped believing the captain in the early evening.

We had just killed the fat one, the one whose glasses we used to start the bonfire in first class, the one we called “Piggy,” when the captain came on again and told us to fasten our seat belts and be sure our carry-ons were stowed. Woo-heee, were we ever abashed.

We put our shirts and pants back on and finally landed in the Big City around about 8.

Plans, plans, plans

You may be thinking that Pharyngula is going to be awfully quiet this weekend, what with the proprietor gallivanting off to that liberal hotbed of iniquity, New York City. Well, yeah, I probably am going to be rather busy, but I think I’ll be able to squeeze in a few things, especially since this tendinitis I’ve got is going to restrict my mobility a bit. Also, if any New Yorkers want to meet up, my schedule is little bit tight, but I might be reachable at a few times. I’m staying at the Grand Hyatt New York, Park Avenue at Grand Central Station, at (212) 883-1234. Late Saturday morning I’ll be at the AMNH (of course!) touring the Darwin exhibit, and that evening at 8 we’re going to be on Broadway, attending a musical…but late afternoon and early evening are free. I’m also probably going to be hobbling about the Bronx Zoo on Sunday, before my plane whisks me back to the desolate plains of Minnesota.

Two flat tires

My day has not been off to a good start. I’m supposed to fly off to New York tomorrow morning, and just to inspire worry in me, my car had a flat this morning. When just getting to the airport is a three-hour drive, hints of unreliability in the vehicle are not reassuring.

Worse still, I’m having a flare-up of Achilles tendinitis. Every step sends piercing pains shooting up my leg, and unfortunately I know from past experience that not continuing some gentle stretching and exercise will lead to my whole ankle seizing up and rendering me immobile. So, I’m going to be hobbling about New York City in pain this weekend. If any of you New Yorkers notice a guy who reminds you of that irascible gimp, House—only shorter and pudgier—that’s me.


On a warm and lazy holiday afternoon, determined to avoid any exertion and relax in my easy chair, I was contemplating something easy on the brain: beauty. I have no idea what makes something beautiful, but I could at least approach the subject empirically and catalog those things and experiences the I have found beautiful…so I put together a list. It’s nothing definitive, it’s merely personal, a set of memories of moments where I have been awestruck with beauty.

[Read more…]

The PZ Myers travel and speaking schedule

I believe in making things easy for my stalkers, so here’s where you can find me in the near future.

  • Our good and gracious Seed overlords are flying me in to New York next weekend, June 2-4. I’m going to be wrapped up in a little bit of a social whirl, but I might have a few scraps of free time in there—and I know there is a plan to turn me loose in the Bronx Zoo for a while. I will be attended by my trusty batman, Connlann, so if any young NY ladies want to meet a hunky midwesterner, let me know—I’ll have one with me. I, of course, will be more interested in the non-human organisms, and am not hunky.
  • The week after that, my wife Mary and I will be at YearlyKos, June 8-11 (it’s filling up, so if you’re thinking about it, act soon!). If you can’t make it, apparently everyone there, including me, will be liveblogging the various events.
  • On the 18th or 19th of July (the dates are still being arranged), I’ll be speaking at a meeting of Atheists for Human Rights on “Science & Secularism in a Demon-Haunted World“. I’m following Barry Lynn, who’s speaking there in June, and preceding (tentatively) Gloria Steinem in August. I feel a little out of my league.

The rest of the time, I’m hoping I can just stay quietly in Morris and get some work done.