Figure from Cephalopods: A World Guide (amzn/b&n/abe/pwll), by Mark Norman.
If they’re going to be that uninformed about the perilous sea beasts they encounter, they deserve to spend eternity in Davy Jones’ Locker, mastering monstrous taxonomy.
There are many more photos of adorable creatures of the deep sea at this site.
But why should that reduce The Comics Curmudgeon to a “quivering, urine-soaked lump of fear”?
By Cthulhu, you people sure send me some weird stuff.
Uh, right. That line comes from a story in a 1949 issue of Mechanix Illustrated, “Octopus wrestling is my hobby”.
The title of this article is terribly misleading: “The Octopus that can open drink bottles”. I was thinking it would be so cool to have an octopus on your shoulder, and you hold up your beer bottle, and he reaches out an arm and twists the top off for you. And then you read a little further and discover that the little smart-aleck will only do it if you open it first and put some octopus food inside for it. I wouldn’t mind a bit of shrimp or crab bobbing about in my beer, but having to open the bottle first to put it in there defeats the whole purpose of carrying a bottle-opening octopus around with you.
I thought maybe I’d just have to train the octopus to like beer … but then I’d have to share, and just my luck I’d probably get an eight-armed lush. Having a clever beast around who’d probably figure out how to open the refrigerator and then crawls in and drinks all your beer seems like a bad idea.