A new species of funnel web spider has been discovered in Australia — the largest of its kind, and possibly the most venomous, most deadly spider in the world. The news reports, though, aren’t full of scary stories and people going “ooh eek, kill it with fire” stuff. The words you’ll hear in this short report are “happy” and “proud”.
I’m beginning to think I might have been born in the wrong country.
nomdeplume says
“I’m beginning to think I might have been born in the wrong country.” Yes, yes you were…
whywhywhy says
The pure joy of finding something new and being able to share it was awesome.
gijoel says
“Aussie, Aussie, Aussie!”
John Morales says
Nature red etc. Magpies think big juicy spiders are a treat.
(I seen it!)
Robbo says
they encased those spiders in transparent carbonite!
gardengnome says
That’s Sydney for you – always gotta be bigger and better…
wolja says
If you’re only just working out you were born on the wrong country I feel for you
wolja says
If you’re only just working out you were born on the wrong country I feel for you
StevoR says
@3.gijoel :Oi! Oi! Oi! ;-)
DanDare says
Auzzie ere. Streauth!!!