You know that millionaire who has been posting regular updates for the press, claiming that his physical age is going backwards thanks to his bizarre health regime? He’s had a little setback.
This is a guy that tweets about every other health gain he says he is making. Most recently he has boasted he reduced his sperm age from 57 to 42.
Last summer he said he had reduced his epigenetic age by 5 years and that he has the heart of a 37-year-old, the skin of a 28-year-old and the lung capacity of an 18-year-old (which doesn’t appear to square with a 15% capacity reduction).
All those claims he makes? Self-serving lies. Their purpose is to get attention from the press, nothing more.
The sad thing is that he’s putting himself through all this:
“He rises at 4.30am, eats all his meals before 11am, and goes to bed – alone – at 8.30pm, without exception. He ingests more than 100 supplement pills daily and bathes his body in LED light. Two of the three meals he eats every day are exactly the same: boiled broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms and garlic, nuts and seeds. He takes 54 pills in the morning, and the rest in between skin treatments and red-light therapy. He doesn’t drink alcohol, and doesn’t go out in the evening. He experimented with injecting himself with blood plasma from his 18-year-old son Talmage.”
And for what? Ego. He’s draining the blood of his own son to feed his delusion.
I understand serial killers often collect “trophies” from their victims.
That might be part of it.
The other part is that he doesn’t want to die.
It’s a common viewpoint, shared by most of us.
But is he really living a life right now?
Maybe, but it is hard to see that a hobby of eating 100 supplements a day is much of a life.
IMO, he needs to get out more and maybe get some pet dogs and cats.
sure he claims to have a healthy body.
its his mental health that seems in question.
Want to destroy the nutrients of every vegetable you eat? Boil them.
Is he also drinking the boil water? Although, nothing this nut does would surprise me.
Is this supposed to be unusual?
As comment 3 guessed, I’m likewise seeing a pathology here that’s only sustained by his wealth. Which in of itself isn’t that bad, but several lines have been crossed.
We’re all allowed out pretty little delusions, but he’s broadcasting his hokum & not even couching it in calls for greater improvement in the way society treats itself. It’s a ritual of expensive, unscientific woo he’s just spooging into the info-ether.
The man’s a fuggin’ vampire analogue; spending tremendous amounts of money on an unethical goal.
You know, he is rich enough to pay a company for data-mining reptile and bird genomes to identify anti-senescence genes that were lost from the mammal lineages during the mesozoic*.
Then he could volunteer to have those genes CRISPRed into his tissues. If it turns out well, it is a win-win. If he gets cancer we know we need to be more careful.
*Small mammals did not live long enough to benefit from anti-ageing genes. Not with velociraptor or dienonychus living in the area.
Is that measured in hours or in minutes?
If he wants to be cryogenically stored until ageing has been hacked, just pay to have AI tweak the molecules the tardigrades use (to turn their insides into gels able to preserve themselves waiting for better times).
The current tardigrade molecules do not work on neural tissues, but this is a matter of paying for enough computation until the problems are solved.
He may be draining his son of his life blood but he is filling the bank accounts of the quack that cater to him.
Maybe he’s trying to pre-empt the inevitable uprising of the oppressed. When we start eating the rich, he’s going to fall well below acceptable food safety standards.
Looks like we have a new kind of vampire here, the old and rich feeding on the blood of the young.
Using the blood of the young … what a perfect metaphor of late-stage capitalism.
Eventually, he will get as whacky as Monty Burns gets after his weekly tune-up. Not working in a nuclear powerplant, there is no risk Johnson will be mistaken for a fluorescing alien.
Cartomancer @ 12
@rsmith, #13: There was a TV series in the 70’s with that premise-can’t quite remember the name.
Silicon Valley: Blood Boy
There was a Reality show on back then with that premise.
It was called the Vietnam war.
The one where rich old white men sent 19 year olds off to die in Southeast Asia for reasons that weren’t really reasons.
It’s a great movie, but NOT intended as medical advice: Mad Max – Fury Road.
If I’ve learned anything from comic books, it’s that this is a bad idea, c.f.
Why the emphasis that he goes to bed “alone”? Some sort of failing for fountain-of-youth seekers?
“Last summer he said he had reduced his epigenetic age by 5 years and that he has the heart of a 37-year-old, the skin of a 28-year-old and the lung capacity of an 18-year-old”
I wonder when they are going to call him and ask for them back.
Dennis K@#21:
Maybe he’s one of the ‘semen retainer’ types? Believe me, there’s an entire category of magical male thinking you probably don’t want to be familiar with.
“I do not avoid women, Mandrake. But I do deny them my youthful essence.”
Odd, since he is so obsessed with his nocturnal erections.
Ok, I admit it, I know with metaphysical certainty I’m going to laugh uncontrollably when a random household accident, probably involving an illegally modded Roomba, kills him before he’s 50. I feel no guilt over this.
“You can live forever, as long as you spend all your time popping supplements and and receiving blood transfusions, and also your food sucks, your sleep pattern doesn’t line up with the rest of the world, and also no sex.”
Honestly, doesn’t seem worth it even if it works.
Dennis K @21: Partnered sleeping is considered to be bad for sleep quality. The ideal bedroom apparently has nothing in it but a bed that should be cold when you get into it and that bed should have just the minimal covering to allow for sleep. Anything else, even a closet with clothes, might create distractions that may interfere with sleep. (How kids are supposed to sleep in the same room in which they play, read, do homework etc is a mystery.)
Stuart Smith @27: The sleep pattern is supposed to be individual. Most people are supposed to be OK with a sleep schedule that starts somewhere between 21:00 and midnight and ends some 8 hours later, but some people’s natural schedule shifts later or earlier than that. The idea is for each person to discover how they do best.
And you can have sex, as long as it’s not in the bedroom! As for food – I’d say he is over-limiting himself and missing out on healthy stuff. Ideally one would aspire to eat at least 30 different types of plants over the course of each week.
OK, correcting my last response: For all we know he eats twenty-something different types of seeds and nuts each meal. If he counts legumes as seeds (which they technically are) that would explain his protein sources. But why doesn’t he at least add some berries into the mix?
anat, he does.
Look at the “Second Meal: Nutty Pudding”
OK, so the diet info in the OP was incomplete. Some interesting recipes there. Some of his supplements make sense to me, some don’t.