These are two Steatoda borealis, happily coupling: male is on the left, female on the right.
If you’re confused about what’s going on, it helps to know that spiders are acrobatic, they don’t care much about up or down. Also, every time I catch S. borealis in the act, they mate face-to-face, with the male sliding his long palps equipped with multiple hooks underneath her jaws to lock onto her abdominal genital opening. Now you can tell what’s going on, right?
Spider date: sex first, then the meal.
So now you’re peddling spider porn? Shame on you…
Bow chicka bow bow…
PZ: A sexy tangle of limbs.
Inigo Montoya: You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
In Minnesota that same sick sex act between married couples is against the law.
Much safer sex; the marine worm whose rear portion breaks off with the reproductive organs, doing its own thing.