
  1. Reginald Selkirk says

    Is this one of those “spot the hidden spider” puzzles?

    In another sign of Spring, the Infinite Thread seems rather finite.

  2. John Harshman says

    Isn’t that a tachinid, the larvae of which, if I remember correctly, are parasites of spiders?

  3. wzrd1 says

    We’ve had clouds of gnats out for a week and they’re talking 86 on Thursday, 85 on Friday. Low 80’s tomorrow and today.
    I should’ve checked units, as it’d not exceptionally surprise me if it was in Celsius.

  4. birgerjohansson says

    That is a fly but where is its Lord?
    And where can I find an altar?

    I assume the hatching of spiders lag behind that of flies by some week or they would starve as they emerge. Is it stochastic or do they wait for warmer temperatures than flies?

  5. says

    I’m reminded of a spring day about 25 years ago where I sat on the back porch and watched a bunch of winged ants (I think; I’m no expert) crawl out from between a couple of the half-buried rocks that lined the edge of our fish pond. They would walk out onto one of the rocks and spread their wings and take to the air.
    About one out of three flights would be a total misfire and the creature would knuckleball straight into the pond, where it would be swiftly eaten by hungry koi. The koi would eat the insect and spit the wings back up. Soon the wings covered the surface of the water.
    Springtime. New life, new beginnings. pfffftttt

  6. wzrd1 says

    Whenever I saw flying ants in Louisiana, they inevitably came from a fire ant mound. So, any crash landings were excellent news to me.
    Whenever I sat down somewhere near dirt, there was a fire ant mound nearby. Fireants in your pants is not an experience one wishes to repeat…

  7. StevoR says

    @7. wzrd1 : “Whenever I sat down somewhere near dirt, there was a fire ant mound nearby. Fireants in your pants is not an experience one wishes to repeat…”

    Its not something I’d wish to try once even!

    We have inch ants here in Oz that give a pretty painful sting..FWIW. No fireants her ealthough there arean issue further notrrth Igather.