A question of character

Trump on the Howard Stern show:

I was at Mar-a-Lago and we had this incredible ball, the Red Cross Ball, in Palm Beach, Florida. And we had the Marines. And the Marines were there, and it was terrible because all these rich people, they’re there to support the Marines, but they’re really there to get their picture in the Palm Beach Post… so you have all these really rich people, and a man, about 80 years old—very wealthy man, a lot of people didn’t like him—he fell off the stage.

So what happens is, this guy falls off right on his face, hits his head, and I thought he died. And you know what I did? I said, ‘Oh my God, that’s disgusting,’ and I turned away. I couldn’t, you know, he was right in front of me and I turned away. I didn’t want to touch him… he’s bleeding all over the place, I felt terrible. You know, beautiful marble floor, didn’t look like it. It changed color. Became very red. And you have this poor guy, 80 years old, laying on the floor unconscious, and all the rich people are turning away. ‘Oh my God! This is terrible! This is disgusting!’ and you know, they’re turning away. Nobody wants to help the guy. His wife is screaming—she’s sitting right next to him, and she’s screaming.

What happens is, these 10 Marines from the back of the room… they come running forward, they grab him, they put the blood all over the place—it’s all over their uniforms—they’re taking it, they’re swiping [it], they ran him out, they created a stretcher. They call it a human stretcher, where they put their arms out with, like, five guys on each side

I was saying, ‘Get that blood cleaned up! It’s disgusting!’ The next day, I forgot to call [the man] to say he’s OK. It’s just not my thing.

Now, San Juan Mayor Carmen Youlin Cruz:

Trump, from his golf course in New Jersey:

How can anyone be surprised? We’ve elected a callous narcissist. A psychopath. A corrupt and greedy monster. A sane and responsible republic would have gotten rid of him long ago, but we also have a corrupt and greedy Republican party in control of everything, and they do nothing. They’re also more concerned with blood getting on their marble floors than with human lives.


  1. jrkrideau says

    Any word about US acceptance of the offers of assistance for Porto Rico from Cuba and Venezuela?

    It sounds like they might get there faster.

  2. mostlymarvelous says

    How can anyone write such stuff? You’d think it a bit over the top if The Onion did that as a spoof.

  3. Walter Solomon says

    We’ve elected a callous narcissist.

    I understand as President he, unfortunately, represents our country but must we all share in the blame of getting him elected?

  4. canadiansteve says

    Disgusting as this is, what saddens me most is that progressives are still failing to provide a positive counter narrative that offers a real alternative. Instead they allow regressive economic interests to dominate the democratic party and fight over which interest group is the most oppressed.

  5. says

    Words can not do justice to the foulness of the malignant clown who occupies the office of president. Many have tried, but it is beyond the power of language. Just a vortex of stupidity draining into an abyss of evil.

  6. komarov says

    So will Trump get back to us? Surely he understands that we’re all just as anxious as he is to know the floor’s alright again……

    I said, ‘Oh my God, that’s disgusting,’ and I turned away. I couldn’t, you know, he was right in front of me and I turned away. I didn’t want to touch him… he’s bleeding all over the place, I felt terrible.

    Now that’s a great ‘leadership ability’ in action. You don’t get to see that every day. Very presidential. He knew exactly that by doing absolutely nothing he’d will a troop of marines into action to sort everything out for him. To be fair, it would probably be a huge improvement on his presidency if he did nothing while competent people deal the issue at hand.
    Someone somewhere said that part of leadership is knowing when not to lead. In Trump’s case that would be always, and if he manged that he can have a Trump memorial for all I care.

  7. Snarki, child of Loki says

    “I understand as President he, unfortunately, represents our country but must we all share in the blame of getting him elected?”

    Depends on how many Trump voters survive until the next election, now doesn’t it?

  8. petesh says

    @6 canadiansteve: You’re almost as bad as that asshole in the golf club. Even though I probably agree with you politically, wrong time, wrong place.

  9. blf says

    The Grauniad’s article, Trump attacks Puerto Rico mayor: They want everything done for them, notes:

    […] Mike Cernovich, a notorious blogger, author and cheerleader for the president, tweeted about [San Juan’s Mayor] Cruz with no evidence: She is garbage, she is a murderer, she failed her people and her duties and belongs in prison!

    The embedded link to the New York Times article (Who Is Mike Cernovich? A Guide) is about a thoroughly disgusting nazi-MRA-etc-etc-etc… who, e.g., claims date rape is a fiction by liberals. He thinks “pizzagate” is true and the entirety of the FAKE news! media and the so-called “A-list” movie actors are pedophiles. Hair furor Jr says this kook should win the Pulitzer Prize.

  10. michaelwbusch says

    @6 canadiansteve: Here’s a counter-narrative:

    The US federal government must provide all necessary assistance to Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands, now and for as long as it is needed, and end the colonialist exploitation of the islands.

    This is a matter of life and death for 3,500,000 million US citizens – including a number of my friends and colleagues.

    And since Trump isn’t doing and does not want to do the job of being POTUS, he must be impeached & removed from that position.

  11. johnmarley says

    This is a matter of life and death for 3,500,000 million US citizens

    I think you’re off by a few orders of magnitude there. :P

  12. Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says

    I think you’re off by a few orders of magnitude there. :P

    Really? No potable drinking water, no method to heat food local food, no already cooded food like MREs or canned stuff. If you have a well, without power, no water…..
    It is dire. We here in parts of Chiwaukee had power off for a couple of weeks due to a series of bad t-storms. Water and sewer were priorities, so back on-line in short order. We could go outside of the effected areas to get supplies like food and gasoline to survive. What if there is no are unaffected? What the fuck do you do?

  13. cartomancer says

    Nerd of Redhead, #18

    I hate to point out the misread humour of little things like this, but I think johnmarley was getting at the fact that michaelwbusch had inadvertently raised the population of Puerto Rico to three and a half billion…

  14. Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says

    but I think johnmarley was getting at the fact that michaelwbusch had inadvertently raised the population of Puerto Rico to three and a half billion…

    yeah, I made a mistake, but so did MB. 3,500,000 million (add six zeros, and he was the first post with this number) is 3.5 quadrillion. Sigh. Yuge mistake with numbers.

  15. throwaway, butcher of tongues, mauler of metaphor says

    I’m extremely leery of wishing it won’t take the full term for him to be out as president if not for the fact that we should be careful what we wish for. It may come in the way of some type of suffering and violence where the victims bear no resemblance to the (ir)responsible party.

    I’m simply afraid we’re stuck with this ignoramus. I’m sorry that I didn’t do more in the general election, but what could I do what with all the Bernie-bros, Russian interference and nationalist and populist sentiment swelling among the alt-white? I’m sorry that the bastards trying to justify the incompetent response to destruction before our eyes aren’t the ones who suffer for it instead.

  16. hemidactylus says

    At least he is calling out the evils in the NFL (sarcasm alert).

    That makes me wonder who has done more actual damage to our greatening country. On one side we have the NFL players doing something that appears superficially unpatriotic, taking a knee during national anthem to call out racial injustice. As much as I dismiss Jesse Ventura for other reasons at least he had said he served his country to facilitate the stance of folks such as Kaepernick.


    On the other side we have the national embarrassment that is Trump. He disgraces the nation when he open his mouth or Tweets as shown in OP. Each and every person who voted for him has done more damage to the US than the kneeling NFL players. But will they who started the dumpster fire own up to that disgraceful act? Or will they just do it again and re-elect the guy?

  17. cartomancer says


    Oh yes, an American billion is only a thousand million isn’t it? I’m used to a billion meaning a million millions.

  18. Matt G says

    It was incredibly inconsiderate of that black guy to bleed all over trump’s marble. What? He wasn’t black?? Then why would trump treat him so callously?

  19. methuseus says

    @Walter Solomon #5:

    I understand as President he, unfortunately, represents our country but must we all share in the blame of getting him elected?

    Yes, you and I are to blame as well. We need to work to get rid of the Electoral College (is that supposed to be capitalized?) and the two-party system. If you are not actively working against those things that caused him to be elected, then you (and I) are part of the problem. Yes, relatively minor part of the problem, but if you don’t want to be seen part of the systemic issues, you have to fight the system.
    Now, I say this as someone who doesn’t do much to fight the system, so I am inherently part of the problem. I am doing more to try to insulate my family from the issues at least a little, but I do need to do more to help the issues.

  20. ck, the Irate Lump says

    Matt G wrote:

    Then why would trump treat him so callously?

    Trump likes people who weren’t captured don’t bleed all over his marble.

  21. blf says

    …a billion meaning a million millions.

    Correct me if I’m wrong please, but the million-million meaning of a billion is not used much in modern texts (with obvious exceptions like historical studies). The thousand-million definition seems extremely commonplace. Since it is an older meaning, you do find it in older texts, and I presume the two meanings do cause confusion.

    Ye Pffft! of All Knowledge cites a recent (2009) report that the million-million meaning “still enjoys common usage” (in the UK). Apparently, since the 1970s, the UK government only uses the thousand-million version.

    Apropos of nothing much, the Online Etymology Dictionary notes the thousand-million meaning originated with the French, not the States, albeit its prevalence in English is certainly due to the States.

    (And yes, this is completely off-topic.)

  22. cnocspeireag says

    Please stop repeating the fake news that ‘we’ elected Trump. The American people elected Hilary Clinton by a decisive majority. The pointless and anti-democratic Electoral College appointed Trump against the wishes of the American people.

  23. damien75 says

    I read two books about psychopaths. It was my understanding that they do what it takes to hide the fact that they are psychopaths, and that they do a very good job at it. But this one seems to advertise it. Is there a payoff to it ?

  24. cartomancer says

    blf, #27

    It is completely off topic, but I’ll take the linguistics of large numbers over the bloviations of Donald Trump any day of the week!

    In school in England in the early 1990s I learned that a billion is a million million, so I’ve pretty much internalised that now. I suppose I just don’t tend to encounter the other usage enough in my daily reading to make a meaningful change to that understanding, and when I do read about billions it’s almost always as a placeholder for “a very big number”, rather than something I have to engage with arithmetically. About the only one that I come across with any frequency is the population of the earth, which is almost always presented in billions. American billions, as it turns out, so I have been imagining a thousand times more people in existence for years now. I guess certain people like economists and physicists would use billions a lot more often day to day.

    I expect there have been several incidents of international confusion over the years. I would googol them, but I’m not sure whether that’s 100 zeroes or 100,000 zeroes anymore…

  25. Azkyroth, B*Cos[F(u)]==Y says

    You’re almost as bad as that asshole in the golf club. Even though I probably agree with you politically, wrong time, wrong place.

    You don’t agree with him politically. You care about making society and people’s lives better, he [pattern-matching here] cares about one-upping people and feeding his sense of righteous superiority.

  26. blf says

    I would googol them, but I’m not sure whether that’s 100 zeroes or 100,000 zeroes anymore…

    Good one!

  27. emergence says

    blf @13

    What I hate most about Cernovich is his tendency to flat-out make shit up about people he doesn’t like. It’s also usually base, lowest common denominator accusations, like immediately jumping to arbitrarily declare that his opponent must be a pedophile.

    About the situation in Puerto Rico, it’s gotten to the point that Trump and his chucklehead groupies won’t accept any sort of criticism of his policies or actions. To them, Cruz can’t possibly be saying what she is because the aid to Puerto Rico actually has been insufficient. They think it has to be because Cruz simply wants to make Trump look bad. Trump’s mindset really is nothing but complete egomania, and his followers are nothing but enablers.

  28. Matrim says

    As a complete aside regarding the nature of billions. What on earth would the so-called UK billion be used for other than just a stand in for “a really big number” (in which case, why quantify it)? A million million would be, what, a quadrillion? Other than counting ridiculous amounts of small objects (grains of sand, or some such), i can’t think of any practical use for such numbers.

  29. blf says

    A million million would be, what, a quadrillion?

    Too large; a quadrillion is 10^15 (US) or 10^24 (older British). A million-million, 10^12, is a trillion (US), which is handy for measuring the size of the USA’s budget (over three trillion dollars).