The Sioux Falls Feminists have put up a billboard with a clearly stated idea.
I agree with that. Strangely, though, there is a Twitter account for anti-Sioux Falls Feminists, and they object, and have followers who also object.
@AntiSFFeminists If women would start being feminine and submit to Men and stop being cunts then they wouldnt be abused its that simple.
— TheSolarFascist (@AryanFascist101) March 9, 2015
@AntiSFFeminists If women would start being feminine and submit to Men and stop being cunts then they wouldnt be abused its that simple.
Lewis’s Law seems to apply to far more than just blog comments.
But really, these goons make it so easy to decide which side you’re on — it’s rare to see such moral clarity demonstrated.
davidnangle says
The haters of feminists, much like the haters of Obama, need to create lots of fun stories in their heads before they can really hate. And they are REALLY upset with the things that they create that they call feminists and Obama.
Anne, Lurking Feminist Harpy & Support Staff says
One of the tweets threw in “FTBullies”? My word, PZ, what long tentacles you have!
rietpluim says
Holms says
Gamergate tag?? I guess It’s about ethics in billboard messaging.
AlexanderZ says
#FTBullies and #Gamergate tags? And posted by a fascist? I don’t care if this really is a Poe, because the simple fact that Gators, dudebro atheists, fascism and misogyny can be so believably mixed tells you more about those groups than anything else.
Jackie the social justice WIZZARD!!! says
You’d think so, wouldn’t you?
anteprepro says
Moral clarity is just soooo political though
=8)-DX says
To be fair, the tweets are two random idiots… The mental gymnastics required to stretch a direct PSA calling for an end to violence against women, to include FTB and GamerGate and somehow show how feminists are bad? Not a feat many people can manage.
Marcus Ranum says
Open hatred. Anonymously. Such moral clarity.
Janine the Jackbooted Emotion Queen says
The egg account was started in the late afternoon of Sunday, March 7 specifically to spam feminists with the same message that it sent PZ. Just a stupid egg in the slyme orbit. The fascist account has been around for years, just you run of the mill “men’s rights” and far right bullshit.
Just a whole lot of “meh” here, idiots attracting idiots.
colluvial says
Every time I see a comment like the above tweet, I initially think it’s made by a 14-year old and they just need to mature a bit. Then I realize I’m very probably being wildly optimistic.
Crip Dyke, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaiden says
Now I’m thinking that it might be wildly optimistic to merely label that instinct wildly optimistic.
Is that so wrong? Oh, whatever happened to moral clarity?
Azkyroth Drinked the Grammar Too :) says
You’re being a couple other things besides. :/
chigau (違う) says
I know quite a few 14-year-olds.
None of them talk or act like that.
The 18 to 25 year olds on the other hand…
Azkyroth Drinked the Grammar Too :) says
I also can’t help noticing that they’ve got “DOMESTIC ABUSE LOOKS LIKE THIS” as a caption on a picture of a clearly white woman.
mithrandir says
Whoever’s behind the @AntiSFFeminists account, they clearly thought they could get opposition to the billboard from the #GamerGate and #FTBullies tags. That certainly says something, if not about those groups themselves, then at least how they’re perceived. No doubt the “moderates” among both groups are already scrambling to accuse @AntiSFFeminists of being a feminist sockpuppet trying to smear their good name.
JPS says
Azkyroth @ 15:
The picture is probably appropriate for Sioux Falls. According to, the city is 86.8% white, a bit higher than the state of South Dakota.