It was the scene of an unpleasant event recently — a patron shouting anti-gay slurs at another patron. So Grandad’s Bar in Oklahoma City put up a sign.

Come on, OKC. We’re all in this together. Gay, straight, black, white, plumber, politician, whatever…let’s just all have a drink and be cool. Deal?
Maybe next time we’re in Oklahoma City we ought to meet there. It sounds like we’d all get along.
They’re also recommended highly on Yelp.
Sir, I raise my glass in salute to you.
Do you think he’s really serious about tolerating lawyers?
Surely he’d draw the line at politicians?
Nah, seriously, I like this a lot, good on the guy. Just afraid it may hurt his bottom line to actually go through with it. It’s like atheist conventions deciding to only let in those who consider women to be people.
And they also proudly proclaim that they are 100% smoke-free. Sounds like a great place! I’m a bit far from Oklahoma to pay them a visit, but I wish them well.
I bet they would even welcome tea totallers! As long as they don’t eat all the bar snacks of course.
Oh so, you don’t tolerate intolerant people! How intolerant of you!
Hm. . .wonder if the house brand whiskey is old grandad. . .
Sounds like a good place to have a drink.
Bricktown, I presume?
[clicks linkz]
no?! wow. there’s now 2 places worth going in OKC.
Probably depends: what’s your tolerance for country music?
There are times when I’m not always able to please a customer. Like being out of stock of something they want. But I’ve found that if I take the time to try and solve a problem, or suggest an alternative, they generally leave happy. As long as you give a damn, people are pretty cool.
Looks like it’s about 30 min from the training center I get sent out to every once in a while, might be worth checking out next time I’m out there.
While I was reading the letter, the country song that my daughter loves was going through my head – “I love this bar”.
@ CripDyke:
On behalf of my partner, I say SHAME! Lawyerism!
@ magistramarila:
Toby Keith wouldn’t be caught dead in that bar. He’s fine with “lookers and hookers”, vets, and so forth, but this message of tolerance might alienate his audience.
I love that. I live in Wyoming and open-mindedness is about as common as intelligence…
There is a bar in Boise that used to be famous for its “No Lawyers” sign. Now it’s famous because it incorporated the “No Lawyers” sign into the name of the bar itself.
Very cool.
But I draw the line at Budweiser.
Well crap.
I like how several of the Yelp! reviews mentioned that they will hang a pic of your granddad if you bring one in. Kind of weird, kind of cute.
“Radical Hospitality” lol :) I like this Greg Seal guy. Shame I’m not a USian, I’d be straight there.
Sigh, not THIS old chestnut. The imaginary consequence of a negative economic impact of Doing The Right Thing™ has been used by crybabies bemoaning lunch counter racial integration in the 60s, bar/restaurant anti-smoking ordinances in the 00s, and skeptic convention anti-harassment/douchebagerry policies in the 10s.
Each time, the opposite effect has occurred as the formerly-marginalized groups started showing up and spending money.
Your feeling (like all feelings) is legit; the reason behind it is somethig else altogether:
Wow! Just after reading about Donald Trump spewing his hate to the world along comes a real man like Greg Seal to restore my faith in humanity. ~wjs
(Cool… I shared a neat news item with PZ and he shared it! …. sorry, just a little hero-worship.)