Mr. Deity plays into the hands of Ken Ham!

You know, Ken Ham is fond of claiming that if Genesis isn’t literally true, the entire basis of Jesus’s redemption is lost — and he’s right. And look, Jesse notices!

I’m a little worried that the blame for the pointlessness of redeeming an original sin that didn’t exist is being placed on some guy named P-Zed…I’m getting new locks on the doors and a security system, I think.


  1. toth says

    I thought he said “45 weeks” for a second at the end and I nearly had a heart attack.

  2. somewhereingreece says

    “Miami Vice”? I laughed so hard I almost became the first martyr to the cause.

  3. Insightful Ape says

    How the likes of Keneth Miller get away with calling this cock and bull story “symbolic” is absolutely beyond me. If this was the whole point of the “passion” story according to St Paul, what business does Dr Miller have saying it didn’t happen? Worse, some claim the original sin is a metaphor for the “inclination” to sin. So did our lord and savior die for an “inclination”? If so, why is the “inclination” still there? What exactly was accomplished through this exercise in sadomasochism?

  4. tdanielmidgley says

    Hold it — I thought Jesus was totally down with the Hell concept. I mean, he told parables about it approvingly. He was the first one to talk about people being tormented in flames forever, if I’m not mistaken.

  5. DLC says

    Hm. . . and here I thought a Publican was the fellow who serves me my whiskey when I’m down at the pub. . .

  6. Equisetum says

    “This video is not available in your country.”

    What the hell? Since when?
    Anyone know which episode this is on ‘Cuz they’re a lot smarter than YouTube over there.

  7. clausentum says

    I get “this video is not available in your country” when I try to play this. Funny though, when I chose a Mr. Deity from the back nos., that worked. My country is Germany.

  8. black-wolf72 says

    clausentum #7,
    yes, apparently the copyright people (Sony Germany?) have decided that something in the MD videos violates their claims. YT had stated that they wont be paying the German broadcasting fees that every radio and tv station pays (GEMA). As the deal with YT goes, Sony (?) have the right to exclusively block people from our country from the videos.
    They decide on who gets access by IP address. I’ve read that some people use third party websites or other means to reroute their access.

  9. john.s.wilkins says

    So, not only can’t people spell your name, they can’t even pronounce it? I thought you were P-Zee?

  10. black-wolf72 says

    Ok, here’s the deal: we need a few people to re-enact the entire video content. Otherwise we fans in Germany will not be able to watch this video (they’ve blocked access from proxy servers too, or so I hear).
    Does anyone know whether they’re being blocked for the music content, or for the whole thing? If its just the music, mrdeity could release a copy of the video without it.

    Anyway, if Germany can no longer watch mrdeity, we will be forced to take religion seriously from now on, which will end with us crowning Ratzinger new king and granting him and all of his followers immunity from any and all charges forever. You don’t want that, do you?

  11. NonStampCollector says

    Yeah, it was bad enough everyone calling you Pee-Zed in Australia, but a Californian?!

  12. black-wolf72 says

    sendittodevnull #20,
    thanks, but I’m not an IT expert or programmer, so honestly I have no idea what that’s supposed to do or how to use it.

  13. jack.rawlinson says

    This may be the best Mr. Deity yet. There are just so many subtle references and so much casual cleverness in there. Love it.

  14. clausentum says

    sendittodevnull #20 :
    since according to black-wolf’s info. they use the IP address to block, it’s not clear to me how modifying the header is going to change anything. I’ve checked my header (I understand this as user-agent identification), and it doesn’t betray the country I’m operating from.
    Then again, if you can show up my total ignorance of all these thingies, I wouldn’t be the slightest bit surprised.
    thanks anyway.

  15. Equisetum says


    It still doesn’t work here (Germany). The Daily Show works with or without Modify Headers. I have my doubts as to whether Modify Headers is actually doing anything at all.


    Here’s a video explaining how to set it up. Viel Glück. Ich drück’ Dir die Daumen.

  16. clausentum says

    Ok – I’ve seen Equisetum’s video now, and my ignorance is exposed, as least as to what headers are. May try it later.
    Thanks to all.

  17. R. Schauer says

    Sean Douglas is awesome as Jesus. I agree, Jack…one of the best Mr. Deity’s yet.

  18. Spiro Keat says

    The 24th letter of the alphabet is pronounced “zed” in countries that speak English properly.

    AFAIK, the American colony is the only place to miss pronounce it.

    That was the best episode so far. Should be compulsory viewing in schools.

  19. louis14 says

    “Hell no! This place blows!”

    Wonderful. I like the quote from The God Delusion too. This is a great episode.

  20. Spiro Keat says


    24th? Which other 2 don’t you count?


    Brain not awake yet. Meant 26th, obviously.

    That’ll teach me for trying to be humerous.

  21. Noni Mausa says

    “…yes, apparently the copyright people (Sony Germany?) have decided that something in the MD videos violates their claims…”

    Heh. A guy I know has had Sony veto his own piano recording of Chopin’s Funeral March on YouTube, several times. Since Chopin died in 1849, don’t you think he would be off copyright by, oh, 150 years or so?

    After the rootkit scandal I swore off buying anything from Sony if I could avoid it. I have seen nothing in the intervening years to make me change my mind.


  22. False Prophet says

    Does anyone know whether they’re being blocked for the music content, or for the whole thing? If its just the music, mrdeity could release a copy of the video without it.

    They shouldn’t be nailed for the music–Brian composed it himself!

  23. Matt Penfold says

    Easy solution: order the DVD! Only $20!

    There does not seem to be an option for overseas customers.

  24. A Pedant says

    #34 and others:

    Wikipedia tells me that Mr Deity signed up with Sony for a TV show planned for HBO and exclusive showings on Crackle. The deal fell through, hence the move back to YT for season 3, but I bet the block is Sony being petty in countries that will let them, by claiming ownership even though the deal fell through.

    My problem is that I cant seem to get videos on here to load at all today.

  25. zeuss says

    I love the P-Zed thing. I am up here in Canada and when I see your name PZ, I “hear” P-Zed in my head even when I know it is P-Zee. For days, I couldn’t figure out why your new nickname ‘Sleazy PZ’ was funny. Sleazy P-Zed, just isn’t catchy!!

  26. shonny says

    Posted by: zeuss Author Profile Page | April 13, 2010 2:06 PM

    I love the P-Zed thing. I am up here in Canada and when I see your name PZ, I “hear” P-Zed in my head even when I know it is P-Zee. For days, I couldn’t figure out why your new nickname ‘Sleazy PZ’ was funny. Sleazy P-Zed, just isn’t catchy!!

    Must be P-Zed, otherwise it’s to much like the ‘peasy’ part in Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

  27. Gregory Greenwood says

    I am far too British too refer to our tentacled overlord as anything other than ‘P-Zed’. We should be careful, less our differences over the true name of the favoured of Cthulhu develop into one of those Deep Rifts(TM) that we keep hearing so much about.

  28. Gregory Greenwood says

    Curses! I have gone, not a bridge too far, but an ‘o’ too far in that last post.

  29. 'Tis Himself, OM says

    Curses! I have gone, not a bridge too far, but an ‘o’ too far in that last post.

    As Mr. Deity put it so well: “Don’t get your loincloth in a bunch.”

  30. says

    Short info:

    As of today this episode is available in Germany through the iTunes Podcast feed.

  31. agenoria says

    On the subject of Ken Ham, seven days ago, Simon Perry, who runs my local Skeptics in the Pub, wrote an article for the local paper about evolution:

    The Creation? It is beyond belief

    Simon concludes with a comment about original sin not existing if there were no Adam and Eve.

    Today there is a letter from Answers in Genesis:

    Presuppositions of evolutionists

    with the usual ‘arguments’ against evolution. The writer, despite claiming a BSc and MEd has odd ideas of what constitutes science. But then he is from AiG.