
  1. Glen Davidson says

    You have your hoard, PZ, and Mike has the leftovers. Is that your hoard of diamonds?

    OK, so he confuses “horde” with “hoard,” I’m delighted that the fraud didn’t prevail.

    Glen D

  2. says

    (Still with the Google name – Michael Hawkins)

    Thank you.

    Take that, quacks.

  3. Haley says

    Gah. I was reading some of his top posts and the comments, and he was surrounded by stupid. The comments were all defending quackery.

  4. says

    @Haley #4

    Yes, it was quite an impressive display.

    Also, the nesting of the posts got screwy when I imported all my posts, so things appear out of order now. The same post on my other blog shows them appropriately.

  5. KKBundy says

    Yeah, Mike! You go girl!

    This one scared me a bit. It was just so random, and WordPress is where I have my blog. Is a simple accusation all it takes to remove someone’s work? Pathetic.

    I do wonder what the official explanation is? I’ll have to check.

    The Blessed Atheist Bible Study @

  6. barcsb says

    That’s good news – I wrote a friendly* email to WordPress after I heard about it, so… you’re welcome

    *meaning blunt, sans curse words.

  7. Erik says

    It’s good to see that they came to their senses (WordPress, that is), but it scares me that they can simply cut someone off like that with what seems like no warning. Even if you own your own domain, your host might succumb to the same pressures; so we simply have to make sure to balance the pressure as much as we can.

  8. jonwell says

    What?! Aren’t they risking a long and expensive legal battle with Andreas Moritz and his good friend Deepak Chopra? MADNESS!