Tomorrow night, Wednesday, I’ll be glued to NBC: Leno is having both George Carlin and Ann Coulter on. One can only hope that the old hippie will have an opportunity to eviscerate the hateful, dishonest cretin.
Do check out that link above for another example of Carlin’s routines on religion.
As I said elsewhere recently: “The amazing thing about Coulter is that she seems to find an audience. Who’d of guessed, but crazy sells. Only someone truly delusional with profound anti-social tendencies would write stuff like this. I mean, her new book and speeches she’s made read like some of 1930s Nazi propaganda with calls for assassinations of Supreme Court Justices, and others. Coulter is clearly disturbed and her history of employment demonstrates a pattern of increasingly destabilized behavior combined with delusions of grandeur. It’s sad really, that someone with such a manic disorder can continue to spiral herself into a world of self destruction. It’s even more profoundly sad that there are those that actually listen to what she has to say.”
No doubt she’ll try opening a can on Leno. Expect a black hole to form on stage as the knowledge gets drained from the room when she walks on.
Maybe he’ll have Carlin on first so he can sit and watch her explode, and then poke and prod her like a caged animal.
I will have to stay up to watch that. Should be fun…
Oh, and blatant plug– I’ll be on a SciFi channel show from 9-11 p.m. tomorrow about doomsday science. They interviewed lots of good scientists, so it should be fun.
PZ, hope you don’t mind my bogarting your space for that. :-) And thanks for the plug the other day, too.
Head to head, it’s not a fair contest. Coulter gets flustered and very defensive when under little more than the lightest questioning. However, this is Jay Leno we’re talking about. I doubt we’ll see any fireworks.
Oh, and blatant plug– I’ll be on a SciFi channel show from 9-11 p.m. tomorrow about doomsday science. They interviewed lots of good scientists, so it should be fun.
What??!! Real science on the SciFi Network? What is the world coming to? Sounds very interesting. I’ll be sure to check it out.
I really ought to read more carefully, Wednesday Night not Tuesday. Ann chimed in on evolution today, check it out
Silly woman.
So WTF happened on the show last night . . . anything?
Wait, nevermind. My days are mixed up for sure ;)