Graphing Pharyngula

Here’s a applet that traverses the html of a web page and turns it into a pretty graph. There is an online explanation and examples, too—and here’s Pharyngula.


The dots are color coded specific classes of html tags. That red flower at the top, for instance, is a table—the Friday Random Ten turned into a kind of carnation.

(via BioCurious)


  1. says

    For some strange reason UTI is a lot bigger, but I don’t know how to post its graph. Your graph’s a lot more interesting, though – UTI has nothing like the red carnation.

  2. chrisnz says

    Looks like an unrooted haplotype network to me. Like that for cichlids from Verheyen, et al (2003).

  3. says

    It took about 5-10 minutes for mine to “settle down”. I got a few red carnations out of it too!

  4. Zar says

    Can I actually get the TITLES (or FILENAMES) of the pages as a tooltip “on mouse over”?