
  1. says

    Yeah, my wife’s most recent holiday gift came from Metal and Magic.

    You might also be pleased to know that the artist, Ursula Vernon, is a good skeptic, and a frequent contributor to the James Randi forums. People should buy her art. If nothing else, do it because her commentary on each piece is great.

  2. bmurray says

    Part of the joy of having tentacles is the ability to use the tools from your fallen foes, regardless of their own appendages.

  3. David Harmon says

    Well, what would tentacle-tools look like? Do real cephalopods have *any* recorded tool use? If so, how do they go about holding and shaping those? (Yeah, it’s a longshot given their natural capabilities, but….) Consider that a sword is basically a heavily-engineered stick. (Pun noted, so leave it :-) ) Of course, sticks don’t swing too well underwater — but just think about the handle a moment. What sort of handles would a critter come up with when it’s got wraparound “hands” with surface grippers built in?

  4. Geoffrey Brent says

    Ursula Vernon rocks. Don’t miss her ‘Precious Maggots’, which can be found on the bottom right of this page.

  5. SEF says

    What sort of tools would a cephalopod need though? Something to strip shells off? A beak cleaner/sharpener?

  6. Jason L. says

    Ursula occasionally comments here at Pharyngula, too. And let me second Ranson’s suggestion to visit Ursula’s site–it’s got fantastic art and hilarious commentary.

  7. craig says

    I think if I were to get a tattoo, this might be what I’d choose.

    Has a kinda of a pirate feel to it, doesn’t it?

  8. says

    Aww, jeez, thanks guys!

    A real tool-using ammonite would undoubtedly use much more appropriate underwater tools…nets and tridents or something, maybe…but since I was goin’ for the pun…