Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is fighting an uphill battle, but I think she’s fighting it well. She seems to be one of the very few politicians who can grasp the scale of the problem we’re facing, including the difficulty many of us have seeing a path forward. This is… Far more optimistic than I feel right now, but it does represent something that we are capable of doing.
StevoR says
Great clip. Great vision. Let’s make it so.
StevoR says
Incidentally, a comic take on where we’re starting from here which will hopefully be of interest :
WARNING : Swearing and shouting – well justified. Mild sexual reference. May be Not Safe For Work.
by parody “journalist” Jonathan Pie published (if that’s the right word for being posted to youtube!?) on Apr 18 2109.
brian drayton says
AOC and Naomi Klein are a very cool team!