So I saw this over on the TWiBNation Facebook group. This is a photo and facebook post from cop Ted Lane. While he did post it back on May 18… just…
Warning… this will piss you off to no end… so go ahead and pull out your microscopic violins… if you can find them…
So I seriously hesitated posting this picture. I am not looking for sympathy. I finally decided to post it so people can understand what police officers have to deal with. I was bit in the arm by an 18 year old female who is an admitted IV drug user. So not only do I have to worry about infection from a human bite, but all the possible diseases she could have.
I’m tired of hearing all the negative things people say about cops. So the next time an officer is not overly nice or doesn’t act like your issue is the worst thing in the world, just think about the stuff we deal with.
I know my friends on Facebook support me and my profession, other wise I probably would have deleted you. But my friends, please pass this along to your friends the next time you hear someone say or post negative things about cops. We are all just people doing our job and hope to go home to our families at the end of the shift.
My response?