Announcing the Greatest Event in Publishing Since the Rosetta Stone

Baubles of Blasphemy, Second Edition, edited by Frank Zindler, American Atheist Press, 2010,

The books arrived from the printers a few weeks ago, while my Helen was in the I.C.U. I gave her a signed copy, together with a private writing therein thanking her and saying that without her the work would not exist. She was not aware that I had brought the book, nor was she able to read it. I took it home with me the night she died. But I know she would want you to know about this new edition. And since I believe that humor is the only real way to deal with the deepest grief, I will tell you about it.

The new covers, designed by Helen and my daughter Kathryn, make it look like it was just pulled out of the fundangelical fires set for burning Harry Potter books and other forbidden thought. This is because the cover really is burned. I photographed the cover, glued it onto a copy of a disposable religious book, and tossed it into a blazing charcoal grill. After a few moments, I pulled it out and photographed the result. I rather like it. Some people hate it; they think it is damaged somehow because it looks so real, with important stuff missing. That is because it is real. Thus this explanation is offered.

The back cover contains all of the information needed. The editor, Frank Zindler, insisted it be that way. The back cover submitted was nicely burned as well, but the humorless editor kept only the burned front cover and the burned spine. Oh, lest you think I really believe in book burning, I managed to save “The Case for a Creator,” by Lee Strobel, to which my covers were pasted, in very good order, with only the margins charred.

The Second Edition (or Second Coming if you will) adds a bunch of new material, in addition to reproducing that contained (well, almost all of that contained) in the now famous, and virtually unavailable, First Edition, edited by Ed Buckner and published by the Freethought Press of Atlanta, Georgia, 1995.

As a sample of the work’s blasphemous contents, here is the 1995 Edwinian prophesy, contained in both editions, of things now coming so terribly true:


War is hell. Little understood aphorism.

THIS MAY BE YOUR FIRST NOTICE OF THE COMING AMERICAN RELIGIOUS CIVIL WAR (ARCW). If so, you should date and preserve this warning. Then your distant descendants (maybe the “Daughters of the ARCW”) can have something to be smug about–in the unlikely event that they, and this notice, survive the fires, and anybody can still read.

The ARCW has already been started by the superstitious. They call it a “civil war of values.” The shooting has already started. They call that “protecting innocent life.” The purpose of the war is to overthrow science and constitutional democracy and to replace them with the Bronze Age myths and laws of ancient Iraq that became preserved in a collection of writings known, in translation, as “The Holy Bible.” They regard this undertaking as “bringing America back to God.” Loyal Americans should regard it as treason.

The effects of the stated ends of the traitors include: harming children by not teaching them about human sexuality; harming adults by irrationally circumscribing consensual sexual and reproductive freedom; harming democracy by imposing laws enforcing mythological interpretations of a supernatural being’s will; harming civilization by preventing inquiry and suppressing evidence that disproves the myths; harming human development by teaching that humans have a duty to live for some superstitious spiritual world rather than for the world of flesh in which they happen to exist. The traitors do not view their teachings or methods as harmful, but neither did their pious ancestors who beat children and burned women alive for their own good.

The fanatics have declared war on reason and human progress. They have done this because they suffer from fundamental misunderstandings of the nature of American democracy and of the Bible.

History tells lies. It is important to understand this to understand the ARCW. A particularly harmful lie is that the United States of America was founded as a Christian nation. The traitors truly believe this because it has been taught them since they colored pilgrims with crayons in church nursery school while their parents were in the sanctuary learning to be more judgmental. As the young bigots grew into adultery(sic), they accepted this teaching uncritically, just as they accepted that everything in the bible is true, and that science is wrong, if not evil, when it proves that humans have evolved from non-human life forms. The traitors should, in fairness, be permitted to prove the intensity of this mental abuse in their defense at the ARCW war crimes trials.

America was not established as a Christian nation. To the contrary, it was intentionally set up as a godless nation. That’s why no god or religion of any kind is mentioned in our Constitution. This was so important that it was memorialized in the first words of the first amendment to our Constitution, to wit, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” The people who started this country knew what religious war and holy terror was, and they wanted to be very clear that America was a democracy set up under human law, not religious authority or rule. This was made exquisitely clear when, in a treaty with Tripoli, signed by President John Adams on June 10, 1797, the United Stated Senate unanimously declared, “…the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion.” That’s that, said the grammarian. People who don’t like the American way, and think church and state should not be separated, really ought to move to Serbia where they can kill and rape non-believers with impunity.

The traitors who push the ARCW think they are doing god’s will by trying to force their sacred texts and prejudices on those who want to dance to other celestial music or simply stay home Sunday mornings and brush the cat. Before our Constitution, several states made criminals of people who didn’t attend the right church, or, whisper the thought, did not attend holy services at all. Some very wise people made us a nation where it is legal to stay home with the cat. If we want to keep it that way, it is necessary to win the ARCW.

As the believers, who think the fault is in the stars and not in themselves, are waging the ARCW on many fronts, thus on many fronts must freedom be defended. Particularly valuable allies can be found among Christians who find attempts to force their foot into someone else’s shoe offensive. After all, if the existence and will of any god were clearly known, there would be no need for faith or debate. No one seriously doubts that objects fall down if dropped, but there is murderous dispute over beliefs that cannot be proved as convincingly as gravity.

This is a wake up call. Don’t press the snooze alarm. The barbarians are at the gates, and, because they encourage breeding beyond the ability of the breeders to house, feed, and educate the breedees, violence and social disorganization continue. As the most Christian nation on earth watches its civilization dissolve like a Dove bar fallen off of that ark, attempts to enforce irrational superstitious solutions will accelerate. That Branch Davidian thing was a sample. Lots of other messiahs are waiting. Maybe we can have court ordered Branch Davidian Social Services counseling for people who won’t share their wives with god’s anointed. Maybe courts can acquit murderers if they believe god’s finger was on their trigger. Maybe the barbarians will actually succeed in assuring that books, pictures, ideas, doctors, judges and military commanders share their vision. Then we will have a lot of interesting tribal warfare. One useful defense will be humanistic hermeneutics.

“Hermeneutics” is a fancy word for biblical interpretation. When religious types want to make something simple sound holy and mysterious, they often give it an important sounding high falutin’ name. This practice contrasts sharply with the usage of secular humanists, who, in explaining their views, employ simple words, that fall trippingly from the tongue, like “eupraxophy.”

Hermeneutics can be an important weapon to use against religious fanatics in the coming ARCW. The hard core nut cases– those who would control every aspect of our lives by forcing us to accept their understanding of the will of their god–tend to share certain operational assumptions. These include the belief that:

1) Every word of the bible is true.

2) The English translation of the bible authorized by King James the First of England, completed in 1611, Common Era, is the only fully acceptable, authoritative, and inspired-by-god translation of holy scripture. This translation is accurate in every respect, including punctuation marks.

3) The bible is the basis of all morality. Without it there can be no morality.

4) The United States of America was established, and should be governed, according to biblical principles.

5) The bible is without error.

6) No part of the bible is in conflict with, or contradictory to, any other part.

7) Hermeneutics can be used to clarify and explain those truths of god in the bible that might appear, to finite minds, to be in conflict. The goal of hermeneutics is to reconcile all portions of the word of god (the bible) into a seamless, complete, infallible, and final statement of all past and future history (the latter is called “prophecy”), of divine law, and of how humans should behave and understand morality. The bible, properly interpreted, is the final word on everything.

Ignorance, while regrettable, can lead to some interesting discussions. As an example of how hermeneutics works, one gospel tells us Judas hanged himself after betraying Jesus. Another gospel says Judas threw himself off a cliff. Proper interpretation, guided by the holy spirit, reveals this to mean Judas hanged himself over a cliff. Then the rope, or branch, broke, and Judas fell down the cliff. If the author of the “Song of Solomon” in the bible appears to drool over a woman’s breasts, this is not to be understood in some sexual sense that would keep the bible out of family friendly libraries, but rather as a poetic metaphor of Christ’s love for his church. See, it’s really quite simple.
Fanatics feel that only the godless and the immoral could possibly understand the bible as a collection of diverse literary myths, sexy stories, primitive laws, and biased histories, unconnected in their presentation, and unworthy of belief in their totality. Such true believers are quite satisfied with the famous refutation of reason of the early Christian church, “I believe it because it is absurd.”

The problem is that they are not content to believe what they want and let others believe, or not believe, as they choose. The ARCW they have declared has the avowed purpose of making our democracy one nation under their idea of god. This is treason in its purest and most virulent form.

America was not founded on biblical principles. There is nothing in the bible about democracy. Democracy was invented in Greece, some five hundred years before Jesus. It was overwhelmed for centuries in religious bloodbaths of kings and emperors, and, with minor exceptions, disappeared from human affairs until it was rediscovered and memorialized in the Constitution of the United States of America. To insure that dictators and priests would be kept forever at bay, after much debate, our Constitution was consciously created as a godless document that established a wholly secular state. Love it or leave it.

The religious fanatics who are traitors to our way of life must be stopped before their
un-American attempts to replace our democracy with their mythology causes the ARCW to become a shooting war. Using their principles of hermeneutics, their own book can become a powerful weapon against them in ways reasonable people (including most Christians) can understand.

The bible contains a relatively limited vocabulary when compared with the great contemporary literary works of Greek and Roman writers. The style is also awkward by comparison. One might argue the a work dictated by god should be expected to be better than the writings of heathens, but, alas, it is not. There are no original ideas or thoughts in the bible. Much of it is plagiarized from Egyptian and Babylonian sources. There is little that passes for morality as we understand it. Slavery is condoned, as is the murder of children of non-believers; a rebellious son should be stoned to death, and women are to be totally subjugated to men. A man could have many wives in the Old Testament. If it is argued that the New Testament created a “new covenant” wherein only one wife is permitted, we might wonder if the changeless god changed his mind. If so, how can every word of the Old Testament be taken as the will of god?

From a search of the sacred text itself, using a computerized King James Bible, available in Christian bookstores, we discover that the following words do not appear in the bible: cooperate; cooperation; moral; traditional; values; rational; rights; morals; independence; congress; compromise; progress; republic; republican; democrat; democracy; insight; morality; jury; vote; test; due process; consequences; coincidence; parliament; majority; minority; constitution; achievement; aspire; human; invention; explore; discovery; humanity; humanism; university; universe; homosexual; fairness; harmony; treaty; logic; sexuality; abort; abortion; fetus; poet; poetry; artist; creativity.

If the bible is the foundation of morality and our way of life, we are in serious trouble indeed. If the ARCW is lost, we will have no need for those omitted words.

Edwin Kagin
August, 1995

(permission is given for non-profit reproduction or quoting. If you make money on this, I want some of it) Edwin.

Bible Classes in Kentucky Public Schools


Tonight – Friday, February 26, 2010 — Cincinnati

Edwin Kagin, National Legal Director for American Atheists, will be on a
T.V. news program this evening discussing the legislation in Kentucky to
provide for teaching the Bible in public schools.

WHO & WHAT: Edwin Kagin, National Legal Director for American Atheists on legislation in Kentucky to
provide for teaching the Bible in public schools.

WHEN: Friday, February 26, 2010. 6:00 pm. Eastern.

WHERE: Channel 12 T.V. in Cincinnati, Ohio ( )
After about 6:30 pm. Eastern, the show should be archived, and available

MORE INFO plus Archive:

(AMERICAN ATHEISTS is a nationwide movement that defends civil rights for Atheists, Freethinkers and other nonbelievers; works for the total separation of church and state; and addresses issues of First Amendment public policy.)

For Helen

For Helen

I am on the waiting list for death
Behind so many friends who jumped the line.
Now you, bad girl, have pushed ahead,
Leaving your once happy flesh
For something neither understood nor known,
At least by me,
Who will, in time, be where you are,
If anywhere.
Forgive me for any unkindness I have done
As I forgive you
For causing me to now so deeply grieve.


Edwin Kagin
February 19, 2010

Helen Kagin Is Dead

Helen Kagin Is Dead.

Helen Kagin, my wife, and co-founder of Camp Quest, was pronounced dead at 6:55 pm. today, Wednesday, February 17, 2010, at Christ Hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Helen underwent surgery for lung cancer on January 7, 2010 and never left the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). In conformity with her Living Will, and the opinions expressed to us by six physicians who strongly concurred, her daughter Caroline Good and I agreed that dialysis not be started when she went into renal failure. Helen had been on oxygen for some time, her lungs leaked air, she had developed fungal pneumonia, and systemic sepsis, her body had stopped making red blood cells, and she had suffered multiple systems failures that were incompatible with life. She had been unconscious for days. I know for a certainty that if she had decision making capacity, Helen would not have wanted to live on a ventilator and dialysis. Surrounded by family members, the ventilator was withdrawn and the life force that had been Helen departed within minutes. And she was dead.

Helen was born Helen McGregor Smith in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada on January 31, 1934. She attended Medical school at the University of Saskatchewan and came to Christ Hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio as an Intern. She did her residence there, was employed as an anaesthesiologist there, worked there until she retired, and she died there today. She was 76 years old. We celebrated her 76th Birthday in the ICU, but we do not know if she was aware of the signs, the cards, and the well wishers.

Helen was an accomplished athlete. She was a figure skater, an ice dancer, a hockey player, a softball player, a swimmer, a fencer, and a superb human being. She loved the Winter Olympics, and it is fitting indeed that she died during the Winter Olympics now being held in Canada.

Today is Ash Wednesday. Today is also the anniversary of the death of Freethought hero Giordano Bruno in 1600. Helen never did Ash Wednesday, and her death was far more gentle than that of Bruno.

Helen’s body is now an empty shell, and it will be treated as such. The body will be picked up tomorrow by a funeral home and immediately cremated. The ashes will be given to her daughter Caroline, who has proved her very substantial character during these past few weeks. A celebration of Helen’s remarkable life will be announced later.

And what a life it was! I am honored to have shared it with her for twenty-five years. She will be missed beyond my ability to say. She was the finest human being I have ever known.

If you would honor her accomplishments and memory, do not send flowers; do not send money to some charity.

Help send a kid to Camp Quest.

Edwin Kagin

Edwin Kagin Talk At Syracuse Canceled



The talk by American Atheists National Legal Director Edwin Kagin at Syracuse University (Thursday, 2/18) has been canceled. We’ll let you know about any re-scheduled event.

(AMERICAN ATHEISTS is a nationwide movement that defends civil rights for Atheists, Freethinkers and other nonbelievers; works for the total separation of church and state; and addresses issues of First Amendment public policy.)



“Atheism, Blasphemy and the
American Religious Civil War”

EDWIN KAGIN, National Legal Director for American Atheists will speak this Thursday, Feb. 18, 2010 to the “Atheists, Agnostics and Freethnkers Alliance” ( ) at Syracuse University.

Kagin will talk on: “Atheism, Blasphemy and the American Religious Civil War.” The gathering begins at 7:00 PM at the Maxwell Auditorium, inside Maxwall Hall, 110 Crouse Dr., Syracuse, NY, and is open to the public.

Copies of Edwin’s books, “Baubles of Blasphemy,” and his co-authored book, “The Fundamentals of Extremism” will be offered for sale and signing.

WHO & WHAT: EDWIN KAGIN, National Legal Director for American Atheists speaking on “Atheism, Blasphemy and the American Religious Civil War.”

WHEN: This Thursday, Feb. 18, 2010 at 7:00 PM

WHERE: Syracuse University, Maxwell Auditorium, inside Maxwall Hall, 110 Crouse Dr., Syracuse, NY

MORE INFO: “Atheists, Agnostics and Freethnkers Alliance” ( ) at Syracuse University

(AMERICAN ATHEISTS is a nationwide movement that defends civil rights for Atheists, Freethinkers and other nonbelievers; works for the total separation of church and state; and addresses issues of First Amendment public policy.)

Annoucnement. Edwin Kagin Speaks at Syracuse

Edwin Kagin, National Legal Director for American Atheists, and
internationally published author, will speak to the “Agnostics and
Freethinkers Alliance” of Syracuse University on Thursday, February
18th. at 7:00 pm.

The talk, “Atheism, Blasphemy, and the American Religious Civil War,”
combining the serious and the humorous, the sacred and the profane, will
be held at:

Maxwell Auditorium, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York.
Maxwell Auditorium is located inside Maxwell Hall, on the Syracuse
University campus hill, at 110 Crouse Dr, Syracuse, New York, 13244.

Copies of Edwin’s book “Baubles of Blasphemy, 2nd Edition,” and his
co-authored book, “The Fundamentals of Extremism. The Religious Right in
America,” will be offered for sale and signing.

Is Your Religious Discrimination Workshop Discriminating Against Atheists?

Mr. Sexton,

Unless you and your religious panelists would be comfortable with an
Atheist “representing” Christian viewpoints, I respectfully request that
you have an Atheist on your panel to represent the views of non-theists,
who together comprise the largest single block of citizens of our

We understand that, although at least two highly qualified Atheists have
offered to participate, no real live Atheist has been favored with a
seat at your table.

If, in your “Religious Discrimination Workshop” to be held in Lexington,
Kentucky on February 25, 2010, it is your intent to show how religious
persons can continue to suppress Atheists and get away with it, be
assured that American Atheists will let this be known to funding and
regulatory authorities who still respect separation of state and church
in our country.

This message to you will be widely published.

In the sincere hope that there is actually an attempt being made in
Lexington, Kentucky to end religious discrimination, and not to further
it, I am


Edwin Kagin
National Legal Director
American Atheists, Inc.
Phone: (859) 384-7000
Fax: (859) 384-7324


Lexington Human Rights Commission
Religious Discrimination Workshop:

Thursday, February 25, 2010
Hilton Lexington/Downtown
369 West Vine Street
Lexington, Kentucky
$45.00 per person
Registration: 8:30 am
Continental Breakfast served
Workshop 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

*Registration and fee due February 12th (per brochure form or via
contact with the HRC, attention Tami Reed, at or (859)
252-4931. Further questions can be directed to Ray Sexton,
[email protected] )

Workshop description:

Employers are generally familiar with the protocol for handling sex or
racial discrimination and harassment claims. But what happens when an
employee complains that the employee in the next cubicle is
proselytizing to other employees? Or when an employee demands
accommodation for prayer time, the Sabbath, or …an objection to
handling pork or alcohol? And what if an employee objects to your
appearance code because she is a member of the Church of Body

Although the wide range of possible religious discrimination and
accommodation claims may seem overwhelming, the protocol for handling
each doesn’t have to be. Our presentation will walk you through Title
VII’s basic requirements, the elements of a religious discrimination
claim – including specifically what constitutes a “bona fide” religious
belief – and how to determine whether, and what, accommodations are

Speaker – Kenneth Brown, Senior Trial Lawyer, EEOC Louisville Area

Kenneth W. Brown is the Senior Trial Attorney with the Louisville Area
Office of the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
His practice concentrates on litigating claims under Title VII of the
Civil Rights Act, the Equal Pay Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act
and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act. Mr. Brown is also an
Adjunct Professor of Law at the University of Louisville’s Trial
Practice. From 1996 to 2001, mr. Brown was a member of the Tort and
Insurance Group for the law firm of Wyattt, Tarrant and Combs in
Louisville. He is a member of the Louisville and American Bar
Associations and he is the immediate past President of the Louisville
Black Lawyers Association. Mr. Brown received his B.S.B.A Degree (high
honors) from the University of Louisville School of Business in 1993
where he was named a WallStreet Journal Outstanding Student, and his
J.D. Degree from the University of Louisville School of Law in 1996.

Moderator/Faciliator – Tracey Dennis


Rabbi Marc Kline
Jenny Sutton-Amr
Larry Johnson


Biby Tinajero, Chair
Tracey Dennis, Vice Chair
Eli Mertens, Secretary
Beth Hartmann, Treasurer

J. Scott Benton
Chris Ford
Rabbi Marc Kline
Lindsay Mattingly
Dr. Nadia Rasheed
Melanie Tyner-Wilson


To: Medical, Administrative, and Support Staff of Christ Hospital.
From: Edwin Kagin, husband of Helen Kagin.

Please consider this FORMAL NOTICE that Helen Kagin is an Atheist.

I am an Atheist and National Legal Director for American Atheists.

It has come to my attention that Helen has been subjected (or may be so subjected) to unrequested and unwanted gratuitous religious “god talk” by certain personnel of Christ Hospital.

It is my belief that Helen has been receiving the finest medical care available since her surgery on January 7, 2010, and for that we are extremely grateful.

However, the intrusion of anyone’s religious beliefs into her treatment at Christ Hospital is offensive, unacceptable, and will not be tolerated, no matter how much those offending persons may think such behavior is necessary, proper, and well motivated.

Demand is hereby made that all such officious intermeddling stop immediately.

I will aggressively pursue all available lawful actions against the employment and licensing of anyone who violates this request.

Thank you again for the wonderful medical care being provided to Helen.

Edwin Kagin
Husband of Helen Kagin

National Legal Director
American Atheists, Inc.



For more information, please contact:
Ed Buckner, President 908-499-9200 (cell) or 770-803-5353 (office/fax)
Dave Silverman, Communications Director 732-648-9333
Kathleen Johnson, Vice President and Military Director 318-542-1019


An Atheist public policy group said today that rifle sights marked with
a secret “Jesus Bible Code” may provide Islamic extremists with a
powerful propaganda tool and egregiously and dangerously violate the
separation of church and state.

According to a report on ABC News, a Michigan-based company, Trijicon,
has a $600 million contract to provide U.S. forces with 800,000 of the
rifle sights which are being used in Afghanistan and Iraq. The sights
are marked with citations from the Bible, including one that declares
that Jesus is “the light of the world.”

Dr. Ed Buckner, President of American Atheists, said that he fears
Islamic terrorists may take full advantage of “a major blunder that
seriously risks efforts to reach out to people in Muslim countries
threatened by groups like the Taliban and al-Qaeda.”

“Part of the U.S. message abroad should emphasize the core American
value of secular government and respect for individual religious liberty
— and instead the U.S. military is promoting Christianity, literally
with the barrel of a gun. We call on President Barack Obama to repudiate
this effort immediately.”

Kathleen Johnson, Vice President and Military Director for American
Atheists, said that the religious inscriptions “clearly violate the
First Amendment and the U.S. Constitution, as well as armed forces
regulations against promoting sectarian religion.”

“We are not going to enjoy much success in trying to achieve ‘nation
building’ and self-sufficiency for democratic governments in countries
like Iraq and Afghanistan if our troops are seen as modern-day
‘Crusaders’ out to impose Christian fundamentalism,” said Johnson. She
urged the Pentagon and Congress to open an immediate inquiry into how
Trijicon won the lucrative contract and if military brass were aware of
the Biblical citations on the gun sights.

“These rifle sights should be phased out of use as quickly as possible,”
added Johnson. “The mission of the U.S. military cannot include
proselytizing for Christianity or any other religion.”

AMERICAN ATHEISTS is a nationwide movement that defends civil rights for
Atheists; works for the total separation of church and state; and
addresses issues of First
Amendment public policy.

American Atheists, Inc.
PO BOX 158
Cranford, NJ 07016
Tel.: (908) 276-7300
Fax: (908) 276-7402