They Can Wait: Let’s get our priorities in order

In British Columbia during the last week, four catholic churches imposed on First Nations land have been burnt down, two of them on Monday or Tuesday, and two more on Saturday.  This, after the doors of a catholic cathedral in Saskatchewan were painted with hands and the words “WE WERE CHILDREN”.

I won’t condone or condemn the arsons or “vandalism” in Saskastchewan.  But I have no patience for anyone who views “property damage” as a priority for investigation.  I have no patience for anyone who views a victimless “crimes” as more important than the identification and naming of a thousand dead (and probably murdered) children.  Buried in mass graves, the families were likely never told that their children died, let alone when or false claims of how.

Worse yet, the catholic cult committed a crime by removing the headstones of the graves, to prevent identification.  They wanted not only to cover up their crimes but to take away those children’s names and make them unidentifiable.

From The Guardian, June 22:

Two Catholic churches destroyed by fire on First Nations reserves in Canada

Two Catholic churches on First Nations reserves in western Canada have been destroyed by overnight fires that investigators are treating as suspicious.

Early Monday morning, fires consumed both the Sacred Heart church, on territory of the Penticton Indian Band and the St Gregory’s church, on the territory of the Osoyoos Indian Band. Both churches, constructed largely of wood, were more than a century old.

The fires, which occurred hours apart, happened on National Indigenous Peoples Day – and come nearly a month after the Tk’emlups te Secwepemc First Nation found what they believe are the remains of 215 children in unmarked graves at the site of a former residential school.

From CBC, June 26:

2 more Catholic churches burned down in B.C.’s Interior

Two more Catholic churches on reserves in British Columbia’s southern Interior burned down Saturday morning.

Lower Similkameen Indian Band Chief Keith Crow says he received a call at about 4 a.m. PT that the Chopaka church was on fire. By time he arrived about 30 minutes later, it had burned to the ground.

[. . .]

Grand Chief Stewart Phillip, president of the Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs, previously told CBC News there are “mixed emotions” about the Catholic Church among Penticton Indian Band members.

Phillip said some members of the community have “an intense hatred for the Catholic Church in regard to the residential school experience.”

751 dead is likely a fraction of the real number.  The catholic cult held sway and controlled not just the “residential schools” but also the entire public school system in some provinces.

Dustbin Trudeau is issuing mealy mouthed apologies to avoid any meaningful action on this (e.g. raiding the cult’s offices, seizing documents, properties and bank accounts)The cult has previously stolen money intended for victims of its abuses.  And it was Dustbin’s previous majority government that intentionally (it wasn’t an “error” or “misstep”) let the catholic cult off from ever paying reparations to First Nations people.

Legal misstep lets Catholic Church off hook for residential schools compensation

The landmark settlement agreement required 50 Catholic groups that ran the schools, known in court documents as the Catholic entities, to pay a combined $79-million for their role in the abuse.

Of that, $29-million was to be paid in cash, most of which was to flow to a now-closed Aboriginal Healing Foundation. Another $25-million was to be donated in unspecified “in kind” services. And an additional $25-million was to be raised for healing programs through the “best efforts” that the entities could make at fundraising.

In an attempt to make the Catholic Church pay the full amount of the $29-million cash settlement, the government inadvertently released it from any obligation it might have had to continue with a dismal fundraising campaign.

“When you have a deal, it needs to be implemented,” said Bill Erasmus, the National Chief of the Dene Nation who handles the residential schools file for the Assembly of First Nations. “So the Church should be paying up. The church agreed there were harms. That’s why people were to be compensated.”

But, as of last summer, the Catholic entities were legally off the hook.

In a March 19 letter to Ron Kidd, a concerned citizen from British Columbia who has been following this case, Andrew Saranchuk, an assistant deputy minister within the Indigenous Affairs department, explained that a court settlement reached on July 16, 2015 “released the Catholic entities from all three of their financial obligations under the settlement agreement, including the ‘best efforts’ fundraising campaign, in exchange for a repayment of $1.2-million in administrative fees.”

This wasn’t incompetence, it was complicity.  Dustbin Trudeau is a catholic cultist himself.