For the love of hell, do not look at any news today.  In other sad things, David Lynch has passed away, and I had one thought on that.  And if you want to read this novel from the beginning, see this article, read it, and hit the next button until you see more entries.  Meanwhile…

The wave of destruction in the astrocielo had fully run its course, and the Celestial Hierarchy had formed ranks to restore order.  Usael was still spinning slowly, but not dangerously, and could be used as a base for the reestablished angelic host.  The spirit world of Dio 6 was already on a path to rebirth, restoration.  But what would that be without Michael in the sky?

Pontiff-Regent Michael spent his time learning as much as he needed to administer the state.  Primarily, it was the broad strokes about what the papacy even directly controlled, and which cardinal or official would be the best appointee to perform the duties for him.  But there were a few responsibilities that cold not be delegated.

He presided over one mass every day, and a high mass once every seven days.  This felt like a distraction from his most vital work, but it was also a moment of peace, an affirmation of his own faith, and he came to appreciate that – as much as the people were enthralled with having a high angel preach to them.

It also could be used as a way to get his thoughts out to the Stars of Weal, without having to specially record papal transmissions.  The news bureau could just use recordings of those masses, followed up with official statements from the College of Cardinals, clarifying any points that might be muddled.

They didn’t like having to clean up after a reckless speaker, but at least his principles lined up well with their needs.  This was about righting a grievous wrong, and restoring Heaven and the worlds to their proper order.

And this left him enough time to pursue his greatest interest – understanding the assassins.  If he could understand them, he would know how to prevent anything like that from happening in the future, and know how to most properly dispose of them – dispense the most perfect justice that he, as a lesser creature than God, could create.

There were so many odd lessons along the way.  What was a university?  What were the differing thoughts on politics, which would lead some students to radicalism?  How had he never noticed that heresies and dissenting ideas still existed, from his place in the stars?  Omniscience wasn’t what it used to be.

There was the parade.  Everyone the assassins had ever known was interviewed and interrogated exhaustively.  By the end of it all, he knew what ages they had graduated from potty-training, what breakfast foods they liked, and what words they spelled incorrectly on standardized tests.  Christina was always the most interesting to find out about, but the answers never added up to the person in his captivity.  How could one such as she have come from such simple origins?

And there was an irritant that kept coming up: the one that got away.  Investigation concluded that they had brought a fifth assassin with them to the Walled City – and that one had escaped the planet.  It was the murderous iconoclast they had broken out of prison on Corazon 2.  It was hard to get coherent statements from the assassins on her.  Xihuani seemed terrified of her, Zochino blamed her for tempting him into the assassination plot, Jorge associated her in his mind with the Mandate of Heaven but was unclear on why, and Christina was just unimpressed, thought of Blasfemia as a country bumpkin.

Christina’s opinion held the most weight with Michael, and he decided this Blasfemia must not have wielded the blade.  That could only have been Christina herself.  Yet Blasfemia was all the guard could talk about!  She had made some terrible display of herself on the tele, and tele carried more weight with the people than the life that was right in front of them.  Michael was terribly annoyed with it all.

God was, of course, on their side.  Exhaustive investigation had revealed she escaped in an astronave called the Leveret, and the College of Divination bent their best minds toward tracking that ship through time and space.  It would be found, and until then, all Michael had to do was wave off the pests when they came buzzing.

There was another issue shadowing his powerful mind.  Ever since the first day he had seen the assassins in the cathedral, he had not allowed himself to see them again.  The feeling that he had experienced that day, it had shaken him.  It was not the assassins that he feared, but the feeling itself.  Something within him would spark, would make him lose control of his psychic energy, and he did not know what would happen at that point.

At first it was just a sensible precaution, then it grew to be a great weight in his mind.  The only way to get over the fear was to just see them again – to have them brought before him, or to go to them in person – but what if the risk proved true?  At last, he realized that there was a way to handle that.  His power could be constrained by means other than his own willpower.  If he could simply limit his own power, the only consequences would be in his heart and mind.  Those he could surely handle.

And so Michael contrived a lamen to be worn upon his chest, beneath his cassock, imbued by powerful ideals with the enchantment to restrict his perceptions and powers to within his own corpus.  While wearing it, he could not extend his influence over others, which should prevent any damage to hapless bystanders, should his control slip.  The first time he tried it on, he was disappointed to find that everybody looked at him differently.  How much of their devotion came from his angelic aura?  He removed it, until next he was able to devise a way of limiting that talisman’s power over him.  A simple prayer strip could be adhered to it with consecrated wax, and easily removed when he wanted his powers suppressed.

Thus armored for spiritual battle, he went to face the one that inspired the most intense feelings in his young heart.  He flew to the hospital under the cover of night, that he would not draw a crowd there, and stole within.  The first guards that he encountered fell under his glamer and quickly took him precisely where he wanted to be.

Christina’s hospital cell was always dark.  The drugs destroyed her sense of time.  Was it day or night?  The only way to guess was how tired the attendants looked.  The window had been covered at first by simple screens, but those has since been replaced with a heavy sheet of metal carved to fit just right, bolted and welded in place so that none could get out any more than the light could get in.  The screens were still in the room, shielding various medical equipment from her eyes, glowing from wherever artificial lights touched them.  It was like being surrounded by flat ghosts.

At the door, something came over the paper doll string of guards.  Were they subtly changing, transforming?  No.  They were trembling. But their bodies stilled once more as they made way for a new arrival.

It was a pontiff!  So tall and young.  And winged?

“No.  No, no, no!  You can’t be an angel!  We killed you!”  With his powers gone, she was barely visible to him, beneath bandages and hair and tubes – she was just some thrashing pile of nothing.  Not right.

He approached her carefully, folding his wings back, arms low at his side.  “I am not the true Pontiff, though I hold his office until a proper man may be elevated.  It is true that you slew him, Christina, and his soul shall not be seen again until the End of Days.”

He could see her a little better then, leaning as close as he dared, lest his feelings return in power.  She was still slowly shaking her head, trembling.  Was it fear or disgust?  Michael felt ugly then.

Christina said, “Why are they hiring angels for this kind of gig now?  What are you, a church spirit?  Patron of the guards?  Where’d they dig you up, creep?”  Tears rolled down her cheeks.

He felt a stir of anger and stood to his full height.  “Know you that I am Michael, the Angel of God, a direct servant of your Almighty Lord.  Your sin brought me to land.  Your crime.  I merely respond to your invitation, fair Christina.”

She stopped shaking her head and looked at him with strange eyes, as if he was a dog with three heads.  “That can’t be true.  You’re up there, sleeping over the world, with your nasty dick out.”

“I walk the earth now!”  He clasped one hand over his heart and gestured desperately in the direction of the temple.  “I walk the marble tiles of that basilica, that has become the true pontiff’s sepulcher, because you made it thus!”  He came closer, not quite there, hands reaching like claws.  “Do you understand now, child?”

“Why?  Why couldn’t it be God?”

Michael remembered then her desire.  He remembered what she had done, when presented with the image of God Almighty –  reaching with fingers of unbridled malice for his sweet throat, closing hands around his neck even though they burn.  He again clutched at his heart, and knocked over screens with as sweep of the wing.

She asked, “Why are you such a drama queen?  You’re acting like a cheap tele star, bitch.”

Again, anger.  He flew to the bed and gripped the rails with his might hands, lowering his face until he could see her so close, so clearly.  His breath was hot on her cheeks.  “You mortals and your tele!  Can you not feel a thing?  Have you no heart in your chest, thou whore of the devil?!”

Christina had so often in life just reacted mindlessly to what was in front of her, used a disrespectful tongue that was faster than the leading edge of her mind.  But the reality of this monster was suddenly upon her, larger than life.  This was one of them – an angel.  It believed it was a servant of the creator of the Universe, did not realize that it was created or corrupted from its natural state by the beliefs of humans.  Essentially, it was an insane animal, with power to burn her to ash if it sneezed.

She smiled sheepishly.  “I believe.  I do.  Have mercy?  Please tell me that you have a heart!”

Michael could see her falsity, her contempt, her fear.  Why, oh why, did those poisonous traits lie behind a face so fair?  Even with all her makeup washed away, with black hair coming in beneath her heavenly white crown, countenance twisted with barely controlled mortal terror, with hatred, she was amazing.

Everything Michael had known as beauty before this, it was all statuary.  Marble edifice.  Light for light’s sake.  She was a creation divine, quickened flesh, tender and vivid, over pearly white bone.  Her eyes were the plain jelid orbs of a beast, rimmed in red, jagged black lashes like spider legs – but in that, somehow, a fascination he could scarcely comprehend.

His expression of anger softened.  He felt as if his face would fall from his body, rain down upon her, and his bones would just roll away, collapse at her feet.

And then he withdrew, like a frightened cat, fleeing the room.  On his way out the door, a feather came loose from his wings, and landed on the black and white tiles below.

The paper dolls folded back into their gate formation, and only by the sight of that feather could Christina know that what she had seen was not a dream.


Michael flew to the palace, to the balcony, and to the relative privacy of his bedroom.  There he stopped in front of a full-length mirror, seeing himself as he seldom did.  What did this appearance inspire in Christina and why did he care?  He looked haunted.  It occurred to him that he didn’t know if the lamen was even working, and he pulled madly at the cassock until he could see it.  Yes, it was still there, slightly crusted with wax from the seal he had removed.

He reached for the chain, to remove it, but hesitated.  Was he in a good state to be without its protection?  Still, he felt he needed his powers just to focus on the matter at hand.  He called for a guard, and issued the order to have the palace cleared of anyone who might be susceptible to damage from his feelings.

The great angel meditated all through the night, putting his thoughts into order.  In the morning as he was headed to mass, a highly ranked guard brought him news.  The Leveret had been traced to a Heathen World, of course.  They had dared the Wall of Ice!  Fear makes the weak do strange things.

“What manner of security do we have at the Wall of Ice?  What forces?”

“The Wall is manned by few men.  More of autoesclavos, and many more of beasts.”

“Animals, in the astrocielo?”

“Monsters.  The Soldiers of Ice call them hellhounds.”

“Send these hellhounds to Borland 1, and let them know fear.  Watch for the Leveret to flee, and capture it if it does.  If it does not for a fortnight, send men to take this Blasfemia, and any who collaborate with her.”

“Yes, Pontiff-Regent.  It will be done.”

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